
An UAD Student Won Second Place in Most Outstanding Student (Mawapres) Awards in Kopertis V

Ika Suciwati, a student of English Education (PBI) Study Program of Ahmad Dahlan University (UAD) mnaged to become the 2nd winner of Most Outstanding Student (Mawapres) awards on Private Higher Education Coordinator (Kopertis) V level of Yogyakarta Special Region (DIY).

The Mawapres awards event was held in the Office of Kopertis V DIY on Jln. Tentara Pelajar No. 13, Yogyakarta on Thursday (5/4/2018). In this event, Ika outperformed candidates from several other private universities, such as UTY, Atma Jaya, Alma Ata, and UMY.

"The highest score lies in achievement. At least there are about 15 achievements that I have achieved in the past year," explained Ika who comes from Kananga, Bima, West Nusa Tenggara (NTB) this.

Her achievements include Best Paper ASEAN Youth Cultural Exposure 2017 (Bangkok-Thailand), Best Idea ASEAN International Summit 2017 (Malaysia), Judge of Science Government Debate Competition held by UGM, Grand Finalist of the 2018 Asian English Olympics (Jakarta) TOP 3 Best Novice Speaker of the 2018 Asian English Olympics (Jakarta), judge of Antar Bangsa Competition (SMAN 8 Yogyakarta), judge of International Competition (SMAN 7 Jogjakarta), Best Team of ASEAN International Summit 2017 (Malaysia), The Youngest Presenter of 9th International Conference on Language, Innovation, Culture and Education 2018 (Thailand).

With her background as a debater, Ika, who is currently in her 6th semester, immediately prepared herself to participate in the National University Debating Championship (NUDC) and National level Mawapres competition.

"Alhamdulillah, this victory is thanks to the support of various parties. The key is to be patient and do your best. I am very grateful for this victory. However, in the future, there are still many events that I must participate in, so there is no need for me to drag on this euphoria," she said.

Ika’s achievements are legendary for UAD, especially PBI Study Program. It is because, she successfully represents PBI study program in Mawapres Awards in Kopertis V for three years in a row. The two finalists who managed to win this event is Lidya Tarmidzani Putri (Second place winner of Mawapres Awards in Kopertis V DIY 2017) and Iqwan Sanjani (Third place winner of Mawapres Awards in Kopertis V DIY and Best 15 Finalists of National Mawapres Awards 2016). (ard)