BEM FF UAD Peringati Hari Apoteker Sedunia 2018 dengan KIE Lawan Hoax

Selasa (25/9/2018), sekitar 30 mahasiswa berkumpul di Titik Nol Kilometer Yogyakarta. Mereka adalah mahasiswa Farmasi Universitas Ahmad Dahlan (UAD). Acara ini dimulai dengan peserta berkumpul di depan Benteng Vredeburg untuk melakukan briefing, setelah itu mereka dibagi menjadi tujuh kelompok dan berpencar arah. Ada yang ke sisi timur dan barat Malioboro, ada juga yang sampai ke Alun-alun Utara.

Kegiatan tersebut merupakan inisiasi yang dilakukan oleh Departemen Kajian dan Strategis BEM FF UAD 2018 untuk menggalakan penyadaran di tengah arus informasi global yang sangat pesat. Diperlukannya penyaringan informasi dalam menangkal berita hoax. Momen pelaksanaannya bertepatan dengan peringatan Hari Apoteker Sedudia (World Pharmacist Day), yang tahun ini mengambil tema umum “Your Medicines Expert”. Harapannya, seorang apoteker menjadi orang yang paling tahu tentang obat, dan paling layak ditanyai soal obat, karena itu yang dipelajari selama mereka kuliah.

Rudi selaku Gubernur Badan Eksekutif Mahasiswa (BEM) Fakultas Farmasi UAD 2018 menjelaskan, ini merupakan edukasi kepada masyarakat untuk menghindari berita hoax, khususnya terkait pengobatan yang tidak tahu asal-usulnya.

Acara yang berkonsep KIE (Komunikasi Informasi dan Edukasi) kepada pengunjung di sekitar Malioboro, Titik Nol Kilometer, dan Alun-alun Utara Yogyakarta tersebut selesai menjelang Maghrib, dan ditutup dengan makan snack seluruh peserta kegiatan dan panitia.


International Participants Take Part in ICW Telkomnika UAD 2018

Telkomnika Conference and Workshop of Universitas Ahmad Dahlan (UAD) 2018 was attended by 220 participants from 19 countries. The event, which was held at the Royal Ambarrukmo Hotel (18-20/9/2018), presented four main speakers, namely Dr. Ing Ilham Akbar Habibie, Prof. Dr. Daniel Thalmann, Prof. Dr. Nadia Magnenat Thalmann, and Prof. Dr. Er meng Joo.

Dr. Tole Sutikno, Ph.D., the Head of The Institute for Research and Scientific Publications (LPPI) UAD explained that only quality papers were selected to be discussed at The 1st ICW Telkomnika 2018.

"This event is not just a conference, but also a workshop. There are a number of experts who are invited to become mentors. In addition to that, there is also an exhibition of students’ works in the field of technology," he added.

The 19 countries that took part in the event included Algeria, Australia, Egypt, India, Indonesia, Iraq, Italy, Japan, Malaysia, Mexico, Morocco, Oman, Pakistan, Taiwan, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Britain, The United States of America and Vietnam.

Another objective of the activity is to establish cooperation among participants, starting from professionals, scholars, researchers, and business people, so that they can hold conferences and workshops in the future. This conference is also to bring researchers closer to experts from various countries.

On the other hand, Prof. Sarbiran Ph.D., Vice Rector IV of UAD, who opened the conference, said that this conference was expected to produce insight and good cooperation for the development of UAD. "We hope this conference will be able to contribute to all fields, not only for the development of UAD."

In line with Sarbiran, Ilham Akbar Habibie revealed four important things that the country and the world paid attention to in order to achieve maximum potential for the future. Among them were investing in human capital, investing in Science Technology, fostering and supporting innovation and entrepreneurship, and minimizing poverty.

"Innovation plays an important role in changing the world. So there are three pillars of innovation that must be understood. The first one is technology, second is talent, and third is tolerance," he said. (ard)

UAD Officially Has PPG Study Program

Universitas Ahmad Dahlan (UAD) Yogyakarta officially has a Professional Teacher Education (PPG) Study Program. Based on the Decree (SK) of the Minister of Technology, Research and Higher Education of the Republic of Indonesia (Menristekdikti RI), UAD is given the permit to open PPG Study Program in nine fields of study.

The nine fields of study are English, Civic Education, Indonesian Language, Guidance and Counseling, Physics, Biology, Mathematics, Primary School Teacher Education, and Early Childhood Education.

The decree issued by the Minister of Research, Technology and Higher Education concerning the permit to open PPG Study Program at UAD was handed over by the Head of the Regional Higher Education Service Institute V, Dr. Ir. Bambang Supriyadi, C.E.S. to the Rector of UAD, Dr. Kasiyarno, M.Hum. The handover was held at the main courtroom of UAD campus 1 at Jln. Kapas 9, Semaki, Yogyakarta onThursday (09/20/2018).

The handover was also attended by Vice Rector I, Dr. Muchlas, M.T., Vice Rector III, Dr. Abdul Fadlil, M.T., Vice Rector IV, Prof. Sarbiran, Ph.D., the Head of the Bureau and Institution, as well as the Dean and Head of study programs of UAD.

On that occasion, Kasiyarno expressed his gratitude to all UAD academics who had struggled to establish PPG Study Program. In addition to Professional Teacher Education, UAD currently also has a Professional Pharmacist, Medicine and Psychology study programs.

"This trust given to us is a responsibility that must be carried out to improve the quality of educators in Indonesia. With this study program, UAD also prepares qualified and professional educators," he explained.

In line with Kasiyarno, Bambang shared his expectation that the study program could improve the quality of teachers in Indonesia as professional educators. He also said that there were teachers who had a pure science education background. Therefore, professional education programs are important.

Orion UAD Defeates Bharata Mupat

In the League 1 match of the Football Association of Indonesia (PSSI) of Yogyakarta in 2018, Orion of Universitas Ahmad Dahlan (UAD) defeated Bharata Mupat with a score of 2-0. The match, which was held at the Kridosono Stadium, went monotonous in the initial round.

Until the first break, the position was still draw with 0-0. Entering the second half of the game, both Orion UAD and Bharata took the initiative to attack and make the first goal.

In the second round, Orion UAD seemed to dominate the game. Meanwhile, Bharata Mupat occasionally relied on counterattacks through the wing defense. However, the alertness of Orion UAD defender managed to stop the attack made by the players trained by Soepardjo.

Orion UAD could score a goal after 75 minutes of the game through a defender's kick, Pramono, who was also the team captain. Four minutes later, the second goal was scored by Febi Widianto.

For the result, Orion UAD has collected four points from one draw game against MAS and one win. Anang Hadi, the head coach of Orion UAD said that he considered the additional three points earned motivate the players to compete well for the next match.

"The 4-2-3-1 formation that we applied in the first half did not produce any good result. In the second half, we changed the formation to 4-4-2 by installing two attackers," explained Anang after the match on Wednesday (09/19/2018).

Orion UAD: Nuryanto (GK), Suwandi, Pramono (C) (Gol 75’), Idham, Raenaldi (Sub 36’), Rahmat (Sub 84’), Febi (Gol 79’), Hanif, Yusuf, Guntur (Sub 67’), Wahid.

Reserve players: Agung (GK), Aldi, Fahrurozidan (Sub 84’), Kholid, Jumarno (Sub 36’), Wegha, Jindar (Sub 67’).

Coach: Anang Hadi

Bharata Mupat: Andika (GK), Dimas (Sub 75’), Anggi, Fenton (Sub 35’), Munir (Sub 53’), Qaedi, Yulan, Adha, Nugrahadi, Effendi, Prasetyo.

Reserve players: Arif (GK), Panji (Sub 53’), Kholid, Pradana, Prasetyo (Sub 35’), Sultan, Rahmat (Sub 75’).

Coach: Soepardjo

Gamelan Performance of Gending Bahana UAD

Opened with a children dance, Gending Bahana gamelan community of Universitas Ahmad Dahlan (UAD) performed a show of creativity on the stage of Taman Budaya Yogyakarta Concert Hall (TBY).

Pipit, as the director of the event, claimed that that was the first time they ever played at TBY, "We usually perform at graduation events and some other events," she explained when interviewed on Monday (09/17/2018).

The event, which raised the theme "Nyawiji Ing Budaya" or ”Becoming One with Culture”, was also enlivened by Paramandi Junior Indonesia, Lumbung Artema, and Titik Awal as the guest stars.

"We are collaborating with them. There are five groups from Gending Bahana that perform in the event, and they are a mix of various people. There are new groups, while some others are more senior," he explained.

Pipit further explained that the collaboration aimed for the members to familiarize with one another, as well as a means for them to express themselves.

Vice Rector III, Dr. Abdul Fadlil, M.T., in his speech expressed his pride for students who preserved ancestral culture, "That is very good for the continuation of our culture, especially because gamelan is now prone to being shunned by young people."

"This is their stage, Gending Bahana’s, this is where they show their existence," he said.

LSP of UAD Holds Certification Program for Anti-Corruption Extension Agents

In Indonesia, acts of corruption are already entrenched. Many board members and politicians were caught while doing corrupt practices. In addition, the corruption methods used are also increasingly diverse.

As a form of concrete action to prevent corruption, the Professional Certification Institute (LSP) of Universitas Ahmad Dahlan (UAD) collaborates with LSP of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) of the Republic of Indonesia (RI) to hold a certification competency test for anti-corruption extension agents.

The event, which took place from September 19-21, 2018, at the hall of UAD campus 2 B was attended by 25 participants from various institutions and agencies, from officials, lecturers, to activists. Eko Ari Wibowo, S.T., M. Kom. The Head of LSP of UAD said that the process of competency testing to obtain the certification for anti-corruption extension agents would be facilitated directly by Indonesian KPK LSP.

On this occasion, the Vice Rector I of UAD, Dr. Muchlas, M.T., in his speech stated that being an anti-corruption extension agent is a calling of the soul. This profession has the most important role of the process of increasing the dignity of the nation.

"Not everyone wants to be an anti-corruption counselor, and only some of them are certified. This profession plays an important role to make the nation more dignified," he explained.

Muchlas added that every institution and agency, including UAD, has the responsibility to prevent corruption. Therefore, more guidance and understanding related to corruption is needed. For example, understanding about types of corruption, legal aspects of law, and preventive actions are needed.

On the other hand, Busyro Muqoddas, S.H., M.Hum., from board of directors of KPP RI LSP, said that the corruption methods found in Indonesia had developed with various models. "What KPK has to do now is an integrated corruption prevention and eradication dialogue. KPK cannot do it alone, it must cooperate with other institutions," he said. (ard)


Winning 14 Medals, Tapak Suci of UAD Manages to be the General Champion

Tapak Suci Contingent of Universitas Ahmad Dahlan (UAD) Yogyakarta managed to get the general champion title at the Airlangga Tapak Suci University Open International Championship which took place at Airlangga University on September 12-15, 2018.

This achievement was obtained after winning several branches of competitions with 6 gold, 4 silver, and 4 bronze medals. A total of 14 medals were obtained confirmed Tapak Suci of UAD as the general champion.

The gold medals were won by Herdiyana Asmoroningtyas (Indonesian Literature), M. Arfian Hariz (Hadith Interpretation), Dadang Dwi S (Civics Education), Lu'atul Nadlifah (Hadith Interpretation), Javid Novean Noorcha (Industrial Engineering), and Alfin Mubarroq and Irfan Syarhul R (Hadith Interpretation).

Meanwhile, the silver medals were won by Illyina Aulia A (Psychology), Tito Kurniawan (Legal Studies), Nur Ratnawati (Electrical Engineering) and Pratiwi (Civics Education), and Habib Baharudin (Information Systems).

Bronze medals were obtained by Zulfikar Faishal Akbari (Legal Studies), Dhia Asa Imtinan (Information Systems), Nizar Robbani (Information Systems), Hindryati Muhammat, Risma Dara, (Psychology), Nofal Bowo P (Indonesian Language and Literature Education) and Ahmad Rizki S, L.R.Z. Uday (Hadith Interpretation).

With this achievement, Tapak Suci of UAD has been the general champion for a number of times on national and international competitions. (ard)

23 Mahasiswa PGSD UAD Ikuti Transfer Kredit di Unismuh

Sebanyak 23 mahasiswa Program Studi Pendidikan Guru Sekolah Dasar (PGSD) semester lima Universitas Ahmad Dahlan (UAD) Yogyakarta akan mengikuti transfer kredit ke Universitas Muhammadiyah Makassar (Unismuh).

Transfer kredit merupakan sebuah mekanisme pengakuan beban kerja dan prestasi pada suatu lembaga pendidikan tinggi dengan lembaga pendidikan tinggi lainnya. Dalam program ini, komponen kualifikasi dapat disetarakan dengan kualifikasi lain dengan menyatukan kredit yang sebanding untuk pencapaian akademis dan prestasi individu.

Ke-23 mahasiswa tersebut akan berada di Makassar selama 40 hari untuk mempelajari mata kuliah penelitian pendidikan yang berjumlah dua SKS. Selama di Makassar, para mahasiswa juga akan tetap mengikuti perkuliahan di UAD dengan metode e-learning secara daring.

Selain itu, mereka akan bertukar pengalaman organisasi maupun pengalaman akademis selama di UAD dengan mahasiswa di Unismuh. Jadi, ada timbal balik dari saling memberikan ilmu pengetahuan.

Sebelum diberangkatkan, 23 mahasiswa ini mendapat pembekalan dan pelatihan. Mereka merupakan mahasiswa yang beruntung karena telah melalui tahap seleksi menjadi peserta hibah transfer kredit melalui Spada Indonesia bagi Prodi PGSD Tahun 2018. Program ini bekerja sama dengan Direktorat Jenderal Pembelajaran dan Kemahasiswaan (Belmawa) dan Kementerian Riset, Teknologi, dan Pendidikan Tinggi (Kemenristekdikti).

Mahasiswa tersebut antara lain Dadang Surya Prasetya, Nanda Nissa Fauziah, Sofia Rahmadaniah, Andrianto, Amar Faris, Ratri Aulia Safa Ardin, Vina Deni Putri, Fitria Alfinky, Yeyen Febrilia, Muhammad Ardi Saputra, Niswi Mukarromah, Olvi Mila Nastiti, Susilowati, Dewi Seruni, Erika Wulandari, Kartika Mustanazah, Nindi Elisie, Rifky Hanifah, Sri Octaviyani, Candra Tri Utami, Eka Susanti, Hana Selvi Dwi Cahyani, dan Hilza Aprilia Hutami.

Dr. Muchlas, M.T., Wakil Rektor I UAD, mengimbau kepada peserta transfer kredit dari PGSD UAD untuk menjaga nama almamater maupun pribadi. Hal ini disampaikan ketika ia memberi pembekalan di kampus 5 UAD, Jumat (21/9/2018).

Program ini akan memberikan pengalaman kepada para mahasiswa di dua universitas. Jadi, nanti kami berharap ada umpan balik yang dibawa ke UAD. Mereka yang mengikuti program ini harus bisa berbagi pengalaman dengan mahasiswa lainnya,” ujar Muchlas. (ard)

Diskusi Publik KBM UAD

Kementerian Kajian Strategis mengadakan kegiatan diskusi publik di auditorium kampus 3 Universitas Ahmad Dahlan (UAD), Kamis (20/09/2018). Tajuk yang diangkat “Rupiah Hari Ini dan Dampak Perekonomian Nasional”. Acara tersebut dihadiri dua pembicara, Nurul Satria Abd., S.H.,M.H. sebagai pembicara dalam perspektif hukum dan Mita Adhisti,S.E.,MAECI. sebagai pembicara dalam perspektif ekonomi. Diskusi diikuti seluruh Keluarga Besar Mahasiswa (KBM) UAD.

Dari diskusi ini menghasilkan beberapa poin yang menyangkut mahasiswa dan keberlangsungan Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia (NKRI).

Poin pertama menekankan pada pentingnya peran mahasiswa dalam mencerdaskan masyarakat dalam menanggapi setiap isu yang muncul di republik ini. Terutama dalam menyikapi isu kenaikan dolar dan melemahnya rupiah.

Kedua, negara berperan dan bertindak sebagai penanggung jawab bangsa Indonesia. Ketiga, negara perlu mencontoh negara-negara maju dalam melahirkan ekonomi kerakyatan yang kokoh. Keempat, mahasiswa harus menjadi kaum intelektual yang tidak termakan isu di ranah politik akibat konflik kepentingan.

Kemudian yang kelima, dukungan terhadap langkah-langkah serta tindakan pemerintah harus didasarkan dari salah satu tujuan negara, yakni memajukan kesejahteraan umum. Dengan demikian, mahasiswa diharapkan mampu menanggapi isu ekonomi kebangsaan dengan berdasar wawasan ilmu pengetahuan. (doc/ard)

The Role of Postgraduate Students in the Industrial Age of 4.0

The Graduate Program of Universitas Ahmad Dahlan (UAD) held a studium generale for the new students of 2018. The theme of the event was "The Role of Postgraduate Students in Social Change in the Industrial Age of 4.0" with Diyah Puspitarini, S.Pd., M.Pd., the Chairperson of the Central Board of Nasyiatul Aisyiyah as the guest speaker.

Dr. Dwi Sulisworo as the Vice Director of UAD Postgraduate Program, in his speech said that students played an important role in the development and change of society in the industrial revolution era of 4.0.

"Students have a role as the flag bearers of truth to carry out education. It can be done not only by delivering lectures, but also by becoming intellectuals who have the responsibility to create a prosperous society," he explained in the auditorium of UAD campus 3 on Saturday (09/15/2018).

Meanwhile, the Vice Rector I of UAD, Dr. Muchlas, M.T. revealed that out of all the people included in the productive age in Indonesia, only about 30 percent of them could study. Therefore, this studium generale forum must be utilized as well as possible to support academic achievements in the industrial revolution era of 4.0.

On the other hand, Diyah shared her expectation for graduate students to be prepared to face the industrial revolution of 4.0, an era of disruption. She, who is a Postgraduate Alumnus of UAD, suggested the students master educational competence, competence in research, innovate technology, know about globalization, and think of future strategies.

"In the future, global change is accelerating which demands changes in all aspects of life. In the meantime, we must be good at self-positioning. We must be brave to face challenges. This era demands two possibilities, to change or to become extinct," she said in front of the new students. (ard)