- Title & Strata
- S.Pd. (Sarjana Pendidikan). – Sarjana (S1)
- Accreditation
- National Accreditation :
❯ Akreditasi A (BAN-PT)
Sk No: 1986/SK/BAN-PT/Akred/S/VI/2019 - Campus
- Campus 5
Jalan Ki Ageng Pemanahan No. 19 Sorosutan Yogyakarta 55164 - SK & Accreditation Certificate
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PMB Information
Ahmad Dahlan University
Telp. (0274) 563515
Hotline PMB
S1 – 0853-8500-1960
S2 – 0878-3827-1960
The Primary School Teacher Education (PGSD) Study Program of UAD FKIP was organized since the academic year of 2011/2012 with an Operation Permit Decree of the Minister of National Education Number: 167/E/O/2011 on August 5, 2011 concerning the Implementation of Study Program at Universitas Ahmad Dahlan.
In 2019, the study program obtained an A accreditation based on Decree of BAN-PT Number 1986/SK/BAN-PT/Akred/S/VI/2019. PGSD UAD Study Program was also trusted to be the organizer of pre-service and in-service PPG since 2018. Previously, the study program was also involved in the organization of teacher certification through Teacher Professional Education and Training (PLPG).
The Vision of PGSD Study Program of UAD FKIP is as follows:
In 2030, the Study Program will be superior in preparing competent primary school teachers; master research, technology, and art; care about the environment; have a global outlook, and integrated with Islamic values.
The missions of the Primary School Teacher Education Study Program are:
- To carry out quality education program that is relevant to sustainable development in Islamic culture,
- To carry out research and learning technology development and their implementation,
- To carry out community service programs,
- To develop a cooperation network in the field of primary education, technology, and art, both nationally and internationally.
The objectives of the Primary School Teacher Education Study Program of Universitas Ahmad Dahlan are as follows:
- To produce professionals who have the ability to educate and develop primary school education,
- To produce elementary school teachers who have pedagogical, personality, social, and professional competencies,
- To produce PGSD study program graduates who are expected to become classroom teachers who master various learning models, so as to stimulate the development of students,
- To develop student character and mastery in the field of extra-curricular activity development in primary schools in accordance with student talents and interests,
- To produce graduates who have sensitivity and are able to preserve the values of local wisdom, but also prospective with the mastery of communication and information technology,
- To equip students with managerial skills and implementation experience related to environmental preservation,
- To generate learning technology development research in the field of primary education,
- To produce prospective teachers who graduate on time with a high Grade Point Average (GPA).
Graduate Prospects
The graduate profile of Primary School Teacher Education (PGSD) Undergraduate Program is directed to produce Primary Education graduates who have the expertise as:
- Teachers at the primary school level who are able to plan, implement, evaluate and develop learning based on science, character, and innovation to improve the quality of education
- Researchers who are able to solve learning problems and to produce proven learning innovations to improve the quality of education in primary schools
- Education Practitioners and Consultants at the level of primary education in the fields of education management, extra-curricular guidance, learning practice evaluation, and learning media and resource development
The Graduate Competency
Graduate Main Competences
The main competences of graduates are formulated in learning outcomes. PGSD Study Program uses the learning outcomes that have been agreed upon by the Indonesian PGSD Lecturer Association (HDPGSDI). The formulation of the learning outcomes by HDPGSDI was made in Semarang and was finalized at a meeting in Surabaya.
Learning outcomes are translated into Values, General Skills, Special Skills, and Knowledge that must be mastered by PGSD students. The process of formulating and revising the curriculum is based by various provisions, including Law Number 12 of 2012 on Higher Education, Presidential Regulation Number 8 of 2012 on KKNI, Regulation of the Minister of Research, Technology and Higher Education Number 55 of 2017 on SNPG. Operationally, the curriculum preparation process refers to the Guidelines for the Preparation of Higher Education Curriculum of the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education, Directorate General of Belmawa of 2016.
The Graduate Profile of Primary School Teacher Education (PGSD) Undergraduate Program is directed to produce Primary Education graduates who have expertise as:
- Teachers at the primary school level who are able to plan, implement, evaluate and develop learning based on science, character, and innovation to improve the quality of education
- Researchers who are able to solve learning problems and to produce proven learning innovations to improve the quality of education in primary schools
- Education Practitioners and Consultants at the level of primary education in the fields of education management, extra-curricular guidance, learning practice evaluation, and learning media and resource development
The competences that must be possessed by UAD PGSD graduates are adjusted to KKNI level 6. PGSD graduates must master core competences in each pedagogical, personal, social, and scientific competence in order to be able to become primary school teachers who are professional in carrying out their duties and roles. The description of each of the main competence standard are as follows:
- Teachers
General Competence
- Having awareness and behaving as highly educated citizens who are religious, democratic, intelligent, responsible and committed as primary school educators
- Mastering scientific disciplines related to the substance and basic methodology of science from the five subjects in primary school
- Understanding the characteristics of elementary-school-aged-children, their ways of learning, early abilities, learning difficulties, and family and community backgrounds for the learning assessment of elementary-school-aged-children in the context of cultural diversity
- Having the ability to master the concepts of law and theory of learning in primary schools; able to design, implement, and assess educational learning that refers to achievement of the complete objectives of education
- Able to analyze data and information in the field of education, find and solve learning problems in order to improve the management of learning systematically and scientifically
- Able to communicate socially and professionally, both with colleagues and the community
- Able to develop professional skills on an ongoing basis
- Thinking openly, critically, innovatively, and confidently in carrying out their duties as a Primary School teacher
Pedagogical Competence
Understanding the characteristics of primary-school-aged-children, their ways of learning, early abilities, learning difficulties, and family and community backgrounds for the learning assessment of elementary-school-aged-children in the context of cultural diversity
Social Competence
Able to communicate socially and professionally, both with colleagues and the community
Personal Competence
- Having awareness and behaving as highly educated citizens who are religious, democratic, intelligent, responsible and committed as primary school educators
- Thinking openly, critically, innovatively, and confidently in carrying out their duties as a Primary School teacher
Professional Competence
- Mastering scientific disciplines related to the substance and basic methodology of science from the five subjects in primary school
- Having the ability to master the concepts of law and theory of learning in primary schools; able to design, implement, and assess educational learning that refers to achievement of the complete objectives of education
- Able to analyze data and information in the field of education, find and solve learning problems in order to improve the management of learning systematically and scientifically
- Able to develop professional skills on an ongoing basis
- Researchers
- Mastering educational research methodology in primary schools
- Conducting education research in primary schools that can be used in providing instructions for choosing various alternative solutions to problems in the field of primary school education
- Communicating research results
- Education Practitioners and Consultants
- Mastering the education regulation system and anticipating development
- Mastering school-based education management in order to plan and manage resources in the class, school and Educational Institution administration under his/ her responsibility
- Able to take strategic decisions based on analysis of information and data in the field of education
- Monitoring and evaluating activities in managing classes, schools and educational institutions comprehensively
- Communicating the results of education monitoring and evaluation
Graduate Supporting Competences
Graduate supporting competences are competences that are specific and related to the main competences that can be developed by the institution implementing the study program. Supporting competences developed at UAD PGSD Study Program are:
- Teachers
General Competence
- Able to be an innovative teacher by utilizing the development of Science, Technology and Arts (IPTEKS)
- Having a personality that supports the duties of a primary school teacher and upholding teacher ethics code based on the Law on Teachers and Lecturers, mastering the basics of physical and sports education as well as arts education in the primary school curriculum
- Exploring individual differences, both in terms of cognitive, emotional, and body movements (bodily kinetic), as well as the possibility of disorders, and the influence of the socio-cultural environment on student development, including the forming of relevant values
- Having knowledge, skills, values and attitudes to implement and manage learning in primary schools
- Able to carry out research in the field of education, especially in primary education
- Showing the responsible sensitivity on cultural values, social and economic, political, and religious processes and issues, and the development of society in a global order that influences the development of processes and demands on the results of primary education
- Getting to know and practicing the code of ethics of the teaching profession in terms of scientific, research, and professionalism development
- Able to foster networking and partnership cooperation
Pedagogical Competence
Exploring individual differences, both in terms of cognitive, emotional, and body movements (bodily kinetic), as well as the possibility of disorders, and the influence of the socio-cultural environment on student development, including the forming of relevant values
Social Competence
Able to foster networking and partnership cooperation
Personal Competence
- Having a personality that supports the duties of a primary school teacher and upholding teacher ethics code based on the Law on Teachers and Lecturers, mastering the basics of physical and sports education as well as arts education in the primary school curriculum
- Showing the responsible sensitivity on cultural values, social and economic, political, and religious processes and issues, and the development of society in a global order that influences the development of processes and demands on the results of primary education
- Getting to know and practicing the code of ethics of the teaching profession in terms of scientific, research, and professionalism development
Professional Competence
- Able to be an innovative teacher by utilizing the development of Science, Technology and Arts (IPTEKS)
- Having knowledge, skills, values and attitudes to implement and manage learning in primary schools
- Able to carry out research in the field of education, especially in primary education
- Showing sensitivity
- Researchers
- Having a strong self-character, faith in God, in accordance with the way of life of Muhammadiyah
- Having the ability to communicate globally
- Able to integrate intellectual and moral values in work and community behavior
- Education Practitioners and Consultants
- Having a strong self-character, faith in God, in accordance with the way of life of Muhammadiyah
- Having the ability to communicate globally
- Able to integrate intellectual and moral values in work and community behavior
Other/Elective Graduate Competences
UAD PGSD students are also expected to have other abilities that are also trained and can be obtained at UAD. That abilities include:
- Teachers
- Having an understanding of the concept of lifelong learning and its implementation in social learning
- Having the skills to teach people to care more about the environment
- Having Islamic character and personality
- Fluent in information technology and able to use it in the development of ongoing professionalism
- Mastering global languages.
- Researchers
Able to develop self-potential independently and sustainably
- Education Practitioners and Consultants
Able to develop self-potential independently and sustainably
Curriculum of Primary School Teacher Education Study Program
Higher education curriculum (KPT) is a guideline for the organization of learning activities in higher education institutions. KPT is a set of plans that regulate the contents, study materials, and lecture materials as well as how they are delivered, and the assessments used. The curriculum contains graduates’ expected competence standards which include core competences, supporting competences, and other abilities that support the realization of the study program’s vision and missions. The curriculum document contains a list of courses and various competence development that students must take to broaden their horizons and abilities as prospective primary school educators. The curriculum is designed to be able to facilitate the development of hard skills and soft skills, abilities, personalities, and behaviors that can be implemented in facing challenges in their field of work as teachers in primary schools. The curriculum contains the complete competences of graduates (main, supporting, other competences) which are very clearly formulated.
UAD PGSD Study Program curriculum is structured to equip graduates with complete competences (core competences, supporting competences and other competences). PGSD Study Program curriculum is also developed to lead to the realization of vision and missions and is future-oriented. Various future-oriented courses include entrepreneurship, educational technology, school web development, language and English courses. Besides mastering some of these courses, through problem-oriented learning, ways to identify problems, as well as efforts to find solutions to problems that allow students to access the latest theories, and learn in an active contextual innovative manner can prepare students for the future needs.
Number of lecturers with doctoral degree : 10 people
Number of lecturers with master’s degree : 34 people
Number of lecturers with an academic position of Professor : 1 people
Number of lecturers with an academic position of Associate Professor : 6 people
Number of lecturers with an academic position of Assistant Professor : 10 people
Number of lecturers with an academic position of Instructor : 27 people
Number of certified lecturers : 20 people
Supporting Facilities
Lectures are supported by a number of facilities, including classrooms with LCD and audio-visual facilities, library, sports field, parking lot, mosque, cooperative, IT center, canteen, and WiFi area, as well as microteaching laboratory, digital laboratory, learning laboratory, guidance and counseling center, PGSD Study Program Student Association room, and IMM. The development of student interests and talents in PGSD study program is provided by several LSOs, namely Cagur Istimewa LSO for sport talent development, Muvo dance LSO for music, vocal, dance, and reasoning LSO for talent in the fields of debate, research and other scientific activities. Study programs provide learning resources in the forms of books, learning media, student work modules, research or scientific study reports that can be read by students and lecturers of the study program. The fulfilment of library needs which are in accordance with the field of PGSD sciences makes it easier for the learning activities to run optimally. The relevant materials in the study program can be utilized well for the development of primary education science.
More information about Ahmad Dahlan University Primary School Teacher Education Study Program through the website below.
Ahmad Dahlan University has twelve faculties. Each faculty consists of several study programs that specifically study their respective fields of science.