Universitas Ahmad Dahlan (UAD) is developed from the Institute of Teacher Training and Education (IKIP) Muhammadiyah of Yogyakarta. IKIP Muhammadiyah of Yogyakarta, as a higher education institution, is developed from the branch of FKIP Muhammadiyah of Jakarta in Yogyakarta, which was established on November 18th, 1960. FKIP Muhammadiyah was the continuation of BI Muhammadiyah course in Yogyakarta, which was established in 1957. At that time, BI course provided a number of majors, including Educational Sciences, Law Civics and Economics.
On December 19th, 1994 with the Decree (SK) of the Minister of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia Number: 102/D/0/1994, it was determined that IKIP Muhammadiyah of Yogyakarta was converted into Universitas Ahmad Dahlan.
1. Starting from FKIP Muhammadiyah
The Educational Sciences major of Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (FKIP) Muhammadiyah, whose students consisted mainly of teachers, had no problems with the raw input and continued to experience growth. After going through some guidance and struggle, the challenges faced at the time could be overcome. The government gave FKIP Muhammadiyah the status of “recognized” for the Bachelor’s Degree program in 1963 with the Decree of the Minister of Higher Education and Science Number: l06/A.63 on September 15th, 1963.
Furthermore, with intensive management, the institution obtained the highest status for private tertiary institutions, namely the status of “equalized” in 1966 for the Department of Educational Sciences with the Decree of the Deputy Minister of Higher Education Number 50 of 1966. With the acceptance of the “equalized” status, starting from 1966 FKIP Muhammadiyah opened a Doctoral Education program. A status request was submitted and an inspection took place. However, the status was not issued after a long period of time, resulting in obstacles and difficulties experienced by the Doctoral Education program.
It was only in 1979 that the Doctoral education program was opened and received “registered” status with the Decree of the Minister of Education and Culture Number: 029/0/1981. Starting in 1986, the Bachelor program of Educational Sciences and Doctoral program of Educational Sciences were integrated into a Bachelor Degree (S-1) education program with the status of “recognized” as a Curriculum and Educational Technology study program with the Decree of the Minister of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia Number: 0361/0/1986 on May 14th, 1986.
2. Being changed to IKIP Muhammadiyah
To adjust to the development of society, especially the standard of higher education institutions, in 1972 FKIP Muhammadiyah was renamed IKIP Muhammadiyah of Yogyakarta. The guidance and management to develop IKIP Muhammadiyah of Yogyakarta always sought to increase. In 1976, Master Development Plan or Rencana Induk Pengembangan (RIP) of IKIP Muhammadiyah of Yogyakarta for the period of 1976-1983 was formulated. Starting in 1978, new majors were opened for public. The opening and development of new departments and faculties are described as follows.
- Starting in the academic year of 1978/1979, Indonesian Language and Literature major of the Faculty of Teacher Training in Literature and Arts Teaching (FKSS) was opened. Because of the intensive training held at the time, it was immediately granted the status of “registered” with the Decree of the Minister of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia Number: 307/1981 on October 24th, 1981. In 1984, it participated in a state examination for the first time with satisfactory results. From 31 participants, 26 (83%) passed the test. Furthermore, in the academic year of 1981/1982, the English department was opened with D-3 and S-1 programs. The “registered” status was granted with the Decree of the Minister of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia Number: 0139/0/1984 on March 4th, 1984. In 1986, an adjustment was made for the admission schemes, levels and educational programs, so that the Indonesian Language and Literature department was entitled to use the “registered” status in accordance with Decree of the Minister of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia Number: 0361/0/1986 on May 14th, 1986.
- In the academic year of 1980/1981, the Faculty of Teacher Training and Exact Sciences (FKIE) was opened with a major in Mathematics. With intensive management, the faculty was granted with “registered” status with the Decree of the Minister of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia Number: 032/0/1982 on January 30th, 1982. The Mathematics major was then updated into Department of Mathematics and Mathematics Education Study Program. The “registered” status was obtained with a Decree of the Minister of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia Number: 0361/0/1986 on May 14th, 1986. Moreover, in accordance with RIP of 1984-1989 in the academic year of 1985/1986, the Department of Physics Education was opened and obtained an operating permit of Kopertis Region V Number: 0438/kop.V/D.2/XI/1987 on November 3rd, 1987. Henceforth, the faculty changed its name into Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FPMIPA).
- In order to develop the existing faculties, in the academic year of 1981/1982, a number of new majors were opened as follows.
- The Department of English Language and Literature within the scope of the Faculty of Language and Arts Education with the Decree of the Minister of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia Number: 0139/0/1984 on March 9th, 1984 and had the right to use the “registered” status in the implementation of S-1 and D-3 programs. In 1986, adjustments were made to admission schemes, levels and educational programs, so that the Decree of the Minister of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia Number: 0139/0/1984 on March 9th, 1984 was updated with the Decree of the Minister of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia Number: 0361/0/1986 on May 24th, 1986 with “registered” status.
- Department of Psychology Education and Guidance and Counselling Study Program within the scope of the Faculty of Education was opened with a Ministerial Decree Education and Culture Number: 0139/0/1984 dated March 9, 1984 the department received registered status for the S-1 and D-3 programs.
- In order to meet the needs for Pancasila Moral Education teachers in Muhammadiyah schools and public schools, in the academic year of 1984/1985, the Faculty of Education and Social Sciences (FPIPS) was opened with the Department of Moral Education in Pancasila and Citizenship (PMP-KN). With a steady educational and administrative process, a recommendation from Kopertis Region V Number: 0535/Kop.V/D.2/XI/86 was proposed to obtain “registered” status in 1986 and PMP-KN department received “registered” status with the Decree of the Minister of Education and Culture Number: 099/0/1987 on February 23rd, 1987.
3. Being changed to UAD
The pioneering of Universitas Ahmad Dahlan chronologically started with the idea of developing a university that was proposed informally by the Rector in late 1990. Through a speech at the Milad of IKIP Muhammadiyah of Yogyakarta on November 18th, 1991, the idea on the development received a positive response. The main basis for continuing with the development was the data result from a student interest survey to choose non-educational majors (63.7%), which was higher than educational majors (36.3%). In addition, the capacity of public universities (PTN) for high school graduates in the academic year of 1992/1993 for the S-0 and Polytechnic programs was less than 16%, and the S-1 program is estimated to be only 35%. Thus, it was concluded that there was a limited capacity for higher education. These conditions compelled Muhammadiyah higher education institutions to take a role in improving the situation.
Subsequently, the Preparatory Committee for the establishment Universitas Muhammadiyah K. H. Ahmad Dahlan (UMMIKA) was formed by the Board of Trustees through the Decree of Board of Trustees of IKIP Muhammadiyah of Yogyakarta Number: 05/SK/1992 on February 13th, 1992. On February 22nd, 1992, a consultation with Kopertis Region V was conducted by the Board of Trustees and Rector. The team of the feasibility study managed to make a report on the results of the feasibility study on May 14th, 1992, preceded by workshops for the preparation of three faculties namely the Faculty of Computer Engineering, Industrial Enginering and the Economics, which were held on February 22nd, 1992. The next stage was the organization of a meeting with the Director General of Higher Education in Jakarta on March 5-7, 1992, followed by a Working Meeting held on April 14-15, 1992 in Kaliurang, Yogyakarta.
From the Feasibility Study Report submitted to the Director General (Dirjen) of Higher Education, the name of Muhammadiyah was proposed to be changed because, according to the Director General, it was only possible to have one university with the same name in one city and even suggested to merge it with the Muhammadiyah University of Yogyakarta. Through various negotiations with various parties, finally on December 19, 1994 with the Decree of the Minister of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia Number: 102/D/0/1994, it was determined that IKIP Muhammadiyah of Yogyakarta would become Universitas Ahmad Dahlan.
4. Physical Development
In accordance with the development of faculties and departments, teaching and learning facilities and infrastructure also experience the following developments and changes.
- Since its establishment, FKIP as the development result of BI course, occupied a building at Jalan Sultan Agung 14, Yogyakarta (Muhammadiyah II Junior High School) as a place of study with afternoon classes until 1969.
- Starting in 1969, it was moved to a new building at Jalan Kapas No. 9, Yogyakarta which was shared with SD Muhammadiyah Sukonandi. The classes, which were initially held in the late afternoon or evening, were later changed to daytime.
- Starting in 1974, an independent building was built on a land area of 4,737 m2 located at Jalan Kapas 9 Yogyakarta (Campus 1) so that lectures could partially be held during the day.
- In the next development, due to the increasing number of students, the campus building located at Jalan Kapas 9, Yogyakarta was no longer used. Therefore, the land and buildings owned by SD PPBI at Jalan Pramuka 42, Sidik Yogyakarta were bought to build Campus 2 with the following details: Old Building with an area of 1,004 m2 and New Building with an area of 1,700 m2. On the area, some of the buildings were renovated and new buildings were built.
- The north wing of Campus 1 was expanded into two-storey building which was inaugurated by the Minister of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia together with the Rector of IKIP Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta, H. M. Wasil Aziz, S. H. on March 19th, 1982.
- In 1993, Campus 1 located at Jalan Kapas 9 Yogyakarta was developed and expanded to become three-storey building which was inaugurated on April 21st, 1995 by the Minister of Research and Technology of R.I. (at that time), Prof. Dr. Ing. B. J. Habibie with the following details: the Old Building with an area of 1,365 m2 and the New Building (Units A and B) with an area of 3,281 m2.
- Because the number of students that continually increased, in the academic year of 1997/1998, the building owned by IKIP of Yogyakarta, which was located at the north of Campus 1, was rented by UAD.
- The land with an area of 8,768 m2 located on Jalan Prof. Dr. Soepomo, Janturan Yogyakarta was used for Campus 3. The Phase I development of the North wing Unit A began in September 1999 and was completed and occupied by the Faculty of Industrial Engineering (FTI) starting in the Academic Year of 2000/2001. The Phase II development of the South West wing, which was occupied by the Faculty of Pharmacy, started in the Academic Year of 2001/2002. The front part of the building was occupied by FMIPA and FKM in the Academic Year of 2002/2003.
- The Integrated Laboratory in the South of Campus 3 was constructed and began functioning since January of 2003.
- In 2003, Campus 2 was built with four floors and one semi-floor basement. The building was used in September of 2004.
- In 2003, UAD Pharmacy was built on Jalan Cendana, and started functioning on August 16th, 2004.
- The purchase of land in South Ring Road covering an area of 20,000 m2 was made for the preparation of the construction of UAD Campus 4.
- In 2004, a new building was purchased at Jln. Kenari No.1 (East of Mandala Krida Stadium) for the activities of the Research and Development Institution (LPP), Community Service Institution (LPM) and Psychology Consultation Bureau.
- In 2005, Unit C building was utilized at Campus 3 of UAD, which was located on Jln. Prof. Dr. Soepomo, S.H. Janturan Yogyakarta.
- In 2009, an IT Center building was built in front of UAD Campus 1, on Jln. Kapas, Semaki,Yogyakarta, which was used as a training site for UAD students and other academicians, including IT training, English language training, etc.
- In 2010, RUSUNAWA (a modest flat for students to rent) of UAD which was aided by the Ministry of Housing of the Republic of Indonesia on the land of UAD and was located on Ring Road Selatan of Yogyakarta, was inaugurated and utilized.
- In early 2011, Unit D building was officially opened at UAD Campus 3 on Jln. Prof. Dr. Soepomo S.H., Janturan, Yogyakarta.
- The increasing public trust has implications for the increase in space requirements. Thus, on July 31st of 2012, UAD bought ABA YIPK campus at Jalan Ki Ageng Panahan 19, Nitikan, Umbulharjo Yogyakarta. The campus was renovated and built, and later was called Campus 5 of UAD.
- On October 12th, 2016, the first stone was laid on the construction of campus 4 of UAD, which was planned to be fully operational in 2018. The 10-story building designed with the concept of green technology was designed to be able to accommodate lecture activities for 18 thousand students.
- UAD completed the campus 4 building structure construction, which was marked by the final casting (topping off) by the UAD Rector, Dr. Kasiyarno, M.Hum., on August 24th, 2017. The construction of the smart and green building campus design had reached 64.75%, three floors had been used for lectures in the academic year of 2017/2018 starting September 4th, 2017. Entering the odd semester of the academic year of 2018/2019, all rooms can be used for academic activities.
- On December 13th, 2017 the construction of an integrated campus 4 was started. The 7-storey building located just at the north of the campus 4’s main building became a laboratory for the study programs conducting lecture activities on campus 4. The building began its operations for practicum activities in the odd semester for the academic year of 2019/2020.
- Minister of Research, Technology and Higher Education (Menristekdikti), Prof. H. Mohamad Nasir, Ph.D., Ak., inaugurated the building construction for the Faculty of Medicine of Universitas Ahmad Dahlan (UAD), on Thursday March 22nd, 2018. The inauguration was marked by the laying of the first stone which was done by the Minister of Research and Technology of the Republic of Indonesia, followed by the Chairperson of Central Board of Muhammadiyah (PP Muhammadiyah), Dr. Haedar Nashir, M.Sc., Rector of UAD, Dr. Kasiyarno, M.Hum., Chairperson of UAD BPH, Prof. Dr. Yunahar Ilyas, Lc., M.Ag., Chairperson of PP Muhammadiyah’s Diktilitbang Assembly, Prof. Dr. Lincolin Arsyad, and Chairperson of PP ‘Aisyiyah, Siti Noordjanah Djohantini. The Medical Faculty Building is a 7-storey building, located northwest of the main building of campus 4. The building starting functioning for lecturing activities in the odd semester of the academic year of 2019/2020.
5. Leadership History
By referring to Qo’idah of Muhammadiyah Higher Education, the change of leadership is refrained from causing any big problems. Until now, there have been changes of leadership that are described as follows.
- From 1960 to 1972, the Rector position of IKIP Muhammadiyah was held by Prof. Faried Ma’roef.
- From 1972 to 1982, the Rector position was held by H. Muhammad Wazil Aziz, S.H.
- From 1983 to 1984, the Head of Rectors was Drs. H. Ali Warsito.
- From 1984 to 1990, the Rector position was held by Prof. Drs. R.H. Sukirin.
- From 1990 to 1995, the Rector position of IKIP Muhammadiyah of Yogyakarta was held by Prof. Dr. H. Noeng Muhadjir. Under the leadership of Prof. Dr. H. Noeng Muhadjir, IKIP of Muhammadiyah of Yogyakarta was pioneered into Universitas Ahmad Dahlan. On December 19th, 1994, IKIP Muhammadiyah of Yogyakarta officially became Universitas Ahmad Dahlan.
- From 1995 to 1999, the Rector position of Universitas Ahmad Dahlan was held by Prof. Dr. H. Noeng Muhadjir.
- From 1999 to 2007 (two periods), the Rector position of Universitas Ahmad Dahlan was held by Prof. Drs. H. Sugiyanto, S.U., Ph.D. Apt.
- From 2007 to 2019, Dr. H. Kasiyarno, M.Hum. was given the mandate to become the Rector of Universitas Ahmad Dahlan.
1972 - 1982
H. Muhammad Wazil Azi, S.H
1982 - 1984
Drs. H. Ali Warsito
1982 - 1990
Prof. Drs.R.H.Sukirin
1990 – 1995
Prof. Dr. H. Noeng Muhadjir
During his tennure, IKIP Muhammadiyah was developed into Ahmad Dahlan University and on 19, December 1994, it was officially established as University of Ahmad Dahlan.
1995 - 1999
Prof. Dr. H. Noeng Muhadjir
1999 - 2003
Prof. Dr. H. Sugiyanto, S.U
2003 - 2007
Prof. Dr. H. Sugiyanto, S.U
2007 - 2011
Drs. H. Kasiyarno, M.Hum
2011 - 2017
Dr. H. Kasiyarno, M.Hum
Contact us
Kampus 1 (Head Office)
Jl. Kapas 9, Semaki, Umbulharjo, Yogyakarta 55166
Telepon : (0274) 563515, 511830, 379418, 371120
Faximille : 0274-564604
Email : info[at]uad.ac.id