- Title & Strata
- M.Psi. (Magister Psikologi). – Sarjana (S1)
- Accreditation
- National Accreditation :
❯ Akreditasi A (BAN-PT)
Sk No: 780/SK/BAN-PT/Akred/M/III/2018 - Campus
- Campus 1
Jl. Kapas 9, Semaki, Umbulharjo, Yogyakarta 55166 - SK & Accreditation Certificate
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PMB Information
Ahmad Dahlan University
Telp. (0274) 563515
Hotline PMB
S1 – 0853-8500-1960
S2 – 0878-3827-1960
The Master of Psychological Science Program was established on December 29, 2005 based on the Decree of the Directorate Generale of Higher Education Ministry of National Education No: 4154/D/T/2005. The Master of Psychological Science Program has a vision to become a superior and competitive study program with a uniqueness in positive psychology that prioritizes the values of Islam and Indonesian culture, which in 2025 can compete globally. Meanwhile, its mission is to carry out the entire academic process in the study program in a professional and Islamic way, organize programs to improve the academic competence of lecturers in accordance with the competency scope of the Master of Psychology, organize student coaching that is inherent and sustainable in order to achieve graduates of superior quality who uphold Islamic values, encourage the implementation of research for lecturers and students that focuses on the distinctiveness of positive psychology in the context of Indonesian and Islamic culture, provide competence development services to the community through collaboration with Muhammadiyah schools or universities or other institutions.
The students of Master of Psychological Science Program come from undergraduate students of psychology, guidance and counselling study program, and other study programs both educational and non-educational. The graduates will obtain a Master of Psychology (M.Psi.) degree.
To become a superior study program with a uniqueness in positive psychology that promotes Islamic values and Indonesian culture and can compete globally in 2025
- To conduct the entire academic process in the study program in a professional and Islamic way with a uniqueness in positive psychology
- To organize programs to improve the academic competence of lecturers in accordance with the scope of competence of the Master of Psychology
- To conduct student guidance that is inherent and ongoing in order to achieve graduates of superior quality who uphold Islamic values
- To encourage the implementation of lecturer and student research that focuses on the distinctiveness of positive psychology in the context of Indonesian and Islamic culture
- To provide competence development services to the community through collaboration with Muhammadiyah schools and universities or with other institutions
- To be able to compare, link and reformulate psychological theories in a contextual way, especially in positive and Islamic psychology
- To be able to design, implement and compile advanced research reports and publish them in academic forums and media, at least in internal academic forums of a higher education institution
- To be able to transfer/ transmit/ teach psychology to broad and academic interests
- To continue education studies to the doctoral level to obtain a doctorate in psychology, in accordance with applicable requirements
- To be able to disseminate knowledge and the results of studies/ research through national and international publications
Graduate Prospects
- Lecturers
- Teachers
- Trainers
- Researchers
- Assessors
- Managers/ consultants (planners, designers, organizers, evaluators, mediators)
- Organization/ human resource consultants
- Experts in policies and social problems or work that is related to other individuals (Education Office, Health Office, Social Office, Correctional Institution, Police, Non-Governmental Organization (NGO))
Competence of graduates
Development of Psychological Theory
- The graduates are able to evaluate, compare, relate and reformulate psychological theory contextually.
- In the realm of knowledge, graduates of the Master of Psychological Science Program must: Be able to know the theories of Psychology; Compare psychology theories; Link Psychological theories.
- In the realm of skills, graduates of the Master of Psychological Science Program must: Be able to formulate the results of psychological theory studies in the form of a thesis/ proposition/ hypothesis that will be developed into an alternative new theory; Skilfully utilize psychological theories in research.
- In the realm of attitude, graduates of the Master of Psychological Science Program will be able to be critical of various concepts, models and approaches regarding psychology.
Advanced Research in Psychology
- Understand the basics of qualitative and quantitative research and master research designs
- Conduct research oriented to the development of knowledge
- Prepare research reports
- Publish research results
- Comply with the rules of scientific writing with regard to academic authenticity
Knowledge transfer
- Able to teach psychology for the interest of undergraduate academics
- Able to use psychology to explain the symptoms that appear in the community
- Able to present psychological knowledge in academic forums and the general public
- Skilfully develop psychology students academically
- Able to conduct community service about psychology
- Foster an academic climate in the teaching and learning process
Master of Psychological Science Program of UAD is supported by competent teaching staff who are psychology graduates from domestic and foreign universities, including Universitas Gadjah Mada, Universitas Airlangga, Universitas Padjadjaran, Universitas Negeri Malang, Universitas Islam Negeri Sunan Kalijaga, University Of Groningen of Netherlands, Umea University of Sweden, Monash University of Australia, University of Iowa, Universitas Sains Malaysia, Universitas Malaysia Pahang and others. The Master of Psychological Science Program is able to compete in improving the quality of learning and can contribute in the academic field both in the application of scientific knowledge and in community service. The teaching staff consists of 3 professors and 18 lecturers with doctoral degree who are experts in psychology, education, Islamic psychology, industrial psychology and school psychology.
Supporting Facilities
The study program provides internet access facilities via LAN (computer platform) and Hotspot Areas, as well as a library equipped with a digital library (http://digilib.uad.ac.id) and a comfortable discussion room to support student activities in studying the science of psychology and its development as well as literacy room. In addition, there are air-conditioned lecture rooms with various facilities including LCD Projectors, Audio Visual facilities, and others which are part of the excellent service offered to students to create a comfortable academic atmosphere as a place of learning. The existence of UAD Pharmacy, canteen, student cooperative, ADI Cooperative (lecturer-employee) and various services will also make it easier for students to access various needs while on campus.
For more information about Ahmad Dahlan University’s Science Psychology Masters Program through the website below.
Ahmad Dahlan University has twelve faculties. Each faculty consists of several study programs that specifically study their respective fields of science.