The Objectives of UMS Student Affairs Department’s Visit to UAD

"In recent years, from our observations, UAD student achievements are quite good. As a fellow Muhammadiyah university, we would like to learn from the student management in UAD, especially the student controlling," stated Mahasri Shohabiya, M.Ag., the Head of IMM UMS.

Ahmad Dahlan University (UAD) Yogyakarta received a visit from the Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta (UMS) on Tuesday (6/2/2018). The meetings and discussions on student affairs were held in the hall of Campus 1 on Jln. Kapas 9, Semaki, Yogyakarta. Also presented as representatives of UAD were Vice Rector III, Dr. Abdul Fadlil, M.T., the Head of BIMAWA, Triantoro Safaria, S.Psi., M.Si., Ph.D., and the Head of Student Affairs, Drs. Hendro Setyono, S.E., M.Sc.

In the discussion, Abdul Fadlil emphasized the importance of synergy among Muhammadiyah Higher Educations (PTM). According to him, a good relationship among PTMs will have an impact on improving the quality and quantity of PTM in its competition with Public Universities (PTN).

On the other hand, related to student affairs, he suggested that student controlling in PTM started from the cadres of Muhammadiyah Student Association (IMM). From his view, IMM was an important pillar of the development of PTM and Muhammadiyah in the future. In addition, the distribution of student talent should be in accordance with their field of interest.

"In addition to guiding, we also facilitate. It means that we support the student activities, both Ortom and Ormawa which are positive and have potential to get acknowledged for their achievement. We try to provide sufficient facilities and infrastructure, as well as giving rewards for outstanding students," he said.

The important thing that needs to be underlined from UAD's student affairs is that it is now prioritizing hearings than demonstrations. There is closeness and harmonious relationship between students and leaders. (ard)

UAD Bantu 9 Miliar, Bangun Gedung Baru UMSB

Universitas Ahmad Dahlan (UAD) Yogyakarta membantu pembangunan gedung baru Universitas Muhammadiyah Sumatra Barat (UMSB). Pembangunan ini merupakan konsorsium dari tiga Perguruan Tinggi Muhammadiyah (PTM) di antaranya UAD, UM Surakarta, dan UM Malang dengan total biaya 21 miliar rupiah.

Konsorsium ini bertujuan untuk membantu UMSB  yang merupakan PTM tertua di Indonesia agar lebih maju. Dalam perkembangannya, UMSB tertinggal jauh daripada PTM lain yang lebih muda. Dari alasan inilah Pimpinan Pusat (PP) Muhammadiyah memiliki perhatian khusus dengan membentuk konsorsium agar UMSB berkembang dan menjadi andalan di Sumatra Barat.

Drs. Safar Nasir, M.Si., Wakil Rektor II UAD mengungkapkan, UAD diminta oleh PP Muhammadiyah membantu secara fisik, non-fisik, maupun pendampingan kepada UMSB.

“UAD menggelontorkan dana sekitar 7 miliar rupiah dan meminjami 2 miliar sebagai talangan yang belum dicairkan salah satu PTM,” tandasnya saat berkunjung ke UMSB, Jumat (16/2/2018).

Dana 21 miliar rupiah tersebut digunakan untuk membangun gedung enam lantai dengan 55 ruangan yang menempati lahan sekitar 5.500 meter persegi. Meski mengalami keterlambatan, saat ini proses pembangunan sudah mencapai 90 persen.

Di sisi lain, Wakil Badan Pembina Harian UMSB, Drs. Adly Etek S., menyampaikan terima kasihnya kepada UAD yang telah menggelontorkan dana 9 miliar rupiah. “Tiga konsorsium sepakat masing-masing 7 miliar. Namun yang masuk baru 19 miliar, sehingga kami meminjam 2 miliar dari UAD untuk melunasi pembiayaan kepada kontraktor,” terangnya. (ard)


The Importance of Early Warning System

Indonesia will enter political years in 2018 and 2019. It is undeniable that political activity can heat up the situation in the society and can trigger conflict. Preventive action is required to prevent conflicts from occurring.

"The potential for conflict in various regions in Indonesia cannot be avoided, especially before the elections. The handling process is usually done after the conflict happens. There is no preventive action. This is the initial idea I used to write my book entitled Merawat Perdamaian, Metode Sistem Peringatan Dini Konflik (Caring for Peace, Method of Early Warning System of Conflict)," explained Dr. Hadi Suyono, S.Psi., M.Psi., a lecturer of Psychology of Ahmad Dahlan University (UAD) when holding a press conference at UAD Rectorate courtroom on Thursday (8/2/2018).

According to him, problems that develop into conflicts will always appear, but there must be precautions. Multicultural Indonesian society is not quick in managing and handling conflict. Therefore, conflicts often occur only because of trivial problems. The diversity embedded in Indonesia makes this country have a high potential for conflicts.

Furthermore, he explained that it was necessary to use local wisdom methods, qualified mediators, and various patterns to deal with conflicts. In the book, Hadi Suyono offers a method of conflict which is an early warning system through psychological approach. The method offered is expected to provide solutions as a conflict prevention effort since conflicts can lead to disunity.

Early warning system focuses on studies aimed at collecting information on potential conflicts and preventive action s that can be done.

"The method serves as a scientific guide for an early warning system to be implemented so it will be accurate enough to reduce the occurrence of conflicts. Currently, the formula on the early warning system of conflicts is being registered into a patent," he said. (ard)

A Total of 25 UAD Students to Receive BSM Scholarship

A total of 25 students of Ahmad Dahlan University (UAD) Yogyakarta received educational assistance in the form of scholarships from Bank Syariah Mandiri (BSM). This UAD partner provided educational assistance of 100 million rupiah. From the description delivered by Drs. Hendro Setyono, S.E., M.Sc. as the Head of Student Affairs BIMAWA, scholarship students had passed a rigorous selection process.

Officially, this educational aid was given to UAD Rector, and was directly given to the students. The distribution of the scholarship was done in the main courtroom of Campus 1 UAD on Jln. Kapas 9, Semaki, Yogyakarta on Monday (12/2/018). Also attending the event was the UAD Rector, Dr. Kasiyarno, M.Hum. who was accompanied by Vice Rector III, Dr. Abdul Fadlil, M.T.

"Thanks to BSM, we have selected students based on their track record when studying in UAD. Hopefully this educational aid enhances students’ motivation in their study and improves their achievement," said Kasiyarno.

In addition, he expected the students to actively participate in extracurricular activities. From these activities, students can get Certificate of Diploma Companion (SKPI) which will be useful when they graduate later.

"UAD graduates must have skills. SKPI is seen by anyone who will employ the students. In the future, we plan to continue providing the best service for students, especially for students to have international certificate."

This BSM scholarship is the third scholarship received by UAD. Every year, there are several scholarships awarded by UAD and its partners to improve the quality and achievement of the students. (ard)

Akuisisi UAD Selamatkan BPRS Carana Kiat Andalas

Universitas Ahmad Dahlan (UAD) Yogyakarta mengakuisisi Bank Perkreditan Rakyat Syariah (BPRS) Carana Kiat Andalas. Langkah ini ditempuh UAD untuk menyelamatkan BPRS yang terletak di Bukittinggi, Sumatra Barat, dari kebangkrutan. Bantuan yang diberikan berupa penambahan modal, deposito, serta bantuan manajemen untuk memperbaiki keuangan.


Drs. Safar Nasir, M.Si., Wakil Rektor II UAD menjelaskan, sejak diakuisisi oleh UAD, BPRS Carana Kiat Andalas mengalami perkembangan keuangan yang bagus. Saat ini UAD menjadi pemegang saham pengendali dan menempatkan Safar Nasir sebagai Komisaris Utama.


“Sejarahnya, BPRS ini didirikan untuk mengantisipasi rentenir. Kebangkrutan yang hampir terjadi disebabkan pengelolaan yang kurang intens. UAD hadir untuk menyelamatkan dengan menyuntikkan dana sekitar 4,5 miliar rupiah,” terang Safar.


Sebelum UAD mengakuisisi, kerugian yang diderita ditaksir mencapai 500 juta rupiah. Di tahun 2016, kerugian menurun menjadi 131 juta. Kemudian pembukuan per Januari 2018 telah mendapat keuntungan sekitar 45 juta rupiah. Terhitung 27 bulan setelah UAD masuk pada September 2015, ada perbaikan keuangan yang signifikan.


“Kami ingin menerapkan budaya kerja dan manajemen yang sehat di BPRS ini. Selain itu, akuisisi yang dilakukan UAD untuk memberi manfaat sosial, ekonomi, dan akademik,” terangnya saat berkunjung ke BPRS Carana Kiat Andalas, Kamis (15/2/2018).


Manfaat sosial yang diharapkan meliputi memerangi rentenir, membuka lapangan kerja baru, dan menggairahkan tumbuh kembang usaha mikro. Di segi ekonomi, diharapkan BPRS ini dapat mengurangi SPP mahasiswa dan memberi bantuan beasiswa. Sedangkan manfaat akademis BPRS ini dapat dijadikan sebagai laboratorium penelitian untuk dosen maupun mahasiswa. (ard)

UAD Held an All-Night Puppet Show to Celebrate its 57th Milad

"Ahmad Dahlan University (UAD) is happy to have students who have skills in ndalang (the ability to act out wayang or puppets). This kind of profession and expertise are already very rare. Puppet is a good medium for preaching. Ki Anom Teguh Purwocarito is one of 24 thousands UAD students who can ndalang," explained Dr. Kasiyarno, M.Hum., the Rector of UAD while giving a speech in the opening of the all-night puppet show at Campus 4 UAD on Jln. Ringroad Selatan, Tamanan, Bantul, Yogyakarta.

The puppet show that was held on Saturday (10/2/2018) entitled "Semar Mbangun Kayangan" was one of a series of activities for 57th Milad of UAD. Currently, Ki Anom is listed as a fourth semester student of Islamic Education (PAI) study program of Faculty of Islamic Studies (FAI), UAD.

According to Kasiyarno, UAD has the obligation to introduce and popularize talented students like Ki Anom. On several occasions, this young puppeteer was featured during some of UAD programs, including Campus Introduction Program (P2K), Milad, and other activities. He has also performed puppet shows in Cilacap, Semarang, Klaten, and several areas in Yogyakarta.

One that needs to be underlined according to Kasiyarno was that although UAD is an Islamic campus, it was not opposed to arts and cultures. UAD has a wide variety of arts and cultures that are preserved, including gamelan, dance, theater, and music groups.

"UAD is also currently in the process of making a film. There have been many accommodations for students who want to pour their art skills. Furthermore, there are also many students who are excellent in arts. "

Meanwhile, Ki Anom Teguh Purwocarito who currently lives in Pondok Pesantren Al Maun Tegalayang, Caturharjo, Pandak, Bantul, said that his ability in ndalang is obtained from his family and his surroundings. As a child, he was often invited to watch puppet shows by his grandfather. This Klaten-born man admitted that he started learning ndalang since grade V of elementary school.

"In the dorm, my skills are more polished. In addition to studying religion, I continue to develop my ndalang skills. I want to continue the goals of Walisanga (Sunan Kalijaga) which is conducting Islamic da'wah through the media of wayang," said Ki Anom who learned ndalang on his own.

As a Javanese, he asked the people to conserve cultures. The 21-year-old puppeteer cannot accept it if this Javanese culture of wayang is claimed by other countries. It is more unacceptable when the Javanese do not strive to preserve their own culture. (ard)

Be Careful When Taking Drugs


"Consumers still have to be careful in taking drugs, either through consultation or self-medication, so that they do not harm themselves," said Dr. Norma Sari, S.H., M.Hum., a lecturer at Ahmad Dahlan University (UAD) during the Open Trial of Doctoral Promotion at Gadjah Mada University (UGM) on Wednesday (31/1/2018).

The head of PP NA who is also a member of the Assembly of Cadre Coaching (MPK) PP Muhammadiyah said that the laws and regulations in Indonesia have not fully protected drug consumers’ rights. This problem can be seen from how there are some weaknesses in the regualations that need to be fixed and improved.

In his dissertation, the former Chairman of PP Nasyiatul Aisyiyah (PP NA) for the period of 2012-2016 also criticized the Presidential Regulation of RI no. 44 of 2016 on the list of closed business fields and open business fields. Requirements in the field of investment tend to provide opportunities for foreign investors to invest 100% for raw materials.

"The regulation has an impact on domestic investors who are getting less chance to compete. The price of the medicinal raw materials will controlled by foreign investors and ultimately the consumers will bear the burden. Another problem that will arise is about the guaranteed provision of halal medicine for consumers," he said.

In addition, according to him, the laws and regulations in Indonesia related to the consumer of drugs in the production and consumption process could already protect consumers’ rights. However, there were still problems with certain people who were corrupt.

Norma advised the government to synchronize some rules so as not to conflict vertically or horizontally, so that the perpetrators give what the drug consumers deserve and fulfill their obligations as drug entrepreneurs. (doc)

Because of Curiousity, UAD Student Went to West Papua

Anisyah Rachmaningtyas, must accept the reality to live in an area where there are not any communication signal, electricity, and water sources. This Ahmad Dahlan University (UAD) student explained that she was often curious of how living in a remote area was actually like. And now her wish is granted and she gets to know the real conditions of a remote area.

A few weeks ago, she participated in a community service program from Youcan Empower Indonesia along with a delegation from Special Region of Yogyakarta (DIY). This delegation was deployed in West Papua from January 16-29, 2018. In order to join the program and enter the delegation team, one must undergo a rigorous selection.

Amma, a student of UAD Mathematics Education study program, together with the others were placed in Warengkris Village, Waisai Sub-district, Raja Ampat Regency, West Papua. From his explanation, there are several teams that are divided into several divisions.

"The education division teaches in schools, teaches recitals, and and does various activities with the students, such as drawing, origami, crafts, and more. The economic division holds a cheap bazaar and promotes natural resources conservation. The environmental division organizes programs of board making, village clean up, landfill construction. On the other hand, the health division holds a practice and socialization of healthy living habits, healthy gymnastics, and medical examination," he explained.

Teaching in schools located in a remote area and meeting wth the natives was really fun. For her, the most memorable thing was when the children were told to sing national anthems and national songs and they were very enthusiastic. The children could memorize them well.

"The experience there is very impressive. It really proves the varieties of Indonesian cultures and conditions. Children there have limited school supplies and education access. They wear modest clothes with no shoes. One child only has one notebook for all lessons. It is because they are away from any access. On the other hand, the children there really love nursery rhymes."

When asked for the reason for joining the program, Amma explained that it came from her own conscience. She loves Indonesian culture and is very curious to the life in remote areas. In addition, her parents also support her. Amma states that living in a remote area made her very focused in working and doing everything. Much has been accomplished according to the plan because there were no distractions.

"Actually, there are two locations provided by Youcan Empower which are Raja Ampat, West Papua and Atambua, Nusa Tenggara Timur. Well, my parents did not support me if I was placed in NTT because it is located next to Timor Leste which is prone to conflict. So, Raja Ampat it was." (Doc/ard)

UAD FC 2018 Debut

Ahmad Dahlan Football Club (UAD FC) started the official game in 2018 by participating in the Mayor Cup of Special Region of Yoyakarta (DIY). This match also became the club's first game which is called "The Sun Shine" with a new leader, Anang Hadi.

Playing a role as the Head Coach, Anang Hadi who is a PSS Sleman legend is collaborating with former PSIM goalkeeper, Oni Kurniawan, as goalkeeper coaches. Both will take UAD FC across various competitions and tournaments to be participated throughout 2018, including UAD FC competition in League 3.

The first match of UAD FC in DIY Mayor Cup resulted in a draw with a score of 1-1. The team was left behind in minute 74 '. However, seven minutes later UAD FC was able to score thanks to Febi’s goal in minute 81'.

Anang Hadi said that the members of the team still needed time to adapt to the new playing style and strategy. In addition, the team solidity was also still lacking, considering there were some players who just joined Orion UAD FC recently.

"We are grateful for the results of the first game. Early matches are usually tough and we still need to improve the solidity of the team. Some things which are equally important are tactics and stamina. I see some players were not in the best physical condition. In the next game, we aim to win," he said.

In the next match, UAD FC will play against PPAKY (7/2/2018), Manggala Siwo PWI (10/2/2018), Derby Muhammadiyah and HW UMY (13/2/2018), and Mas Junior (16/2/2018) .

The order of UAD FC players: Muhammad (PG), Wildan, Jumarno, Rahmat, Reynaldi, Warih, Wegha, Yudha, Febi (Gol, 81 '), Idam (C), Wahyu

Substitute players: Jindar, Prasetyo, Suwandi, Dandi, Agung, Fiyanka, Aldi



Pada lanjutan Turnamen Sepakbola Piala Walikota Yogyakarta ke-III 2018, Universitas Ahmad Dahlan Football Club (UAD FC) berhasil menumbangkan PPAKY dengan skor tipis 1-0. Mengenakan seragam biru tua, anak asuh Anang Hadi sudah unggul di paruh pertama berkat gol semata wayang yang dicetak Wahyu di menit 19Β’.

Tergabung di Grup D bersama PS POP, MAS Jr, PPAKY, HW UMY, dan Manggala Siwo PWI, UAD FC sudah mengoleksi satu hasil seri dan sekali kemenangan. Menyisakan tiga pertandingan grup, tim yang diisi pemain muda dari UAD menargetkan lolos ke babak berikutnya.

Kemenangan atas PPAKY harus dibayar mahal oleh UAD FC, pasalnya 4 pemain mendapat kartu kuning dan satu kartu merah. Anang menyayangkan anak asuhnya terprovokasi oleh permainan keras dan agresif lawan.

Β“Provokasi, permainan agresif dan keras di dalam sebuah pertandingan itu biasa. Sangat disayangkan para pemain terkena provokasi sehingga performa permainannya cenderung menurun. Ini akan menjadi evaluasi kami agar ke depannya UAD FC bisa menampilkan permainan bagus, menghibur, dan tentunya meraih kemenangan,Β” papar Anang ketika diwawancarai pasca pertandingan di Lapangan Potorono, Rabu (7/2/2018).

Ketika ditanyai perihal persiapan Liga 3 DIY, mantan kapten PSS Sleman ini menginginkan 40-50% dari skuat saat ini masuk ke dalam jajaran pemain untuk Liga 3. “UAD FC masih akan merekrut pemain baru, ini dikarenakan para pemain yang berlaga di Piala Walikota kebanyakan masih di bawah usia 21 tahun. Perlu kolaborasi antara pemain senior dan pemain muda.Β” (ard)