2021 Rector Report
2020 Rector Report
2019 Rector Report
2018 Rector Report
2017 Rector Report
2016 Rector Report
We consider the 56th anniversary of Ahmad Dahlan University (UAD) as a moment of expressing gratitude to Allah Almighty for giving His blessings and guidance, so that the organization of Muhammadiyah colleges can consistently contribute to the intellectual life of the nation. If we trace the history of UAD’s development from year to year. Since the development of the Muhammadiyah Teacher Training and Education Institute (IKIP) became Ahmad Dahlan University in 1994, the founding fathers have the 2016 Chancellor Annual Report laying the foundation for building this college into a quality university. In line with the dream of the founder of Muhammadiyah – K.H. Ahmad Dahlan who later became the name inherent in this university, namely realizing a society and nation that has progress, intelligence, and spirit of charity on the basis of faith and Islam, then UAD has established its vision of becoming an internationally recognized university based on Islamic values. This implies that UAD must be a superior university that is able to adapt to global change, and sustainably produce graduates who are highly competitive, and able to implement Islamic values and religious values in real life in the midst of a broad society.
2015 Rector Report
2014 Rector Report
The Ahmad Dahlan University (UAD) journey for 54 years has placed this institution as an important part of the efforts to educate Indonesia’s national life in line with its vision, UAD continues to strive for a global role as an internationally recognized University. However, on the other hand, they continue to give high commitment to efforts to develop local potential in the field of education, from pre-school to senior secondary, as well as community empowerment by raising regional potential. The 2014 Rector’s Annual Report illustrates the efforts that have been made by UAD in actualizing the spirit of “Building a Global Role, Spreading Local Benefits.”
Contact us
Kampus 1 (Head Office)
Jl. Kapas 9, Semaki, Umbulharjo, Yogyakarta 55166
Telepon : (0274) 563515, 511830, 379418, 371120
Faximille : 0274-564604
Email : info[at]uad.ac.id