Press Release: Training of Emergency Patient Management (PPGD) and Reproductive Health Management in Disasters


Bantul Regency is one of the areas in Yogyakarta Special Region (DIY) that has high potential for disasters, such as flood, tornado, earthquake, drought, and landslide. This critical situation creates a possibility where refugees do not get their reproductive rights. Therefore, there were many cases of sexual violence, sickness and death due to unmet fulfillment of maternal and child health services, as well as lack of Family Planning (KB) services related to unwanted pregnancy.

Ordinary people also have an important role in disaster management in the health sector response in an emergency condition. Their ability to provide help is essential, at least to their own families. It is also expected that they can protect the reproductive health rights of refugees.

Based on these conditions, Oktomi Wijaya, S.KM., M.Sc. and Ratu Matahari, S.KM., M.A., M.Kes. who are young lecturers at the Faculty of Public Health, University of Ahmad Dahlan (UAD) took the initiative to conduct Emergency Patient Management (PPGD) and Reproductive Health Management in Disasters which are conducted in collaboration with PRM Potorono Barat, Potorono Utara and PRM Nglaren (PCM Banguntapan Selatan). Training activities were held on Saturday-Sunday (17-18/3/2018) at Da'wah Hall of PRM Nglaren, Bantul District. The event involved 30 participants from each of the three PRM representatives.

With this training, it is expected that Muhammadiyah cadres can provide basic emergency help, assist medical and paramedical teams in the evacuation and transportation process during disasters, and have the understanding of the importance of fulfilling reproductive rights in times of crisis.

Workshop Penulisan Ilmiah TEAM ke-2

Telkomnika Editor and Authors Meeting (TEAM) menyelenggarakan workshop penulisan ilmiah kedua. Acara yang berlangsung di Hotel Grand Dafam Rohan (21-22/3/2018) bertujuan untuk berbagi pengetahuan dan diskusi tentang paper yang bagus, editing, dan proofreading. Telkomnika sendiri merupakan salah satu jurnal Teknik Elektro Fakultas Teknik Industri (FTI) Universitas Ahmad Dahlan (UAD) yang sudah terindeks Scopus, memiliki akreditasi A, dan jurnal terbaik Indonesia 2017.


Anton Yudhana, M.T.,Ph.D., selaku ketua acara menjelaskan, pengelola Telkomnika ingin memfasilitasi para dosen dan penulis jurnal dengan memberikan workshop kepenulisan ilmiah.

Pertama, kami ingin menyamakan persepsi antara penulis dan editor. Persepsi yang sama ini akan memudahkan sebelum penerbitan tulisan. Kedua, workshop ini juga bertujuan untuk mendukung visi Indonesia menulis 2018,” papar Anton.


Sementara Tole Sutikno, M.T.,Ph.D., Kepala Lembaga Penerbitan dan Publikasi Ilmiah (LPPI) mengungkapkan, seiring berjalannya waktu, antusias penulis terhadap jurnal di UAD semakin banyak, utamanya yang terindeks Scopus. Ini tidak terlepas dari pengelolaan yang baik dan dukungan dari berbagai pihak.

“Perlu diketahui, saat ini 3 jurnal UAD sudah terindeks Scopus. Di tahun 2108 ini, Telkomnika juga akan menyelenggarakan konferensi internasional yang rencananya akan dilangsungkan 13-16 November.”


Di sisi lain, Dr. Ir. Bambang Supriyadi, CES.,DEA., Koordinator Kopertis V, sangat mengapresiasi UAD sebagai Perguruan Tinggi Swasta (PTS) yang sering menyelenggarakan workshop dalam rangka menyamakan persepsi dalam penulisan jurnal.

“Kami mengapresiasi UAD yang turut mendorong perguruan tinggi lain di Indonesia dalam hal pengembangan jurnal. Harapannya, UAD bisa menularkan ilmunya dan dapat menambah jurnal di bidang-bidang lain yang terindeks Scopus,” tandasnya. (ard)

Periode Maret 2018 UAD Mewisuda 914 Mahasiswa

Universitas Ahmad Dahlan (UAD) Yogyakarta mewisuda 914 mahasiswa periode Maret 2018. Dari total tersebut, 221 Sarjana S1 dan 32 Sarjana S2 dinyatakan cumlaude. Rata-rata Indeks Prestasi Kumulatif (IPK) wisudawan dari S1 3,32 sedangkan wisudawan S2 3,68.

Pada wisuda periode Maret 2018, alumni UAD sudah lebih dari 42 ribu. Wisudawan terbaik dari S1 atas nama Isnaepi dari program studi Pendidikan Matematika (PMAT) dengan IPK 4,00. Kedua Tegar Surya Putra program studi Manajemen dengan IPK 3,97. Ketiga Miyah Sharifah program studi Manajemen dengan IPK 3,95. Dari program pascasarjana Meta Damaharyuningtyas (Farmasi) menjadi yang terbaik dengan IPK 4,00.

Wisudawan S1 dengan masa studi tercepat (3 tahun, 4 bulan, 28 hari) dicapai oleh M. Husni Arsyad dari program studi Bahasa dan Sastra Arab dengan IPK 3,90. Untuk wisudawan termuda adalah Debby Elvionita dari program studi Sastra Inggris yang lulus pada usia 20 tahun 8 bulan 9 hari dengan IPK 3,65.

Sementara untuk wisudawan berprestasi di tingkat regional, nasional, maupun internasional antara lain Tri Uatami (BK), Clara Oktavia (BK), Jonasdi (PBI), Mahmuda Maarif (PPKn), Tegar Surya Putra (Manajemen), Toni Effendi (Biologi), Rizky Gusti Pratiwi (Teknik Kimia), Abdul Aziz A Y (Farmasi), Isharyanto (Farmasi), Agung Hawono Yudho (Ilmu Hukum), Abdul Farhan Jihad (Kesehatan Masyarakat). Beberapa mahasiswa bahkan meraih lebih dari satu prestasi selama kuliah di UAD.

Menanggapi UAD yang semakin maju dan berkembang, Tegar yang merupakan wisudawan terbaik kedua dan berprestasi menyorot pada pembangunan gedung Kampus 4. Mantan ketua Dewan Perwakilan Mahasiswa (DPM) Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis (FEB) 2017 ini menganggap kampus 4 adalah kemajuan bagi UAD.

“Kemajuan yang pertama adalah segi kebanggaan, mayoritas mahasiswa merasa bangga. Kedua peningkatan segi fasilitas, sejauh ini ketika mahasiswa melakukan audiensi, mediasi, maupun beberapa kali turun aksi selalu mempermasalahkannya. Akan tetapi, pada kesempatan kali ini UAD menjawabnya dengan adanya pembangunan kampus 4. Ini adalah bukti kongkrit bahwa fasilitas terus menerus diupayakan yang menunjukkan bahwa UAD adalah perguruan tinggi yang besar dan mampu bersaing,” tandasnya.

Sementara Isnaepi dan Miyah Shafirah dua wisudawan terbaik lainnya menanggapi gedung Kampus 4 merupakan identitas baru UAD. Di kampus ini mahasiswa lebih leluasa melakukan diskusi di luar jam perkuliahan. Tempat luas dan sarana prasarana yang memadahi memudahkan mahasiswa meningkatkan keilmuannya dan mengembangkan potensi diri.

Menristek Dikti Isi Kuliah Umum di UAD

Menteri Riset, Teknologi, dan Pendidikan Tinggi Republik Indonesia (Menristek Dikti RI) Prof. H. Mohamad Nasir, Ph.D.,Ak. mengaku salut terhadap perkembangan Universitas Ahmad Dahlan (UAD). Pengakuan tersebut ia sampaikan saat mengisi kuliah umum di kampus 4 UAD, Jln. Ringroad Selatan, Tamanan, Bantul, Yogyakarta, Kamis (22/3/2018). Pada kesempatan yang sama, Mohamad Nasir juga meletakkan batu pertama pembangunan gedung sekaligus menyerahkan SK Pendirian Fakultas Kedokteran UAD.

“Saat ini UAD harus terus dikembangkan, yang dibarengi dengan penggunaan teknologi modern agar bisa menjadi perguruan tinggi yang mampu bersaing di kancah lokal maupun internasional. Kompetisi di dunia pendidikan tinggi tidak hanya berkutat pada mahasiswa dan dosen saja, tetapi yang terpenting adalah cara menciptakan kepercayaan dengan tidak membeda-bedakan siapa yang akan mengenyam pendidikan. Harus ada pemerataan,” tandasnya.

Sementara Rektor UAD, Dr. Kasiyarno, M.Hum., menyampaikan, saat ini perguruan tinggi yang dipimpinnya sedang terus berbenah. Hal yang menjadi fokus utama adalah peningkatan sumber daya manusia serta peningkatan sarana dan prasarana.

“UAD sudah mendapat akreditasi A dari BAN-PT dengan nilai yang memuaskan. Tetapi, kami tidak akan berhenti sampai di sini. Sesuai dengan visi, kami berkomitmen terus mengembangkan perguruan tinggi Muhammadiyah ini agar diakui secara internasional dengan  dijiwai oleh nilai-nilai Islam,” terang Kasiyarno.

Pada kuliah umum bertajuk “Kebijakan Nasional Pendidikan Tinggi Indonesia Menghadapi Revolusi Industri 4.0”, Menristek Dikti mengingatkan bahwa riset, teknologi, dan pendidikan tinggi merupakan faktor penting dalam membangun daya saing bangsa untuk meningkatkan kesejahteraan dan keadilan. (ard)

The Most Outstanding Student (Mawapres) of UAD Attended an International Conference in Thailand

"The majority of presenters of the conference were professors, doctoral graduates, and lecturers. They were mostly from America and Thailand. However, there were several presenters who came from from Pakistan, Malaysia, Vietnam Philippines, China, and Japan. I am very proud to represent UAD and become the youngest presenter," said Ika Suciwati a few days after attending the 9th International Conference on Language, Innovation, Culture, and Education in Thailand.

Ika claimed to have learned a lot from various international speakers who are scholars and practitioners from around the world. She did not only study the paper material that the others presented, but also the personality of these people. Ika, who is a student of UAD English Education (PBI) study program was greatly honored and praised by other participants for being the youngest presenter at the conference.

"After becoming the most outstanding student (Mawapres) of Ahmad Dahlan University (UAD), I am motivated to achieve more. One of the efforts that I do is participating in the 9th International Conference on Language, Innovation, Culture, and Education. To attend the event, I firstly submitted an abstract. And then after passing the selection process, I proceeded to send the full paper," she said.

The obstacle that Ika, who comes from Bima, felt when she was in Thailand was her inability to attend the first lecture because the conference took place on February 23-25, 2018. The accommodation she needed during the conference was fully covered by UAD.

For her, the most important thing that she got out of the conference was getting a lot of connections. Ika also explained that she got a lot of new knowledge about paper and scholarship. Next, she would take part in the selection of Mawapres Kopertis V level and go to the national level in April.

Having the background of a debater, this 6th semester student is also preparing to compete in the National Universities Debating Championship (NUDC). NUDC is the most prestigious debate competition in Indonesia organized by Kemenristek Dikti. Related to education, Ika has plans to pursue graduate studies at Monash University Australia by applying for a scholarship, either from LPDP or Australia Award.

Her achievements include Best Paper of ASEAN Youth Cultural Exposure 2017 (Bangkok-Thailand), Best Idea of ASEAN International Summit 2017 (Malaysia), judge of Science Government Debate Competition held by UGM, Grand Finalist of the 2018 Asian English Olympics (Jakarta) , TOP 3 Best Novice Speaker of the 2018 Asian English Olympics (Jakarta), judge of Antar Bangsa Competition (SMAN 8 Yogyakarta), judge of International Competition (SMAN 7 Yogyakarta), Best Team of ASEAN International 2017 (Malaysia), The Youngest Presenter of 9th International Conference on Language, Innovation, Culture, and Education 2018 (Thailand). (ard)

UAD Rector Appealed the Faculty to Design Cooperative Activities with Monash University, Australia

Together with the delegation of Central Board of Muhammadiyah (PPM) Higher Education Council, Haedar Nashir, M.Si., and more than 20 rectors of PTM (Muhammadiyah University), Dr. Kasiyarno, M.Hum., as the Rector of Ahmad Dahlan University (UAD) attended the Signing Ceremony between DIKTI PPM Assembly with Monash University in Melbourne, Australia.

After the visit, UAD Rector appealed that the Deans of Faculty of UAD could start designing cooperative activities with Monash University for them to be realized in 2018.

"Hopefully, these cooperation plans can be implemented soon," said Kasiyarno.

The chairman of the PPM Higher Education Council also advised rectors of PTM to immediately follow up the MoU by implementing all points of the cooperation. The forms of activities that have been agreed upon include joint conference, student exchange, visiting professor, and joint research.

Prof. Lincolin Arsyad emphasized that the MoU would have no meaning at all if it was not immediately followed by implementation. Therefore, PTM must maintain Muhammadiyah marwah as a modern organization to be consistent with the agreement by organizing the activities included in the MoU.

At the meeting (15/2/2018), all the rectors of PTM were also given the opportunity to individually sign the MoU with Monash University. Then, the event continued by reviewing the "candidate" location for Muhammadiyah school in the suburbs of Melbourne

UAD-Muhammadiyah Considers Cooperation with University of Canberra

Ahmad Dahlan University (UAD) Yogyakarta and Muhammadiyah held a discussion on the exploration of cooperation with University of Canberra, Australia on Monday (19/2/2018). The discussion between the two parties were very constructive. The ideas of the cooperation proposed by the Rector of UAD and the International Program Director gained positive responses.

Through this bilateral discussion, the two parties agreed on the possibility of cooperation in the fields of student exchange, joint conference, visiting professor, or joint research. In the informal talk, Prof. Roland Goecke said that he was willing to be invited to UAD as a speaker in joint seminars or joint research on digital forensics.

Before the cooperation dialogue, the group consisting of the Chairman of PP Muhammadiyah, Dr. Haedar Nashir, Rector of UAD, Kasiyarno, M.Hum., Vice Rector I of UAD Dr. Muchlas, M.T., Director of UAD International Program, Dwi Santoso, Ph.D., and Atdikbud of Canberra, Imran Hanafi, had a tour at the laboratory of the Faculty of Science and Technology.

In the laboratory, the group was introduced to Dr. Reena Ghildyal, a microbiology professor. At the meeting, Reena gave explanation about various research related to the field of science. In addition, the group was also shown some mannequins used as the media for human anatomy learning.

After considering the results of the discussion on possible cooperation and resources available at UAD, a cooperation is quite likely to be implemented in the near future. The cooperation between UAD and the University of Canberra can be in the form of joint research in the fields of biology, pharmacy, and health. Meanwhile, the education field can have joint conference and student exchange. On the other hand, visiting professor can be done for the field of physics.

It must be noted that, similar with UAD, Canberra University of Australia initially was a teacher training institute. Thus, they are very concerned with education. This commonality is ne of the factors that allows cooperation between both parties, which can be realized in the form of various activities. (ard/doc)

UAD and 4 PTMs Appointed for School Establishment and Development in Australia

Ahmad Dahlan University (UAD) along with 4 other Muhammadiyah Universities (PTM) was appointed by PP Muhammadiyah to be directly involved in establishing and developing a school in Australia.

The 10-hectare land located in Narre Warren East is a very strategic area in the southeast of Melbourne. UAD Vice Rector III, Dr. Muchlas M.T., who participated to see the location, said that the land was prepared by PP Muhammadiyah as the location of Muhammadiyah Australian College school whose grand design is currently being prepared.

"When we visited the location, there had been a building temporarily used as the office of Muhammadiyah Special Branch (PCIM) Australia, as well as the Muhammadiyah charity office in Australia," he said later.

This building had existed when the land was purchased. Because it was still considered to have solid construction, it was decided to be temporarily used as an office after the feasibility test was done by the local government.

"During the visit, we were invited to see around the land and was guided by Mas Khamim (Chairman of PCIM Australia) and Mas Edward (one of the PCIM officials), to see firsthand the sections of lands and landscapes that had been acquired by Muhammadiyah. After completing the tour, we were invited to discuss the aspects of Muhammadiyah Australian College's development, starting from its visions, missions, to the implementation of the education and teaching in the PCIM secretarial room. On this occasion, Dr. Haedar Nashir, M.Si., provided inputs for the improvement of the Muhammadiyah school plan."

Haedar Nasir, as the Chairman of PP Muhammadiyah, requests that the school to be built in Australia can be one Muhammadiyah excellence in the field of education as the realization of developed Islam vision implementation. This school will not only be reserved for Indonesian children living in Australia, but also for children in Indonesia who want a superior education abroad with a basis of Islamic values.

Rector of UAD, Dr. Kasiyarno, M.Hum, hopes that in the future development, this school can become a pride educational institution, not only for Muhammadiyah, but also for the nation. He also hopes that the school is able to educate Indonesian children to be global insightful people with Islamic values ​​deeply embedded in them. (doc)



Press Release: Pelatihan Penanggulangan Penderita Gawat Darurat (PPGD) dan Manajemen Kesehatan Reproduksi dalam Kebencanaan


Kabupaten Bantul merupakan salah satu wilayah di Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta (DIY) yang memiliki potensi tinggi terhadap terjadinya bencana, seperti banjir, angin puting beliung, gempa bumi, kekeringan, dan tanah longsor. Situasi krisis ini membuka peluang untuk tidak terpenuhinya hak reproduksi pada pengungsi. Sehingga banyak dijumpai kasus kekerasan seksual, kesakitan, dan kematian, akibat tidak terpenuhinya kebutuhan pelayanan kesehatan ibu dan anak, serta kurangnya layanan Keluarga Berencana yang berhubungan dengan kehamilan tidak diinginkan.

Masyarakat awam juga memiliki peran penting dalam penanggulangan bencana sektor kesehatan dalam kondisi tanggap darurat. Kemampuan mereka dalam memberikan pertolongan sangatlah penting, minimal kepada keluarga serta melindungi hak-hak kesehatan reproduksi para pengungsi.

Berdasarkan kondisi tersebut, Oktomi Wijaya, S.KM., M.Sc. dan Ratu Matahari, S.KM., M.A., M.Kes. yang merupakan dosen muda di Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Ahmad Dahlan (UAD) berinisiatif melakukan pelatihan Penanggulangan Penderita Gawat Darurat (PPGD) dan Manajemen Kesehatan Reproduksi dalam Kebencanaan yang bekerja sama dengan PRM Potorono Barat, Potorono Utara, dan PRM Nglaren (PCM Banguntapan Selatan). Kegiatan pelatihan dilaksanakan pada Sabtu-Ahad (17-18/3/2018) di Balai Dakwah PRM Nglaren, Kabupaten Bantul. Acara ini melibatkan 30 peserta dari masing-masing perwakilan ketiga PRM tersebut.

Harapannya dengan mendapatkan pelatihan ini, para kader Muhammadiyah dapat memberikan pertolongan gawat darurat dasar, membantu tim medis dan paramedik dalam melakukan evakuasi dan transportasi saat bencana terjadi, serta pemahaman tentang pentingnya pemenuhan hak-hak reproduksi pada saat krisis.

Mawapres UAD Ikuti Konferensi Internasional di Thailand

“Mayoritas presenter dari konferensi ini adalah para profesor, lulusan S3, dan dosen. Kebanyakan dari Amerika dan Thailand. Selain itu ada dari Pakistan, Malaysia, Vietnam Filipina, Tiongkok, dan Jepang. Saya bangga mewakili UAD dan menjadi presenter termuda,” terang Ika Suciwati beberapa hari setelah mengikuti 9th International Conference on Language, Innovation, Culture, and Education di Thailand.

Ika mengaku banyak belajar dari berbagai pembicara internasional yang merupakan akademisi dan praktisi dari berbagai belahan dunia. Tidak hanya materi paper yang ia pelajari, tetapi juga kepribadian orang-orang tersebut. Mahasiswi Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris (PBI) UAD ini merasa sangat dihargai dan mendapat sanjungan dari peserta lain karena menjadi presenter termuda pada konferensi tersebut.

“Setelah menjadi mahasiswa berprestasi (Mawapres) 1 Universitas Ahmad Dahlan (UAD), saya termotivasi untuk lebih berprestasi. Salah satunya dengan mengikuti kegiatan 9th International Conference on Language, Innovation, Culture, and Education. Di ajang ini, saya mengajukan abstrak, setelah dinyatakan lolos kemudian mengirimkan full paper kepada pihak terkait,” tandasnya.

Kendala yang dirasakan perempuan asal Bima ini saat di Thailand ialah harus meninggalkan kuliah perdana karena konferensi berlangsung 23-25 Februari 2018. Untuk akomodasi pembiayaan selama mengikuti konferensi, semunya ditanggung penuh oleh UAD.

Baginya, yang paling penting dari konferensi ini adalah mendapat banyak relasi. Ika menerangkan banyak mendapat pengetahuan baru mengenai paper dan beasiswa. Ke depannya, ia akan mengikuti seleksi Mawapres tingkat Kopertis V dan di bulan April ke tingkat nasional.

Memiliki latar belakang seorang debater, mahasiswi semester 6 ini juga sedang mempersiapkan diri untuk bertarung di kompetisi National Universities Debating Championship (NUDC). NUDC merupakan lomba debat paling bergengsi di Indonesia yang diselenggarakan oleh Kemenristek Dikti. Terkait pendidikan, Ika memiliki rencana untuk melanjutkan studi S2 di Monash University Australia dengan jalur beasiswa, baik LPDP maupun Australia Award.

Prestasi yang pernah ia raih antara lain Best Paper Asean Youth Cultural Exposure 2017 (Bangkok-Thailand), Best Idea Asean International Summit 2017 (Malaysia), Juri Lomba Debat Ilmu Pemerintahan yang diselenggarakan UGM, Grand Finalist of the 2018 Asian English Olympics (Jakarta), TOP 3 Best Novice Speaker of The 2018 Asian English Olympics (Jakarta), Juri Kompetisi Antar Bangsa (SMAN 8 Yogyakarta), Juri International Competition (SMAN 7 Yogyakarta), Best Team of Asean Intetnational Summit 2017 (Malaysia), The Youngest Presenter of 9th International Conference on Language, Innovation, Culture, and Education 2018 (Thailand). (ard)