
15 Finalists of UAD Most Outstanding Student Election 2017


After going through the first round and a soft skill workshop, 15 participants were selected to go to the next round of UAD Most Oustanding Student Election 2017. The selection result was based on the administration selection process and presentation assessment by the jury.

Here is the list of 15 finalists of the Most Outstanding Student (Mawapres) of UAD (the list is sorted alphabetically, not based on ranks): Desty Restia Rahmawati (Pharmacy), Fadhil Iqbal (Hadith Interpretation), Fitrah Fasyanabilla Lotan (Communication Sciences), Hairini Nur Hanifah (Indonesian Language and Literature Education), Ifta Firdausa Nuzula (Management), Ika Suciwati (English Education), Ira Aprilia Wulandari (Pharmacy), Juhrati Raodatul Z (Public Health), Kartika Anggraeni Adira Rahmatun (Public Health), Muhammad Alfarizqi Nizamuddin Ghiffari (Guidance and Counseling), Nada Nabillah Susanti (Biology), Novi Retno Ardianti (English Education) Suci Amalia Ramadayanti (Pharmacy), Winda Fatmala Dewi (Communication Sciences), and Zalfa Imari Salsabila (Chemical Engineering).

The 15 finalists will go to the next round, which is English skills test on Tuesday (12/12/2017) in Bimawa room at 08:00-14:00. They are required to submit the summary of their Scientific Paper (KTI) in English.

Another test that he finalists need to do is prestative personality test on Wednesday (13/12/2017) in the main meeting room of Campus 1 of UAD on Jln. Kapas  9, Semaki, Yogyakarta at 08:00-14:00. The KTI presentation test and interview will be held on Thursday (14/12/2017), 08:00-14:00. (ard / doc)