- Title & Strata
- S.KM. (Sarjana Kesehatan Masyarakat). – Sarjana (S1)
- Accreditation
- National Accreditation :
❯ Akreditasi B (LAM-PTKes)
Sk LAM-PTKes No: 0581/LAM-PTKes/Akr/Sar/VII/2018 - Campus
- Campus 3
Jalan Prof. Dr. Soepomo, S.H. Janturan Yogyakarta 55164. - SK & Accreditation Certificate
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PMB Information
Ahmad Dahlan University
Telp. (0274) 563515
Hotline PMB
S1 – 0853-8500-1960
S2 – 0878-3827-1960
The Public Health Study Program aims to produce public health experts who are able to take a big role in the community with an understanding of public health aspects. The Public Health Study Program consists of 6 concentrations of specialization, namely hospital management, reproductive health, epidemiology, health promotion, environmental health and occupational safety and health. Graduates of the study program will get a Bachelor of Public Health (S.KM) degree.
To become a competitive study program that has a global outlook, based on Islamic values and oriented to healthy tourism
- To carry out accountable, effective, efficient and transparent governance
- To organize educational programs aimed to produce academicians who possess hard and soft skills, play an active role in research and community service based on Al Islam and Kemuhammadiyahan
- To organize educational programs to produce graduates who actively participate in scientific activities on a national and international scale, are adaptive and responsive to global public health issues
- To organize education, research and community service in the field of public health to support the realization of healthy tourism
- To implement a quality management and governance system
- To produce graduates who are competitive, professional and have Islamic values
- To produce academicians who have national and international achievements
- To generate research and community service that support healthy tourism
Graduates Prospects
Civil Servants (PNS) in the Ministry of Health, KKP, Health Office, Health Center, pharmaceutical industry, employees in industrial / mining companies, hospitals, research institutions, educational institutions, health consultants, employees in NGOs and others
The competences are categorized into 6 specializations, namely:
1. Hospital Management
Graduates have the ability to manage a hospital in order to improve its effectiveness, efficiency, quality and productivity. In addition, graduates are competent in decision making related to hospital policy.
2. Reproductive Health
Graduates become professionals in maternal, child and reproductive health by mastering knowledge and skills about health issues and can implement programs to overcome maternal, child and reproductive health problems.
3. Epidemiology
Graduates are experts in the field of epidemiology, are ready to work independently and professionally to provide data and information for decision makers in tackling health problems in the community.
4. Environmental Health
Graduates are experts in environmental health issues as one of the efforts to protect workers, are able to work directly in dealing with problems in the field related to environmental problems, able to take data for decision-making information and able to make policies related to health problems in the surrounding environment.
5. Health Promotion
Graduates have the ability to create health promotion media, policy advocacy, community empowerment program planning. In addition, graduates are also able to monitor and evaluate health policies, and conduct education and training for health promotion workers.
Occupational Safety and Health
Graduates are experts in the field of Occupational Safety and Health, are able to apply, design and analyze work safety systems, are able to organize Occupational Safety and Health management activities according to standard operational procedures and are able to carry out risk control.
The study program has 43 lecturers with doctoral degree (8 people) and master’s degree (35 people), both from domestic and foreign universities who are also health experts/ practitioners. In addition, lecturers also have competences in the fields of Epidemiology, Entomology, Biostatistics, Health Financing Policy, Environmental Health, Waste Management, Occupational Safety and Health, Environmental-Based Vector Control, Environmental Quality Analysis, Health Service Quality Management, Health Policy, Hospital Management, Public Health Nutrition, Health Behavior and Public Health Promotion, Maternal and Child Health, Reproductive Health, Health Information System, and Geographic Information System.
Supporting facilities
The lecture activities are supported by various facilities and technologies, such as LCD projectors, comfortable classrooms, air conditioning, online student services, and Wi-Fi areas. Student practicum is supported by several laboratories such as Computer Laboratory, CBT Laboratory, Hospital Management Laboratory, Environmental Health Laboratory, Biomedics Laboratory, Health Promotion Laboratory, Public and Clinical Health Nutrition Laboratory, Occupational Safety and Health Laboratory, Reproductive Health Laboratory, Entomology Laboratory, Rearing Laboratory, Intermediate Technology Workshop Laboratory, and Field Laboratory. The Field Laboratory has gone through a collaborative process between UAD FKM and other parties such as the Hyperkes Center, Bapelkes Semarang, PKU Muhammadiyah Hospital, Yogyakarta City, PKU Muhammadiyah Hospital of Bantul Regency, Grhasia Yogyakarta Hospital and Salatiga Vector Center.
More information about Ahmad Dahlan University Public Health Study Program through the website below.
Ahmad Dahlan University has twelve faculties. Each faculty consists of several study programs that specifically study their respective fields of science.