
An UAD Student is Trusted to be Google’s DSC Leader

Niken Wulandari, a student of Information System study program of Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA), Universitas Ahmad Dahlan (UAD) gained trust from Google as a part of Lead for Developer Student Clubs (DSC) in UAD.

This success is thanks to her hard work in the field of information system technology. From her explanation, DSC is a Google developer program for university students designed to help them learn about mobile and web apps development skills. The DSC program is open to all students, from beginner to advanced developers looking to improve their skills.

Because of her achievement, Niken, a student from Magelang, Central Java who is currently in her sixth semester, got the opportunity to participate in DSC Leader Summit 2018 which was held in Denpasar, Bali, in March 2018.

"DSC is meant to be a means for students to learn and collaborate to solve mobile and web development issues," Niken said when interviewed on Friday (20/4/2018).

For her, the activities done in DSC are very exciting because it is a gathering event for Google employees and developers from various countries to discuss and exchange ideas. The focus of DSC activities includes seminars and workshops on web apps development, android apps development, machine learning, Google Cloud platform advanced skills, and leadership.

Currently, Niken's main task as a DSC Leader is to form a core-team and to organize activities that support the development of student skills in web development and mobile applications.

"The core-team of DSC UAD is open to any UAD students who are interested in managing sharing events to improve their application development capabilities," she said. (ard)