The series of programs for the Student Study Program in Community Empowerment (KKN-PPM) of Kemenristekdikti and Universitas Ahmad Dahlan (UAD) for one month was ended by holding a product exhibition and entrepreneurship seminar on Saturday (25/8/2018) in Sinduharjo Village, Ngaglik, Sleman. This seminar presented Sarjudi to have a presentation on a theme of processing waste into vermicompost by breeding worms, and Dr. Surahma Asti Mulasari with material on processing waste into bio-charcoal briquettes. Also present were the Vice Rector III of UAD, Dr. Abdul Fadhil, M.T., the Head of UAD LPPM, Dr. Widodo, M.Sc., Sinduharjo Village Head, hamlet heads, village authorities, as well as invited guests from various hamlets in Sinduharjo Village.
The problem faced by the partner village, in this case is Sinduharjo Village, was agricultural and livestock waste that is not managed properly. It was just thrown away to rot, causing odor and pollution to the surrounding environment. Agricultural waste was only burned, causing environmental pollution. Livestock management was also not good because there were still a lot of livestock animals that were kept near houses where the droppings could spread and polluted the home environment.
At that time, livestock droppings were just left where they were without being checked before being taken to the fields to be used as fertilizer. During the rainy season, they were scattered along the road, flowing, and causing unpleasant odors. This problem is caused by the low level of knowledge and skills of the people in agricultural waste management and livestock farming in Sinduharjo Village. The purpose of this PPM KKN is to improve the empowerment of farmers and farmers in carrying out community-based total sanitation in order to control environmental pollution by utilizing agricultural and livestock waste into products with economic value which will be more beneficial.
At the seminar and product exhibition, the community, together with the UAD PPM KKN students, presented products made from agricultural and livestock waste into briquettes (brikata), liquid bokashi (bokcatar), solid bokashi (bokaptara), silage (latar), vermicompost fertilizer (pukat), and biogas. In addition, other products produced are luberta syrup which is made with worms, charcoal face masks, worm capsules, and worm juice which can be efficacious as a typhus medication.
Dr. Fatwa Tentama, M.Si., as the Field Supervisor (DPL) as well as the head for KKN-PPM Dikti grant proposal, said, "This program and seminar aims to empower local communities in entrepreneurship as well as to provide motivation to farmers and breeders to be able to utilize agricultural and livestock waste into products that have selling value."
In the future, it is expected that this kind of activity can be followed up with assistance and cooperation with various parties so that it can develop into a business unit for the welfare of the surrounding community.
As the chairman, Dr. Fatwa Tentama, S.Psi., M.Si., has some team members, atas Ahmad Faizal Rangkuti, S.K.M.,M.Kes., Dr. Surahma Asti Mulasari, S.Si., M.Kes., Tri Wahyuni Sukesi, S.Si., M.PH., dan Sulistyawati, S.Si., M.PH. Another output expected of the PPM KKN program is the improvement of community knowledge and skills in processing agricultural and livestock waste, publications in national and international journals, proceedings in national seminars, IPR (copyright), module books, increased community participation, and increased community self-management.