UAD Welcomes Credit Transfer Students from Unismuh

Universitas Ahmad Dahlan (UAD) welcomed students from Primary School Teacher Education (PGSD) Study Program of Muhammadiyah University (Unismuh) Makassar who were also participants of Credit Transfer Grants through Online Learning System (Spada) of Indonesia. In total, there are 22 students who will study at PGSD of UAD for 40 days.

The Credit Transfer Grant Program is organized by the Directorate General of Learning and Student Affairs (Belmawa) and the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education (Kemenristekdikti) of the Republic of Indonesia.

On the occasion, the Dean of Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (FKIP) of UAD, Dr. Trikinasih Handayani, M.Sc., said that students who took part in this program would study educational research methodology. "The 22 students will attend conventional lectures with face-to-face and e-learning or online lectures."

Trikinasih added that students from Unismuh could also learn about Yogyakarta cultures. It is because in UAD there are many communities and organizations engaged in the arts and cultures. In addition to cultural arts, they can also learn about organization with the Study Program Student Association (HMPS) and Student Executive Board (BEM).

Meanwhile, UAD Vice Rector 1, Dr. Muchlas, M.T., in his speech expressed his warm welcome on the arrival of PGSD students of Unismuh Makassar. "This program does not only benefit both parties academically, but it can also facilitate academic communication between universities. We hope that at the end of the program there will be a collaboration performance of cultural arts between UAD and Unismuh students. "

The arrival of 22 Makassar Unismuh students at the Islamic Center hall of UAD campus 4 on Jln. Ringroad Selatan, Tamanan, Bantul, Yogyakarta on Tuesday (10/02/2018), was accompanied by the Dean of FKIP Unismuh, Erwin Akib, M.Pd., Ph.D., Vice Dean II, Andi Adam, S.Pd., M.Pd., and Head of PGSD Study Program of Unismuh, Aliem Bachri (ard)

Orion UAD Secures Three Points in the Match against Im Naturindo

In the third week of the 1st league match of the Football Association of Indonesia (PSSI) of Yogyakarta 2018, Orion of Universitas Ahmad Dahlan (UAD) managed to defeat Im Naturindo with a convincing score of 3-1. The match that was held at Kridosono Stadium on Saturday (09/29/2018) was dominated by Im Naturindo in the first round.

Until the break of the first half of the match, Orion UAD outplayed with a score of 1-0. The goal was scored by Ari Jumarno at minute 40’. Entering the second half, Orion UAD gave more pressure than they did in the first half when they only relied on counterattacks. Attacks were served by both teams, but thanks to the patience of the players, Orion UAD managed to double the goal at minute 54’ 'which was scored by Febi Widianto.

Being left behind by two goals made Im Naturindo play more aggressively. As a result, 10 minutes later Hatri Nurhandoyo's team managed to score a goal, bringing the score to be 2-1. The goal was scored at minute 64’ by Ihdan Bahri.

In the second half of the game, both teams launched fast attacks through the midfield and wing. Orion UAD could add one more goal when the normal time was less than 11 minutes. Aldin scored the third goal at minute 79’. For this result, Orion UAD had collected seven points from 3 matches, with one draw and two wins.

Anang Hadi, the Head Coach of Orion UAD stated that this victory was thanks to the players' patience. From the beginning, he instructed his team members to play calmly and not hurrily.

"Even though in the first half we continued to be attacked, the defense could ward them off. Even through a counter-attack scheme and dead ball, we managed to score goals," he explained.

In the next match, Orion UAD will face HW UMY. This match is a Muhammadiyah derbi with prestige on stake. The match between the two teams will take place at Kridosono Stadium on Saturday (6/10/2018). (ard)

UAD Sharqun Festival Can Be a National Event

The Faculty of Islamic Studies (FAI) of Universitas Ahmad Dahlan (UAD) organized the annual Sharqun Festival. In 2018, they took the theme of "The Implementation of Skill-Based Education to Build Character".

In addition to the festival, there was also a national seminar entitled "The Development of Islam in Indonesia from Time to Time" with Muhammad Jazir ASP, the Advisor to Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono X, as the speaker. This activity took place at campus 4 of Universitas Ahmad Dahlan (UAD) (27-29/9/2018)

The event is usually limited to FAI internal members. However, this year it is open to all UAD students. In the Sharqun Festival, there were several external FAI competitions, such as tartil, tilawah, tahfidz, calligraphy, three-language speech, debate and essay. Meanwhile, the competitions for FAI internal members included badminton, futsal, malik and malika competitions.

On the occasion, UAD Vice Rector III, Dr. Abdul Fadlil, M.T., expressed his appreciation for the implementation of the Sharqun Festival. "This activity is not only to explore talents, potential and interests, but also for a gathering. We hope that in the future it can be developed and not only on the university level, but also can be held on the national level. "

According to him, this kind of activity could be a prestigious event to compete with Muhammadiyah universities as well as public and private universities. "In this kind of competition, we need look for its uniqueness, so that it can be an attraction. The number of the competitions is made as many as possible in order to capture potential talents. "

He shared his hope that for the champions there could also be other alternative criteria, so it would not be monotonous, like the first, second and third place only. For example, there could be the most favorite or unique champion, so that it brought out an achievement and certificate for the participant that could be used for their Diploma Supplement (SKPI). (ard)

Aliansi Peduli Umat Galang Dana untuk Bencana

Alhamdulillah, telah terlaksana penggalangan dana untuk membantu saudara-saudara kita yang terkena bencana alam gempa bumi dan tsunami di Palu, Donggala, dan sekitarnya. Aksi yang diinisiasi oleh Aliansi Peduli Umat tersebut berlangsung selama dua hari, yaitu Ahad (7/10/2018) dan Senin (8/10/2018). Sebanyak lima titik dijadikan tempat aksi penggalangan dana, yaitu Perempatan Giwangan, Perempatan Kotagede, Perempatan Jejeran, Perempatan Blok O, dan Janti. Ini berlangsung pukul 15.30-19.30 WIB.

Adapun pihak yang berpartisipasi dalam aksi penggalangan dana yaitu PC IMM Djazman Al Kindi Yogyakarta, IMM UCY, Tapak Suci UAD, Hizbul Wathan UAD, IMM UAD, BEM UAD, BEM Fakultas se-UAD, HMPS se-UAD, Sahabat Dakwah BEM UAD, Mahasiswa UAD, dan UCY.

Hari pertama aksi penggalangan dana, terkumpul uang tunai Rp22.000.000,00. Sedangkan pada hari kedua terkumpul Rp22.021.000,00. Total hasil penggalangan dana itu akan disalurkan kepada korban bencana melalui LazizMu Pimpinan Daerah Muhammadiyah (PDM) Kota Yogyakarta.

Sarasehan ISMAFARSI Joglosepur, 15 LEM Berkumpul di UAD

Minggu (23/9/2018) bertempat di auditorium kampus 2 Universitas Ahmad Dahlan (UAD), Ikatan Senat Mahasiswa Farmasi Seluruh Indonesia (ISMAFARSI) berkumpul. Mereka terdiri atas 15 Lembaga Eksekutif Mahasiswa (LEM) wilayah ISMAFARSI Joglosepur (Jogja-Solo-Purwokerto-Pekalongan-Semarang). Sarasehan ini dalam rangka terpilihnya Saudari Wardatun Jamilah yang merupakan anggota Badan Eksekutif Mahasiswa (BEM) Fakultas Farmasi UAD sebagai Koordinator Wilayah (Korwil) periode 2018-2020.

Acara dibuka langsung oleh Dekan Fakultas Farmasi yaitu Dr. Dyah Aryani Perwitasari, M.Si., Ph.D., Apt. Ia menuturkan, “Tantangan mahasiswa farmasi tidak seberat dahulu yang sampai bertarung fisik. Saat ini mahasiswa perlu bertarung pikiran lewat karya-karya nyata untuk negeri.”

Selain itu, ia menekankan bahwa pentingnya untuk mengikuti organisasi. Sebab, salah satu syarat penerimaan beasiswa ke luar negeri akan diprioritaskan untuk mereka yang aktif dalam berorganisasi

Sarasehan ISMAFARSI kali ini membawa tema “Sinergiskan Visi dan Wujudkan Aksi untuk ISMAFARSI Berkemajuan”, seperti yang dituturkan oleh Korwil dalam sambutannya. Ia berharap, melalui forum sarasehan ini dapat merekatkan koordinasi antara LEM dengan wilayah Joglosepur.

Acara diisi dengan pemaparan staf ahli wilayah, yang nantinya akan disahkan saat di Rakerwil (Rapat Kerja Wilayah). Disampaikan pula progres host acara berikutnya yaitu Rakerwil di UMY, Rakorwil 1 di UNW, dan RPLF di UAD untuk tahun 2019. Acara ditutup dengan acara foto bersama dan pelepasan balon yang ditandatangani seluruh delegasi untuk memperingati World Pharmacist Day 2018 yang jatuh pada 25 September.

Taekwondo UAD Wins Prestigious Achievement

Taekwondo Team (UAD) of Universitas Ahmad Dahlan (UAD) managed to win some achievements at UPN Surabaya Rector Cup and Yogyakarta Mayor Cup Championships. UPN Surabaya Rector Cup Championship III took place from Sunday to Tuesday (23-26/9/2018), and the Yogyakarta Mayor Cup took place from Friday to Sunday (21-23 / 9/2018).

In the UPN Surabaya Rector Cup Championship, the Taekwondo Team of UAD won 9 gold, 3 silver and 2 bronze medals. Meanwhile, in the Mayor Cup Championship, the team won 7 gold, 5 silver and 6 bronze medals. Besides, Sambeum Kholid, a coach from UAD, was named the favorite coach.

On Friday (28/9/2018), at UAD campus I on Jln, Kapas 9, Semaki, Yogyakarta, the medals obained from the two championships were handed over by the Head of Taekwondo Student Activity Unit (UKM), Fitriadi Nur Al Fakhri to UAD. Symbolically, the medals were accepted by Dr. Dedi Pramono, M.Hum., the Head of Bureau of Student and Alumni Affairs (Bimawa) and was witnessed by the coach of UKM Taekwondo, Dr. Hadi Suyono, M.Psi. and Danang Sukantar, M.Pd., the Head of Student Development Division of UAD Bimawa.

Dedi stated that he was proud that there were new students who exceled in these two championships and this should be appreciated because it was a pride for UAD. The achievements made by new students are certainly not the result of UAD coaching, but the result of their continuous training when they are still in junior or senior high school.

"Very rarely are achievements achieved when they are already university students. Therefore, UAD was adviced by the National Sports Committee of Indonesia (KONI) to recruit students who already had achievements. If you start training students when they are already at the university, the results can only be seen during the seventh semester or when they have finished their studies," he explained.

Meanwhile, the Taekwondo coach, Hadi Suyono said that UAD provided facilities for students to make achievements. One of them is through Taekwondo UKM. Following this achievement, UKM will keep trying to improve student soft skills. It is because, in Taekwondo, students are trained to fight hard and compete. The next objective for the team is to take part in international championships.

On the other hand, Fitriadi Nur Al Fikri revealed that the preparations for the two championships were held from December 2017 to August 2018. Exercises were carried out five times a week or even seven days a week.

This achievement is certainly beneficial for students and UAD. For students, the achievement will contribute to the companion certificate (SKPI). For UAD, it can improve the ranking of the university in the ranking conducted by the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education (Kemenristekdikti). In 2017, UAD was ranked 232, and in 2018 it is ranked 58th. In 2019, UAD is targetted to be in the top 25. (ard)

UAD Sambut Mahasiswa Transfer Kredit Unismuh

Universitas Ahmad Dahlan (UAD) menerima mahasiswa Program Studi Pendidikan Guru Sekolah Dasar (PGSD) Universitas Muhammadiyah (Unismuh) Makassar peserta Hibah Transfer Kredit melalui Sistem Pembelajaran Daring (Spada) Indonesia. Total ada 22 mahasiswa yang akan menjalani perkuliahan di PGSD UAD selama 40 hari.

Program Hibah Transfer Kredit diselenggarakan Direktorat Jenderal Pembelajaran dan Kemahasiswaan (Belmawa) dan Kementerian Riset, Teknologi, dan Pendidikan Tinggi (Kemenristekdikti) Republik Indonesia.

Pada kesempatan ini, Dekan Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan (FKIP) UAD, Dr. Trikinasih Handayani, M.Si. menyampaikan, mahasiswa yang mengikuti program ini akan mempelajari metodologi penelitian pendidikan. “Ke-22 mahasiswa akan mengikuti perkuliahan konvensional dengan tatap muka dan e-learning atau kuliah daring.

Trikinasih menambahkan, mahasiswa dari Unismuh juga bisa mempelajari kebudayaan Yogyakarta. Di UAD ada banyak komunitas maupun organisasi yang bergerak di bidang seni budaya. Selain seni budaya, bisa juga belajar keorganisasian dengan Himpunan Mahasiswa Program Studi (HMPS) maupun Badan Eksekutif Mahasiswa (BEM).

Sementara Wakil Rektor 1 UAD, Dr. Muchlas, M.T. dalam sambutannya menyambut gembira kedatangan mahasiswa PGSD Unismuh Makassar. “Program ini tidak hanya memperoleh keuntungan dari sisi akademis saja. Tetapi bisa menjadi komunikasi akademik antarperguruan tinggi. Kami berharap, di akhir nanti akan ada pementasan seni budaya kolaborasi mahasiswa UAD dan Unismuh.

Kedatangan 22 mahasiswa Unismuh Makassar di aula Islamic Center kampus 4 UAD, Jln. Ringroad Selatan, Tamanan, Bantul, Yogyakarta, Selasa (2/10/2018), didampingi Dekan FKIP Unismuh Erwin Akib, M.Pd.,Ph.D., Wakil Dekan II Andi Adam, S.Pd.,M.Pd., dan Aliem Bachri Kaprodi PGSD Unismuh. (ard)

BEM FF of UAD Commemorates World Pharmacists Day 2018 with KIE to Fight Hoax

On Tuesday (09/25/2018), around 30 students gathered at Yogyakarta Zero Kilometer Point. They are Pharmacy students of Universitas Ahmad Dahlan (UAD). The event began with participants gathering in front of Vredeburg Fortress for a briefing. And then, they were divided into seven groups to go to different directions. There were those who went to the east and west side of Malioboro, some also reached the North Square.

The activity is an initiation carried out by the Department of Studies and Strategic of 2018 BEM FF UAD to promote community awareness in the midst of a very rapid global information flow. Information filtering is needed to counter hoax news. The time of the event implementation coincided with the commemoration of the World Pharmacists Day, which this raised the theme of "Your Medicines Expert". By conducting the event, it is expected that a pharmacist becomes the person who knows the best about drugs, and is most worthy of being asked about drugs, because that is what they have learned during their studies.

Rudi as the Governor of Student Executive Board (BEM) of Faculty of Pharmacy of UAD 2018 explained that this was a form of education to the public to avoid hoax news, especially related to treatment whose origin was not known.

The event with the concept of KIE (Communication of Information and Education) to visitors around Malioboro, Zero Kilometer Point, and the North Square of Yogyakarta was completed before Maghrib, and was ended by all activity participants and the committee eating snack together.

Sharqun Festival UAD Bisa Jadi Ajang Nasional

Fakultas Agama Islam (FAI) Universitas Ahmad Dahlan (UAD) menyelenggarakan agenda tahunan Sharqun Festival. Pada tahun 2018 ini, tema yang diangkat “Implementasi Pendidikan Berbasis Keterampilan untuk Membangun Jiwa yang Berkarakter”.

Selain festival, dibarengi dengan seminar nasional dengan tajuk “Perkembangan Sejarah Islam Indonesia dari Masa ke Masa” dengan pembicara Muhammad Jazir ASP, Penasihat Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono X. Kegiatan ini berlangsung di kampus 4 Universitas Ahmad Dahlan (UAD) (27-29/9/2018).

Agenda ini biasanya hanya terbatas untuk internal FAI. Namun, pada tahun ini terbuka untuk seluruh mahasiswa UAD. Dalam Sharqun Festival ada agenda perlombaan eksternal FAI seperti tartil, tilawah, tahfidz, kaligrafi, pidato tiga bahasa, debat, dan esai. Sementara perlombaan internal FAI badminton, futsal, malik, dan malika.

Pada kesempatan tersebut, Wakil Rektor III UAD, Dr. Abdul Fadlil, M.T. menyampaikan apresiasi atas terselenggaranya Sharqun Festival. “Kegiatan ini tidak hanya untuk menggali potensi dan minat bakat, tapi juga untuk ajang silaturahmi. Kami berharap, ke depan bisa dikembangkan lagi tidak hanya di level universitas, tapi juga bisa di level nasional.

Menurutnya, kegiatan semacam ini bisa menjadi ajang bergengsi untuk berkompetisi antar perguruan tinggi Muhammadiyah maupun di perguruan tinggi negeri dan swasta. “Kegiatan lomba semacam ini perlu dicari keunikannya sehingga bisa menjadi daya tarik. Jenis cabang lomba dibuat sebanyak mungkin untuk menjaring bakat-bakat potensial.

Ia berharap, untuk juara juga bisa ada kriteria tertentu, tidak monoton di juara satu, dua, dan tiga. Misalnya ada juara favorit atau terunik, sehingga memunculkan prestasi dan ada sertifikat yang diperoleh untuk sertifikat keterangan pendamping ijazah (SKPI). (ard)

Orion UAD Amankan Tiga Poin Lawan Im Naturindo

Pada pekan ketiga laga lanjutan Liga 1 Asosiasi Persatuan Sepakbola Seluruh Indonesia (PSSI) Kota Yogyakarta 2018, Orion Universitas Ahmad Dahlan (UAD) berhasil menekuk Im Naturindo dengan skor meyakinkan 3-1. Laga yang dihelat di Stadion Kridosono, Sabtu (29/9/2018) sempat didominasi Im Naturindo di babak awal.

Sampai rehat babak pertama, Orion UAD unggul 1-0 melalui gol yang dicetak Ari Jumarno di menit 40’. Memasuki babak kedua, Orion UAD bermain lebih menekan daripada di babak pertama yang hanya mengandalkan serangan balik. Jual beli serangan disuguhkan oleh kedua tim, namun berkat kesabaran permainannya, Orion UAD berhasil menggandakan gol di menit 54’ yang dicetak Febi Widianto.

Tertinggal dua gol membuat Im Naturindo bermain lebih agresif. Hasilnya 10 menit berselang tim asuhan Hatri Nurhandoyo berhasil menyamakan kedudukan menjadi 2-1. Gol dicetak Ihdan Bahri menit 64’.

Babak kedua menyuguhkan serangan-serangan cepat kedua tim melalui lini tengah maupun sisi sayap. Orion UAD bisa menambah gol ketika waktu normal kurang dari 11 menit. Aldin mencetak gol ketiga di menit 79’. Atas hasil ini, Orion UAD sudah mengumpulkan tujuh poin dari sekali hasil imbang dan dua kali menang.

Anang Hadi, pelatih kepala Orion UAD menganggap kemenangan ini berkat kesabaran pemainnya. Dari awal, ia menginstruksikan anak asuhnya untuk bermain tenang dan tidak tergesa-gesa.

Meskipun di babak pertama kami terus diserang, pertahanan bisa meredam. Bahkan melalui skema serangan balik dan bola mati kami berhasil mencetak gol,” jelasnya.

Pada pertandingan selanjutnya, Orion UAD akan berhadapan dengan HW UMY. Pertandingan ini merupakan derbi Muhammadiyah yang syarat gengsi. Pertemuan kedua tim akan berlangsung di Stadion Kridosono, Sabtu (6/10/2018). (ard)