Lecturers Must Have Awareness to Write, Why?
A lecturer of Indonesian Language Education (PBSI), Dr. Rina Ratih exclaims that in order to live a more meaningful life, one needs to write.
"A good lecturer should write because it will be a good example for the students. In addition, writing is a form of expression," said Rina when interviewed at campus 4 of Universitas Ahmad Dahlan (UAD) on Tuesday (15/05/2018).
Unfortunately, not many lecturers are aware of this. The commitment to always be istiqomah (committed) in writing is very necessary. To do that, there needs to be an awareness of the importance of writing.
According to Rina, the quality of literacy in UAD, especially in PBSI Study Program, is good. Some lecturers have awareness to write and create something. Ideally, every lecturer must be like that. All this time, the first step taken by Rina to be a single and productive writer is to publish a work on her every birthday. It aims to motivate others to write as well, especially in PBSI of UAD.
Publishing a book is not an easy task while she is also busy with her job as a lecturer. The motivation of each of her writings comes from her awareness and commitment.
Starting from S1 (Bachelor’s Degree) to S3 (Doctorate Segree), Rina Ratih has produced numerous achievements. She graduated from IKIP Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (now UAD) in 1986. She then pursued her Master’s degree in Literature at the Faculty of Post-Graduate Cultural Sciences of Universitas Gadjah Mada with the cum laude title as the best graduate with a GPA of 4.0 in 2003. She is a model lecturer at Universitas Ahmad Dahlan and Kopertis Region V of DIY.
In 1987, Rina was appointed as a lecturer at UAD and has been working at the university until now. (Doc)