Sambangi UAD, Dosen JICHI Jepang Isi Stadium General

Universitas Ahmad Dahlan (UAD) Yogyakarta menyelenggarakan stadium general dengan menghadirkan dua pembicara dari Jepang, Prof. Hiroshi Nishino dan Associate Prof. Mashiko dari JICHI Medical University. Acara ini terselenggara atas kerja sama dengan Majelis Pendidikan Tinggi, Penelitian, dan Pengembangan (Diktilitbang) Pimpinan Pusat (PP) Muhammadiyah.

Rektor UAD, Dr. Kasiyarno, M.Hum. pada kesempatan ini menyampaikan terima kasih kepada kedua pembicara yang telah berkenan berbagi pengalaman dan keilmuannya di bidang kesehatan. Ia berharap, ke depan akan ada kerja sama antara UAD dengan JICHI Medical University.

“Setelah stadium general ini, kami mengharapkan akan ada kerja sama dari UAD dan JICHI. Kerja sama bisa di bidang penelitian, riset, pertukaran mahasiswa, kuliah umum, dan berbagai lainnya yang terkait dengan keilmuan bidang kesehatan,” papar Kasiyarno ketika menyampaikan sambutan, Rabu (18/7/2018).

Jika benar-benar terealisasi, implementasi kerja sama dapat dilakukan dengan Fakultas Kedokteran, Fakultas Farmasi, maupun Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat UAD. Ketiga fakultas ini berlatar belakang kesehatan, sesuai dengan JICHI Medical University.

Perlu diketahui, JICHI Medical University didirikan untuk mendidik dokter berdedikasi yang beretika untuk menyediakan perawatan medis di daerah terpencil di Jepang, dengan bantuan medis terbatas. Selai itu juga untuk mempromosikan kesehatan dan kesejahteraan bagi orang-orang yang tinggal di pedesaan, serta berkontribusi pada kemajuan kedokteran. (ard)

Gandeng ICRC, UAD Selenggarakan Pelatihan bagi Guru PKn


Program Studi Pendidikan Pancasila dan Kewarganegaraan (PPKn) Universitas Ahmad Dahlan (UAD) menyelenggarakan pelatihan “Akhlak Kemanusiaan” bagi guru PKn Muhammdiyah se-Yogyakarta. Pelatihan ini bekerja sama dengan delegasi regional Komite Internasional Palang Merah (ICRC) untuk Indonesia dan Timor Leste.

Acara yang berlangsung 9-12 Juli 2018 di Hotel Grand Dafam Roham merupakan kerja sama yang ke sekian kali dengan PPKn UAD. Pelatihan ICRC sebelumnya menyasar mahasiswa dan dosen.

Wakil Rektor I UAD, Dr. Muchlas, M.T. dalam sambutannya menyampaikan terima kasih atas kerja sama yang telah dijalin dengan ICRC untuk meningkatkan kompetensi baik bagi mahasiswa, dosen, maupun guru di lingkungan Muhammadiyah.

“Pelatihan akhlak kemanusiaan ini perlu diikuti dengan sebaik-baiknya, sebab masalah kemanusiaan perlu mendapat perhatian khusus dari semua pihak,” tandasnya.

Sementara Andrew Bartles-Smith Penasihat Regional ICRC untuk urusan kemanusiaan mengungkapkan kebahagiannya menyaksikan komitmen UAD untuk memperkenalkan dan mengajarkan aspek penting dalam menjaga harkat dan martabat kemanusiaan kepada pendidik dan peserta didik.

“Untuk alasan inilah ICRC sampai saat ini juga berkomitmen memperkuat kerja sama ini sembari berbagi sense of ownership lebih dalam lagi dengan UAD.”

Pada pelatihan ini, program yang akan dilakukan adalah FGD dan workshop penyisipan modul “Akhlak Kemanusiaan” ke dalam Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran (RPP) PPKn beserta monitoring dan hasilnya.

Pelatihan tersebut merupakan bentuk dan metode pengajaran penjelajahan nilai-nilai dan kandungan Hukum Humaniter Internasional yang modulnya telah disesuaikan dan cukup menyenangkan. Di Program Studi PPKn, integrasi dan implementasi modul ke dalam kurikulum telah berjalan baik.

Di sisi lain, Ketua Program Studi PPKn, Dra. Sumaryati M.Hum., menjelaskan, mata kuliah yang telah terintegrasi dengan modul dan masuk kurikulum adalah akhlak kemanusiaan dan kepalangmerahan.

“Implementasi di sekolah dari mata kuliah ini bisa bermanfaat untuk mengajar ekstrakurikuler Palang Merah Remaja di SMP maupun SMA. Mata kuliah ini penting karena mengandung Hukum Humaniter Internasional.” (ard)

Guidance and Counseling (BK) Study Program of UAD Hosts Indonesian Counseling Olympics

Indonesian Counseling Olimpiade (Indonesian Counseling Olympics) is a national level competition organized by Guidance and Counseling (BK) Study Program of Universitas Ahmad Dahlan (UAD). This activity aims to improve the competence and professionalism of prospective BK teachers.

The event that took place on Saturday (7/7/2018) at the auditorium of UAD campus 2 on Jln. Pramuka 42, Yogyakarta, was attended by 52 participants from 11 universities in Indonesia. The title of the Olympics was "Improving the Competence of Guidance and Counseling Students to Produce Superior, Effective, and Innovative Counselors".

Head of BK Study Program, Dr. Dodi Hartanto, M.Pd., conveyed that they were currently concerning about the competition to fill the position as a BK teacher. Dodi explained that many BK teachers did not have a counselor background.

"Out of the 7,000 existing BK teachers, only 2,000 of them have a background as counselors. The rests are from other majors," he said seriously.

He assumed that this phenomenon raised a question on the competence of BK teachers and their inability to overcome student problems at school. Therefore, he expressed his expectation that with this event, prospective BK teachers with counselor background could improve their quality in order to win the competition.

On the other hand, according to Caraka Putra Bhakti, M.Pd., a student supervisor from UAD, as well as the competition judge conveyed that this kind of event was the first one that was held by BK Study Program of UAD. The competitions that they often held were usually related to the media.

"With this competition, we have a commitment to improve student competence, propose productive ideas, and produce professional BK teachers. The goal of the event is to develop the academic ability, especially in the field of scientific paper writing," he explained.

In addition, this Olympics is organized to optimize BK student potentials and strengthen the existence of BK Study Program of UAD on the national level. The competition is divided into two categories, namely BK Olympics and scientific paper writing competition. (ard)

Food Technology Students of UAD Learn about Japanese Food and Culture

Food Technology Study Program of Universitas Ahmad Dahlan (UAD) Yogyakarta held a public lecture entitled "Japanese Life Culture and Healthy Food". The event took place at campus 4 of UAD on Jln. Ringroad Selatan, Tamanan, Bantul on Monday (2/7/2018) and was participated by second-semester students.

On the occasion, present as the speaker was Dr. Erni Johan, Agr. from the Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Ehime University, Japan. Erni explained a lot about the culture and food existing in Japan.

"Japanese cuisine is practically healthy foods. In addition to prioritizing the nutritional content, food presentation is also an important thing in Japan. This is what we need to learn. Indonesia also has a lot of healthy quality food raw materials, and now it depends on how we manage them," explained Erni.

She also revealed that in Japan, there was a trend with cuisine from abroad. The people there were getting interested in other countries’ traditional foods. "This trend could be an opportunity to open a business in Japan," she said.

Meanwhile, the Head of Food Technology Study Program, Ika Dyah Kumalasari, Ph.D. stated that the purpose of the public lecture was to share information about Japanese culture and healthy food. She expressed her experctation for the students to conduct research related to healthy foods.

"We focus on functional food, in addition to the development of healthy foods. Students must be creative and innovative in order to be able to produce healthy food products. "

In the future, there will be cooperation with Ehime University Japan. This public lecture is to initiate activities before signing a memorandum of understanding between the two parties. (ard)

BK UAD Selenggarakan Indonesian Counseling Olimpiade


Indonesian Counseling Olimpiade merupakan ajang perlombaan tingkat nasional yang diselenggarakan oleh Program Studi Bimbingan dan Konseling (BK) Universitas Ahmad Dahlan (UAD). Kegiatan ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kompetensi dan profesionalitas calon guru BK.

Acara yang berlangsung Sabtu (7/7/2018) di auditorium kampus 2 UAD, Jln. Pramuka 42, Yogyakarta, diikuti oleh 52 peserta dari 11 perguruan tinggi yang ada di Indonesia. Tajuk yang diangkat dalam olimpiade ini adalah “Peningkatan Kompetensi Mahasiswa Bimbingan dan Konseling untuk Membentuk Konselor yang Unggul, Efektif, dan Inovatif”.

Ketua Program Studi BK, Dr. Dodi Hartanto, M.Pd. menyampaikan, saat ini yang diprihatinkan adalah persaingan untuk mengisi posisi sebagai guru BK. Dodi menjelaskan, banyak guru BK tidak berlatar belakang seorang konselor.

“Dari 7.000 guru BK yang ada, hanya 2.000-an yang berlatar belakang asli sebagai konselor. Sisanya berasal dari jurusan lain,” ungkapnya serius.

Ia beranggapan, fenomena ini memunculkan pandangan bahwa guru BK tidak memenuhi kualifikasi dan dianggap tidak mampu mengatasi permasalahan siswa di sekolah. Oleh karenanya, ia berharap dengan adanya olimpiade ini para calon guru BK yang berlatar belakang konselor dapat meningkatkan kualitas kualifikasi supaya dapat memenangkan persaingan.

Semantara Caraka Putra Bhakti, M.Pd., pembimbing mahasiswa dari UAD sekaligus juri lomba menyampaikan, olimpiade jenis ini baru pertama kali diselenggarakan oleh BK UAD. Lomba yang sering diselenggarakan biasanya terakit dengan media.

“Dengan lomba ini kami memiliki komitmen untuk meningkatkan kompetensi mahasiswa, menyampaikan ide produktif, serta membangun guru BK yang profesional. Tujuannya untuk mengembangkan kemampuan akdemis, khususnya di bidang menulis karya ilmiah,” paparnya.

Selain itu, olimpiade ini untuk mengoptimalkan potensi mahasiswa BK dan memantapkan eksistensi Program Studi BK UAD di kancah pendidikan nasional. Perlombaan terdiri atas dua cabang lomba, yakni olimpiade BK dan lomba karya tulis ilmiah. (ard)

FKIP of UAD Holds Dyslexia Expertise Course

The Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (FKIP) of Universitas Ahmad Dahlan (UAD), in collaboration with Dyslexia Association of Indonesia (ADI), held an expertise public lecture. The event which took place on Monday (9/7/2018) at campus 4 of UAD on Jln. Ringroad Selatan, Tamanan, Bantul, Yogyakarta, was attended by second-semester students from all study programs in FKIP.

The public lecture was entitled "Diagnosis Approach and Ultimate Management of Children with Special Needs for a Better Future Generation". Present as speakers were Dr. Purboyo Solek, Sp.A (K)., the Head of the Division of Child Neurology, FK of Unpad/ RS Hasan Sadukin, the Director of Melinda Child Development Centers and Indigrow, the Coach of Dyslexia Association of Indonesia. The second speaker was Dr. Kristiantini Dewi, Sp.A., the Chairman of Dyslexia Association of Indonesia, a Pediatrician.

Rector of UAD, Dr. Kasiyarno, M.Hum., serving as the Chairman of ADI for the Special Region of Yogyakarta, in his speech conveyed that about 26 million people in Indonesia had dyslexia. According to him, this big number needed attention from all parties, especially from educators.

"Early on, prospective educators from UAD must understand the problems of dyslexia, especially related to education for people with dyslexia. There must be an innovative solution, so the education process for dyslexic students can be carried out normally," said Kasiyarno.

In response to the many problems and cases of dyslexia, UAD also plans to establish Child Development Center. Kasiyarno explained that dyslexia is one of the social disasters that require special attention.

Meanwhile, the Dean of FKIP UAD, Dr. Trikinasih Handayani, M.Si., conveyed that this expertise lecture is the continuation of Development of Learners (PPD) subject.

"PPD is a compulsory subject of the faculty. One of the materials requires the students to study children with special needs," he said.

He expressed his expectation that prospective educators from UAD could become pioneers as those who were able to understand the character of the learners, especially those with special needs. "As a prospective professional teacher, one of the competencies that we must have is related to the development of learners," he explained in front of FKIP students. (ard)

UAD Dipercaya Selenggarakan Rakor dan Syawalan PKJ35

Universitas Ahmad Dahlan (UAD) dipercaya menjadi penyelenggara syawalan dan rapat koordinasi Paguyuban Kemahasiswaan Jogjakarta (PKJ35) tahun 2018. Paguyuban ini didirikan oleh perguruan tinggi swasta di wilayah kopertis V. Acara berlangsung di aula Islamic Center kampus 4 Universitas Ahmad Dahlan (UAD) Yogyakarta, Jln. Ringroad Selatan, Tamanan, Bantul, Yogyakarta.

Pada kesempatan ini dihadiri oleh para wakil rektor bidang kemahasiswaan. Wakil Rektor III UAD, Dr. Abdul Fadlil, M.T., dalam sambutannya menyampaikan terima kasih atas kepercayaan yang diberikan kepada UAD sebagai penyelenggara.

“Melalui rapat koordinasi kedua PKJ35 ini, kami menginginkan antarperguruan tinggi saling bersinergi, saling melengkapi untuk mendukung peningkatan potensi mahasiswa. PKJ35 merupakan wadah kebersamaan untuk mengangkat kopertis V di kancah nasional,” ungkapnya di hadapan para peserta, Jumat (6/7/2018).

Ia juga berharap dengan koordinasi yang baik akan meningkatkan pamor perguruan tinggi swasta dan mampu bersaing dengan perguruan tinggi negeri. Tujuannya supaya perguruan tinggi swasta lebih dikenal masyarakat luas.

“Harus disadari bahwa setiap perguruan tinggi memiliki keunikan dan keunggulan masing-masing. Mahasiswa punya potensi yang dapat dikembangkan untuk membangun perguruan tinggi. Oleh karenanya pada kesempatan ini adalah forum untuk bersinergi dan berbagi perihal kemahasiswaan,” tandasnya. (ard)

UAD IJECE is Selected as the Best Journal of Sinta 1

The International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering (IJECE) of Universitas Ahmad Dahlan (UAD) is awarded with a title of the best journal of Sinta 1. Sinta or Science and Technology Index is a web-based system owned by Kemenristekdikti to rank universities and non-universities, map lecturer/researcher expertise, and rank the performance of both national and international journals in Indonesia.

Sinta Award 2018 was organized by Kemenristekdikti in Jakarta (4/7/2018) as an appreciation to the efforts made to improve the quality of publication and scientific journal in Indonesia.

Previously, UAD was also awarded as the best private university based on the rank made by Sinta with a score of 11,306. UAD exceeds several well-renowned public universities in Indonesia. On the national level, UAD is ranked 10th in the category of private and public universities, and ranked 11th if the category of non-universities is included.

In 2017, Jurnal Telkomnika UAD also achieved an award by Kemenristekdikti on the celebration of National Technology Awakening Day in Makassar. (ard)

Camping while Stargazing at UAD Pastron Astrocamp

Educational tour is now trending. The Center for Astronomical Studies (Pastron UAD) sees this potential by organizing Astrocamp program. Kemit Forest Education, a natural tourist site in Karanggedang Village, Cilacap, Central Java, becomes the first partner for this program.

Astrocamp itself is a camping event filled with astronomical activities. While spending the night in the wild, Astrocamp participants are invited to observe the sky and sky objects through telescopes.

"In the meantime, it's difficult to see stars and other celestial bodies due to light pollution," said Yudhiakto Pramudya, the Head of UAD Pastron.

According to this American graduate doctor in Physics, light pollution occurs mainly in urban areas. The use of excessive lights makes it difficult for us to observe the celestial bodies. Now, to get a good sight of the sky, the observation must be done in the remote areas, such as forests.

Natural tourist sites, such as Kemit Forest, are ideal for astronomical activities. Kemit Forest, which is located on a pine forest hill, is able to present good sight of the sky as well as wide visibility.

"We, as Kemit Forest Education, are looking forward to Astrocamp. Our visitors can have a vacation while also get knowledge about astronomy," said Adhy Andriwiguna, the manager of Kemit Forest.

According to him, Astrocamp is in great demand. This can be seen from the number of prospective applicants who had registered. However, since the first Astrocamp was limited to 20 participants, many potential participants had to wait for the next Astrocamp.

The first Astrocamp was by participants from Bandung, Jogja, Ciamis, Cilacap, and a number of other places. This activity was held on July 1-2, 2018. Both UAD Pastron and Kemit Forest Education intend to continue this program.

"Our next Astrocamp will soon be held," Adhy said.

Mahasiswa Teknologi Pangan UAD Pelajari Budaya dan Makanan Jepang

Program Studi Teknologi Pangan Universitas Ahmad Dahlan (UAD) Yogyakarta mengadakan kuliah umum dengan tajuk “Japanise Life Culture and Healthy Food”. Acara yang berlangsung di kampus 4 UAD, Jln. Ringroad Selatan, Tamanan, Bantul, Senin (2/7/2018) diikuti oleh mahasiswa semseter dua.

Pada kesempatan tersebut, hadir sebagai pembicara Dr. Erni Johan, Agr. dari Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Ehime University, Jepang. Erni banyak memaparkan perihal kebudayaan dan makanan yang ada di Jepang.

“Masakan Jepang bisa dibilang healty food. Selain mengutamakan kandungan gizi, penyajian juga menjadi hal yang penting. Ini yang perlu dipelajari. Di Indonesia juga banyak bahan baku makanan sehat, tinggal cara mengelolanya,” terang Erni.

Ia juga mengungkapkan, saat ini di Jepang sedang tren dengan masakan dari luar negeri. Orang-orang di sana mulai tertarik dengan masakan khas dari negara lain. “Tren ini bisa menjadi peluang untuk membuka usaha di Jepang,” tandasnya.

Sementara Ketua Program Studi Teknologi Pangan, Ika Dyah Kumalasari, Ph.D. mengungkapkan, kuliah umum ini untuk berbagi informasi tentang kultur dan makanan sehat Jepang. Ia mengharapkan mahasiswa dapat melakukan penelitian terkait makanan sehat.

“Kami fokus pada pangan fungsional. Selain itu pada pengembangan jenis-jenis makanan sehat. Mahasiswa harus kreatif dan inovatif, supaya mampu menghasilkan produk makanan yang sehat.”

Ke depan, rencananya akan ada kerja sama dengan Ehime University Jepang. Kuliah umum ini untuk menginisiasi aktivitas sebelum ada penandatanganan nota kesepahaman antarkedua pihak. (ard)