
Empowering the Elderly through Taro-Based Products

Special Region of Yogyakarta (DIY), especially Sleman Regency, is a real example of the region that has a major contribution to the increase of the elderly population. The average life expectancy (UHH) in this region reaches 75.1 years, the highest in Indonesia. Meanwhile UHH in DIY Province is 73.2 years.

The increasing of UHH in Indonesia is a reflection of the increasing health of its citizens. However, if not managed properly, it will cause various social problems that will hinder its development.

In society, the elderly is always associated with someone who needs assistance and a burden to the family and the people around. One effort to overcome the problem of the high number of elderly is by empowering them.

Based on the problem, three lecturers of Universitas Ahmad Dahlan (UAD) initiated a thematic workshop entitled "The Training of Elderly Families Economic Empowerment". Those lecturers were Ratu Matahari, S.K.M., M.A., M.Kes., a lecturer of Faculty of Public Health (FKM), Fitriana Putri Utami, S.K.M., M.Kes.. a lecturer of FKM, and Azis Ikhsanudin, S.Si., M.Sc. from the Faculty of Psychology.

The elderly economic empowerment event was held on Friday (1/6/2018) at the food business lecture hall in Unit B of campus 2 UAD. About 27 students from Faculty of Psychology, Economics and Business, Engineering, and Pharmacy also contributed to this activity.

The training covered the practice of making steamed taro brownies, taro cookies, taro semprong (crispy roll snack), taro chips, uwuh (traditional herbal drink) syrup, and instant uwuh drink. The selection of taro and family medicinal plants as the main ingredients aimed to improve the utilization of abundant local food sources in the area of ​​Sendangsari village, Sleman. The goal is to improve the economy of the elderly.

The event is a series of Community Service (PPM) of Student Study Service (KKN) funded by Kemenristekdikti 2018.

The empowerment of the elderly will be implemented in three villages, namely Parakan Wetan, Parakan Kulon, and Plembon, Sendangsari, Sleman regency. The next events of KKN PPM include product marketing training, family medicinal planting (toga), and elderly gymnastic training. (doc)