- Title & Strata
- S.Pd. (Sarjana Pendidikan). – Sarjana (S1)
- Accreditation
- National Accreditation :
❯ Akreditasi B (BAN-PT)
Sk No: 1122/SK/BAN-PT/Akred/S/X/2015 - Campus
- Main Campus
Jalan Ahmad Yani (Ringroad Selatan) Tamanan Banguntapan Bantul Yogyakarta 55166 - SK & Accreditation Certificate
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PMB Information
Ahmad Dahlan University
Telp. (0274) 563515
Hotline PMB
S1 – 0853-8500-1960
S2 – 0878-3827-1960
The Mathematics Education Study Program has a vision to be a reliable and Islamic Study Program in producing intellectual, independent, highly competitive Human Resources in the global era who can quickly adapt to the development of science and technology are professional in mathematics education. Therefore, the study program makes a big effort to be able to improve the quality of graduates, so as to produce graduates who are competent and able to compete in the job market. The average number of students from year to year has increased, coming from almost all provinces in Indonesia. Graduates are entitled to hold a Bachelor of Education (S. Pd.) Degree.
“To become a mathematics education study program that is superior in mathematics learning media that has a global outlook and is integrated with Islamic values”
- To organize mathematics education and learning programs that are innovative, professional, and is integrated with Islamic values
- To conduct research to support the development of mathematics education that is integrated with Islamic values
- To carry out community service in the field of mathematics education that is integrated with Islamic values
- To establish cooperation that supports the development of mathematics education both with institutions within Muhammadiyah Association and other institutions at national and international levels that is integrated with Islamic values
- To produce mathematics education graduates who have Islamic character, master the field of mathematics education, are able to work professionally, and able to adapt to the social environment
- To produce research outcomes that are relevant to the needs of the community and support the development of mathematics education
- To increase the role of academicians in mathematics education study programs in realizing a progressive society
- To produce community networks that are mutually supportive in the development of mathematics education
1. Pedagogical
- Understand and master the methods and techniques of mathematics learning and education
- Understand the principles of mathematics, inquiry procedures, and skilled at creating learning experiences that make aspects of mathematics meaningful for every student
- Understand the relationship between curriculum and instructional, and lesson plans based on knowledge of teaching materials, technology availability and curriculum
2. Professional
- Understand the main concepts of mathematics, and their application in other fields and in everyday life
- Understand and master pure and applied mathematics
- Understand the meaning of experiential reflection and continually evaluate the effects of choices on teaching methods to foster professionalism
3. Social
- Understand individuals, groups, and habits, and create learning tools that provide positive social interaction, increase active learning, and can motivate themselves
- Understand how learners learn and develop, and provide learning opportunities that support intellectual, social, and personal development
- Understand standard and alternative assessment strategies, and skilfully use them to evaluate knowledge, skills, and dispositions to ensure sustainable intellectual and social development of students
4. Islamic Personal
- Graduates understand Islam and Kemuhammadiyahan
- Graduates are able to read the Qur’an fluently
- Graduates have Islamic personality and a noble character which are reflected in the daily life behaviour in accordance with the Islamic Way of Life (PHI) of Muhammadiyah
5. Technology
- Get to know and master computing and mathematics learning software.
- Able to apply mathematics learning based on Information and Communication Technology (ICT)
The lecturers consist of 4 (four) lecturers with doctoral degree, and 18 (eighteen) lecturers with master’s degree from domestic and foreign universities who have a number of mathematics areas of expertise.
Supporting Facilities
Lectures are supported by lecture rooms with LCD and audio visual facilities, library, mosque, canteen, parking space, and Wi Fi areas, as well as mathematics education laboratories with a number of facilities (basic computer and mathematics learning software training, the making of learning multimedia, the making of educative visual aids, research instrument analysis and statistical data processing for research).
More information about the Ahmad Dahlan University Mathematics Education Study Program through the website below.
Ahmad Dahlan University has twelve faculties. Each faculty consists of several study programs that specifically study their respective fields of science.