Pembukaan Program Pengembangan Kewirausahaan Universitas Ahmad Dahlan


The Service of Training for Applied Technology and Enterpreneurship (STATE) merupakan lembaga yang bergerak dalam bidang kewirausahaan dengan salah satu programnya yaitu Program Pengembangan Kewirausahaan (PPK). Inkubasi menjadi bagian dari PPK yang ditujukan kepada mahasiswa ataupun alumni dengan kompetisi yang bertajuk kewirausahaan.


Pengumpulan proposal menjadi tahapan utama sebelum terpilihnya 30 tenon atau 30 tim. Kemudian, dilanjutkan dengan tahapan wawancara dan diseleksi kembali menjadi 20 tenon. Ini merupakan pengumaman terakhir yang akan mengikuti proses berikutnya seperti magang, workshop, pelatihan, dan yang lainnya dengan total waktu kurang lebih enam bulan.


Acara pembukaan PPK yang berlangsung di ruang sidang kampus 2 pada Sabtu (12/5/2018) dihadiri oleh Dr. Kasiyarno, M.Hum. selaku Rektor dari Universitas Ahmad Dahlan (UAD), Direktur Utama Bank BPD DIY, Lembaga Pusat Muhammadiyah (LPM), serta Direktur Utama beserta wakil dari STATE yaitu Drs. Hendro Setyono, S.E.,M.Sc., dan Hari Hariyadi, S.P.,M.Sc.


Kasiyarno menyampaikan, “Sekarang zaman era digital sehingga harus bisnis dengan digital.”

“Kalau kita diam maka akan kalah dengan orang yang menggunakan digital. Zaman sekarang semuanya hampir menggunakan sistem digital, termasuk sistem pada bank. Setiap usaha harus memikirkan ke depannya, jangan stuck di sana karena harus ada inovasi setiap waktu,” sambung Direktur Utama Bank BPD DIY.


Syukran Anas menjadi salah satu mahasiswa yang lolos dalam seleksi inkubasi program kewirausahaan, “Alhamdulillah, bisa mendapatkan kesempatan untuk berbisnis dengan bimbingan formal dibarengi trainer dari para ahli sehingga dapat berwirausaha dengan baik.” (sch).

MU UAD Clinic is Officially Introduced to Society

Muhammadiyah Clinic of Universitas Ahmad Dahlan (MU UAD) Metro, Lampung, held a pre-launch by organizing a blood donation event on Saturday (14/4/2018). On this occasion, MU UAD Clinic cooperated with the Indonesian Red Cross Society (PMI) Metro. The event was held in the front yard of the building and was attended by the people near the area.

"This activity is a form of promotion, informing the community that there have been many activities done in MU UAD Clinic, as well as notifying the people that there is already a clinic that has been operating in Metro. It's still a pre-launch, and we will officially start operating from April 22nd," said dr. Nil Rahmayeni, the clinic manager.

Meanwhile, the Chairman of Metro PMI, Yahya Wilis, said that PMI really appreciated this blood donation event. Moreover, up until now, PMI could only get 800 bags of blood out of the 1,200 bags targeted to meet the needs of blood in Metro city.

"In addition to permanent blood donors, to meet our target, we try to collaborate with some communities to hold voluntary blood donations," he said.

On the other hand, Linda, a community member who participated in the blood donation event expressed her expectation for this activity to be held on a regular basis. According to her, who had already taken her blood four times, blood donation would nourish her body, in addition to being able to help those in need. (ard)

UAD Badminton Team Won 2nd Place in Student League

Both Men’s and Women’s Badminton teams of Ahmad Dahlan University (UAD) won 2nd place in Badminton Student League (Lima): Kaskus Central Java and Special Region of Yogyakarta Conference (CJYC). The event was held on 11-16 April 2018 at Grha Instiper.

This achievement is an improvement, after winning the 3rd place in the previous year. Although UAD does not have any faculty or study program specializing in sports, the students' achievement in badminton shows that UAD has great athletes.

From the explanation delivered by Amri Rais, the Chairman of Student Activity Unit (UKM) of Badminton UAD, preparation has been done so far to improve the quality of the team is by extending the practice hour and communicating more intensely.

"Our initial goal is to be able to play in the semi-final, but alhamdulillah we managed to become the 2nd place winner. This exceeds our target. We hope that the Badminton of UAD can have achievements on regional, national, and international levels. With this victory, we also ensure the men's team is entitled to participate on the national level of Lima," said Amri.

Meanwhile, behind the victory, he expressed that there were obstacles that still had to be addressed. For example, in relation to transportation, the team departed individually by using their own vehicle (motorcycle) during the competition. He hopes the university can provide transportation facilities in the form of a vehicle to reduce the risks for the players to get injured on the way.

In addition, to bring out the potential of the team, he wanted the university to improve the quality of their basecamp. All this time, they could not access internet in their basecamp. Moreover, it was often flooded due to its location, which was on the basement floor. According to him, the Internet network could be utilized to improve the performance of the team since they could look at international athletes’ badminton game videos on the internet.

On the other hand, the Badminton coach of UAD, M. Haqqiy Ady Saputra said that the performance of the team was extraordinary and beyond expectations. The results obtained were thanks to their togetherness, mental state, communication, as well as support from the supporters. (ard)

Men’s Team: Joko Rianto, Lalu Dwi K, Tomi Irawan, M. Wian Arifana, Bayu Astriyanto, Hafidh Mustofa, Fachriansyah, Ragat Subagia, Moh Rifqi F, Agung Septia H, Rauh Akbar, Yoja Wikes S.

 Women’s Team: Eksa Malvin M P, Ria Bakti Yuanasari, Utari Esi Faatihah, Vetty Nirmalasari.

Melalui GLS, Dosen PBSI UAD Tingkatkan Literasi Siswa

Penguatan literasi siswa dan masyarakat terus menjadi perhatian banyak pihak. Seperti yang dilakukan dosen Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia (PBSI) Universitas Ahmad Dahlan (UAD) Dra. Sudarmini, M.Pd. dan Prof. Drs. Soeparno.

Keduanya melakukan pengabdian masyarakat melalui Gerakan Literasi Sekolah (GLS) untuk meningkatkan literasi siswa di SMP Muhammadiyah 9 Yogyakarta. Dari keterangan Sudarmini, kegiatan yang berlangsung (23-24/4/2018) ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kemampuan literasi siswa.

“Program GLS yang dicanangkan pemerintah belum tersosialisasikan dengan baik ke sekolah, termasuk di SMP Muhammadiyah 9 Yogyakarta. Kegiatan literasi di sekolah ini masih sangat rendah. Hal ini dapat dilihat dari rata-rata jam kunjung perpustakaan harian hanya mencapai lima persen dari jumlah siswa,” papar Sudarmini.

Ia menambahkan, kendala utama implementasi GLS di antaranya padatnya kegiatan dengan program lima hari sekolah, terbatasnya sumber daya manusia pelaksana karena harus dilaksanakan di luar jam belajar, dan terbatasnya sarana serta prasarana penunjang. Oleh karenanya, diperlukan mitra untuk mendampingi dan memberikan arahan yang dalam hal ini diperankan oleh perguruan tinggi melalui pengabdian kepada masyarakat.

GLS merupakan salah satu wujud kepedulian masyarakat terutama perguruan tinggi. Program ini menjadi salah satu program literasi secara nasional. Tujuannya untuk meningkatkan kemampuan literasi secara nasional maupun internasional. Literasi merupakan hal dasar yang wajib dikuasai setiap anak.

Di Indonesia, berdasarkan data dari Programme for International Student Assesment (PISA), lebih dari 50 persen anak Indonesia berusia 15 tahun tidak memiliki kemampuan dasar yang baik dalam membaca. Sumber tersebut menyebutkan bahwa tingkat literasi Indonesia masih pada peringkat 10 terbawah.

Sumber lain dari Programme for the International Assessment of Adult Competencies (PIAAC) terhadap orang dewasa usia 16-65 tahun di Jakarta, pada tahun 2015 menunjukkan lebih dari 70 persen individu berada di bawah level 1 (terendah) dalam hal literasi.

Berkaca dari fakta tersebut, Sudarmini dan tim merancang kegiatan penyuluhan dan kampanye GLS khusus untuk siswa. Di antaranya pelatihan membaca efektif (membaca sastra dan membaca SQ3R), pelatihan menulis (puisi, sinopsis, dan resensi), serta lomba menulis puisi dan resensi.

“Kegiatan ini tidak hanya dikhususkan kepada siswa saja. Semua unsur di sekolah termasuk kepala sekolah dan jajaran pimpinan, guru, staf tata usaha, perpustakaan, bahkan satpam turut terlibat. Program ini menjadi tanggung jawab bersama. Akan ada tindak lanjut kontrak kesepakatan hasilnya maksimal.”

Salah satu implementasi GLS yang memiliki andil besar meningkatkan literasi siswa dengan menghidupkan perpustakaan sekolah. Perpustakaan menjadi salah satu pusat aktivitas yang menyenangkan dalam rangka membangun literasi sekolah.

Pada kegiatan ini, Sudarmini melibatkan alumni dan mahasiswa PBSI sebagai mentor belajar siswa. Ia berharap, program GLS di SMP Muhammadiyah 9 Yogyakarta dapat meningkatkan kemampuan literasi siswa dan membudayakan kegiatan baca dan tulis. (ard)

Kemenristekdikti and UAD Held Training for SINTA Verifiers

Directorate of Research and Community Service of the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education (Kemenristekdikti), in collaboration with Ahmad Dahlan University (UAD), will conduct verification training on Indexing and Citation System (SINTA). The event will be held on April 17-18, 2018 at Hotel Grand Dafam Rohan Jogja on Jl. Janti-Gedong Kuning, Banguntapan, Bantul, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta (DIY). The number of the training participants is 100, consisting of representatives of universities and Kopertis.

The purpose of this event is to synchronize perception of the features and facilities that will be provided by the trainer to the verifiers, as well as to provide assistance, technical guidance, and problem solving methods in the process of verifying data of lecturers and institutions in each university. Finally, the event is also intended as guidance for the verifiers in the university, in order to maintain the quality of existing data in SINTA.

Directorate General of Technology Research and Development launched SINTA as a system that can be used by policy makers in conducting lecturer performance evaluation. It can also be used as a reference for lecturers and researchers to view the journals recommended by Kemenristekdikti.

SINTA version 2.0 that has been launched (4/8/2017), has a new look and content from 30,000 authors in 959 journals. In January 2018, the number of authors who have been registered to SINTA is over 80,000. To implement SINTA optimally, data verification activities are required to regulate data collection mechanisms, as well as to ensure valid incoming data which are in accordance with the performance of each author.

Therefore, in 2018, SINTA verification that was originally centralized will be delegated to universities to facilitate and speed up the verification process. As a part of the delegating process of the verification, training is needed for verification trainers and SINTA verifiers.

Son Ali (UAD), Sam Farisa Chaerul Havian (UNISSULA), Dr. Kasiyarno, M.Hum. (UAD Rector), Tole Sutikno, Ph.D. (Head of LPPI UAD), Ira Nurhayati Djarot (Director of Research and Development System), and Sjaeful Irwan (Sub Directorate of Research and Development Information System) will be present as the speakers.

Hopefully, this training will be useful to evaluate the performance of lecturers and universities in an effective and efficient way, in order to increase the number and quality of research as a form of the implementation of Tri Dharma Perguruan Tinggi. (doc)

UAD Post-Graduate Alumni Meeting

The Postgraduate Program of Ahmad Dahlan University (UAD) held an alumni meeting with a series of congress events, a national seminar and workshop. The event that took place on Saturday (14/4/2018) in the west hall of the new building in campus 4 UAD on Jln. Ringroad Selatan, Tamanan, Bantul, Yogyakarta, was attended by 140 alumni from various regions in Indonesia.

On this occasion, there were a handover of book donation by alumni and a congress election of the Graduate Program Alumni Board of Ahmad Dahlan (Hapsada). In addition, there were a national seminar entitled "Increasing the Role of UAD Graduates Based on the Excellence of the Study Programs", and an internationally renowned scientific writing workshop.

While giving a speech at the opening of the event, Vice Rector I UAD, Dr. Muchlas, M.T. conveyed that UAD is an urban university. It is in accordance with the mandate of the founding fathers that UAD is an urban university.

"Currently, UAD has one major campus and satellite campuses," Muchlas said jokingly.

He expressed his expectation that the alumni of UAD could contribute to the development of UAD to become an advanced university trusted by the public. Muchlas stated that alumni had an important role in building trust from external stakeholders.

"The meeting is not just for the nostalgia and ceremonies. With this meeting, we must get something remarkable to formulate strategies to develop the community, the university, and the workplace of the alumni," he said.

Meanwhile, the Director of UAD Graduate, Prof. Dr. Achmad Mursyidi, M.Sc., Apt., expressed his expectation that, with this activity, there would be a good relationship between university and alumni.

"It is impossible for each to stand alone. We must work together. Both of these elements must mutually support each other in order to achieve an improvement and trust from the people," said Mursyidi. (ard)

An UAD Student Won Second Place in Most Outstanding Student (Mawapres) Awards in Kopertis V

Ika Suciwati, a student of English Education (PBI) Study Program of Ahmad Dahlan University (UAD) mnaged to become the 2nd winner of Most Outstanding Student (Mawapres) awards on Private Higher Education Coordinator (Kopertis) V level of Yogyakarta Special Region (DIY).

The Mawapres awards event was held in the Office of Kopertis V DIY on Jln. Tentara Pelajar No. 13, Yogyakarta on Thursday (5/4/2018). In this event, Ika outperformed candidates from several other private universities, such as UTY, Atma Jaya, Alma Ata, and UMY.

"The highest score lies in achievement. At least there are about 15 achievements that I have achieved in the past year," explained Ika who comes from Kananga, Bima, West Nusa Tenggara (NTB) this.

Her achievements include Best Paper ASEAN Youth Cultural Exposure 2017 (Bangkok-Thailand), Best Idea ASEAN International Summit 2017 (Malaysia), Judge of Science Government Debate Competition held by UGM, Grand Finalist of the 2018 Asian English Olympics (Jakarta) TOP 3 Best Novice Speaker of the 2018 Asian English Olympics (Jakarta), judge of Antar Bangsa Competition (SMAN 8 Yogyakarta), judge of International Competition (SMAN 7 Jogjakarta), Best Team of ASEAN International Summit 2017 (Malaysia), The Youngest Presenter of 9th International Conference on Language, Innovation, Culture and Education 2018 (Thailand).

With her background as a debater, Ika, who is currently in her 6th semester, immediately prepared herself to participate in the National University Debating Championship (NUDC) and National level Mawapres competition.

"Alhamdulillah, this victory is thanks to the support of various parties. The key is to be patient and do your best. I am very grateful for this victory. However, in the future, there are still many events that I must participate in, so there is no need for me to drag on this euphoria," she said.

Ika’s achievements are legendary for UAD, especially PBI Study Program. It is because, she successfully represents PBI study program in Mawapres Awards in Kopertis V for three years in a row. The two finalists who managed to win this event is Lidya Tarmidzani Putri (Second place winner of Mawapres Awards in Kopertis V DIY 2017) and Iqwan Sanjani (Third place winner of Mawapres Awards in Kopertis V DIY and Best 15 Finalists of National Mawapres Awards 2016). (ard)

An UAD Lecturer Reveals the Importance of Drug Sovereignty in Indonesia

On one occasion during a visit to the editorial office of one of print media in Yogyakarta, Dr. Kintoko, M.Sc., Apt., a lecturer at the Faculty of Pharmacy of Ahmad Dahlan University (UAD) explained about medicine in Indonesia.

He, who is holding a position as the Head of Department of Research and Ummat Empowerment from Healthcare Professionals for Sharia (Help-S), revealed that based on studies, about 60 percent of the Indonesian drug market is dominated by products from China. The rest is dominated by products from India, America and a number of other countries. According to him, although Indonesia actually has abundant natural resources, the contribution it gives to the medicinal field is still very small.

With the enormous potential of natural resources, Indonesia should be able to meet its own needs of medicines independently. It is a very important thing to do, given that, so far, about 96 percent of the active drug ingredients in Indonesia are still supplied by other countries.

"It is time for Indonesia to have drug sovereignty. According to the data, Indonesia spends 11 trillion rupiah budget in a year to import raw ingredients of drugs," said Kintoko.

He added that, according to the Ministry of Industry, Indonesia has a surplus in active drug ingredients which are obtained from oil and gas industries. Indonesia also has 37,000 species of medicinal plants and 350,000 traditional herbs that can be used to support drug sovereignty.

In response to this issue, Kintoko highlighted the development of the national pharmaceutical industry towards drug sovereignty.

"Indonesia has no strict policy. Raw materials and medicines from abroad can still easily be exported. Meanwhile, when we want to produce our own medicines that actually have better quality, we are constrained with high production cost which affects the selling price," he said.

Given how important drug is, Kintoko will be one of the speakers at a seminar entitled "Indonesia Sehat dalam Rahmat dan Lindungan Allah, Kedaulatan Obat Indonesia" or “Healthy Indonesia in the Grace and Protection of Allah, Drug Sovereignty in Indonesia”. The seminar will be held on Saturday (14/4/2018) at Pratama Hospital on Jln. Kolonel Sugiono No. 98, Karanganyar, Mergangsan, Yogyakarta.

"This seminar will be held as a solution. The government must at least know the potential that Indonesia possesses in medicinal field, so that it can be a guide to construct policy concerning national drug sovereignty," he concluded. (doc)

PGSD UAD Equips Students with Disaster Mitigation Competence

Primary School Teacher Education Study Program (PGSD) of Ahmad Dahlan University (UAD) held a joint lecture of Social Science (IPS) Learning Materials on Saturday (7/4/2018). This lecture was in order to welcome Disaster Preparedness Day (HKB) and prepare prospective Primary School (SD) educators who are tough in dealing with disasters.

The activities were held on the 3rd floor classroom of the new building of campus 5 UAD. The event was attended by 350 PGSD students of semester 4. Present as the speaker was Budi Santoso, S.Psi. from Risk Reduction and Preparedness Division of Muhammadiyah Disaster Management Center (MDMC).

According to Budi, prospective educators must be equipped with disaster-related capabilities. They must at least master management and preparedness mechanisms.

"Disaster response capability should be owned by educator candidates. They are agents of change that have the potential to minimize the impact of disasters," he said.

He added that all elements in the society, including universities, should contribute to reducing the risk of disaster. From his explanation, disasters are divided into several types, i. e. natural, non-natural, and social disasters.

Meanwhile, one of the lecturers of IPS Learning Materials course, Kirana Prama Dewi, S. Sos., M.Pd. explained that this activity was aimed at optimizing the potential of educators in realizing schools immune to disasters.

"We want to prepare prospective educators who are responsive to disasters. The material presented is related to natural phenomena and mitigation that should be taught at primary schools," said Kirana. (ard)

LAPAN Bekali Ilmu Astronomi Mahasiswa UAD

Lembaga Penerbangan dan Antariksa Nasional (LAPAN) Indonesia memberikan pelatihan kepada mahasiswa Pendidikan Fisika S1 Universitas Ahmad Dahlan (UAD) (4-5/5/2018). Lembaga pemerintah nonkementerian ini membekali mahasiswa dengan ilmu astronomi, khususnya mengenai polusi cahaya dan pengelolaan planetarium.

Eko Nursulistyo, M.Pd. dosen Pendidikan Fisika menerangkan, pelatihan ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan keterampilan keilmuan bidang astronomi kepada mahasiswa. Selain itu, mahasiswa akan mendapatkan Surat Keterangan Pendamping Ijazah (SKPI) yang dapat digunakan setelah lulus kuliah.

“Kerja sama dengan LAPAN ini untuk membekali mahasiswa dengan keterampilan pengelolaan planetarium. Di sisi lain, kami juga memberikan pengetahuan mengenai polusi cahaya, cara mendeteksi polusi cahaya, dan mengelola datanya,” jelas Eko.

Sementara Drs. Gunawan Admiranto, peneliti fisika matahari dari LAPAN mengungkapkan, kegiatan ini merupakan salah satu pemenuhan fungsi LAPAN untuk memberikan pendidikan keantariksaan kepada masyarakat.

“Kami memberikan edukasi kepada mahasiswa, harapannya mereka menularkan kepada masyarakat. Jadi rantai keilmuannya tidak terputus. Dalam pelatihan ini, kami juga menyediakan mini planetarium dengan kapasitas maksimal 15 orang yang bisa dioperasikan mahasiswa,” paparnya ketika ditemui di auditorium kampus 2 UAD, Jln. Pramuka 42, Yogyakarta.

Gunawan menambahkan, yang paling penting dari pelatihan ini adalah mengenai polusi cahaya. Dijelaskannya, dalam jangka panjang polusi cahaya dapat memengaruhi energi, kesehatan, dan lingkungan.

“Polusi cahaya tidak hanya memengaruhi pandangan terhadap benda-benda luar angkasa. Pada tahap jangka panjang, akan berpengaruh terhadap ketahanan energi, kesehatan manusia, dan perubahan lingkungan. Polusi cahaya mengubah fase terjaga manusia dan hewan.”

Ia mencontohkan saat ini sudah jarang terlihat kunang-kunang, kelelawar, dan hewan malam sejenisnya. Yang cukup parah, reproduksi dari penyu terganggu akibat polusi cahaya. Polusi ini mengakibatkan cahaya bertahan selama 24 jam, separuh dari matahari, sisanya dari cahaya lampu.

Saat ini polusi cahaya dianggap sebagai masalah yang cukup serius mengingat dampaknya terhadap siklus kehidupan makhluk hidup. Meskipun sulit ditangani, masalah ini harus diselesaikan oleh semua pihak. Hal yang paling sederhana dengan mematikan lampu yang tidak digunakan dan tidak memancarkan cahaya lampu ke atas. (ard)