Many People are still Traumatized

The earthquake that hit NTB did not only destroy houses, but also made people lose their confidence. Universitas Ahmad Dahlan (UAD), in collaboration with Muhammadiyah Disaster Management Center (MDMC), is seeking to restore the people psychological state due to the trauma caused by the earthquake.

Agung Nugroho Pamungkas, a MDMC coordinator, admitted that what needed to be improved in the community affected by an earthquake was their psychological state. If the psychology had been recovered, it would be easy to deal with the other issues.

"You can imagine if they have not recovered their psychological state and are told to build a destroyed house, or receive news of the loss of someone who died from the earthquake. Of course it will be difficult for them. So, there must be a recovery effort through a psychological approach. We give them an understanding of the other perspectives of the disaster. At the very least, the community is aware and understands that everything has been arranged and everything can be returned as before," he explained when interviewed at the office of the Muhammadiyah Regional Board (PWM) of NTB.

Agung admitted that UAD Psychology students were very accurate in treating the people. They apply psychosocial technique of psychology and provide therapy to avoid trauma. The psychology used is trauma healing for recovery with games, spiritual forms, and various competitions. After joining in the trauma healing, now the community, especially children, gradually improve their psychology.

Hartini, a Pohgading resident, admitted that the existence of UAD students at the site was very helpful to restore the depressed children. They invited the children to play, taught them Al-Quran, taught them at school, and held competitions so that the children became cheerful.

"They also held cooking competitions and several other competitions for parents. We know a lot about how to process crops in our place," explained Hartini.

Meanwhile, Rahma, one of the students who was sent by UAD stated that there were several places that needed education, for example the community of Sembalun, East Lombok. The school has only been there for the past six years. In the village, only religious lessons are taught. Old people are also illiterate. Most of them become farmers.

"We plan to reach the parents. At the very least, people have an awareness of the importance of education for children," Rahma said.

Warga Masih Trauma


Gempa yang melanda NTB tidak hanya menghilangkan rumah, tapi juga membuat warga kehilangan kepercayaan diri. Universitas Ahmad Dahlan (UAD) bekerja sama dengan Muhammadiyah Disaster Management Center (MDMC) berusaha untuk memulihkan psikologi masyarakat akibat trauma gempa.

Agung Nugroho Pamungkas koordinator MDMC mengaku, yang perlu diperbaiki pada masyarakat terkena gempa adalah psikologinya. Jika psikologinya sudah pulih, mau membangun apa pun menjadi gampang.

“Bisa dibayangkan jika mereka belum pulih psikologinya dan disuruh membangun rumah yang roboh, atau menerima berita kehilangan orang yang meninggal karena gempa. Tentu itu sulit. Makanya, perlu pemulihan melalui pendekatan psikologi. Mereka kami berikan pemahaman tentang sisi lain dari bencana. Paling tidak, masyarakat sadar dan paham bahwa segalanya sudah diatur dan segalanya bisa dikembalikan seperti semula,” terangnya saat ditemui di kantor Pimpinan Wilayah Muhammadiyah (PWM) NTB.

Agung mengaku, penerjunan mahasiswa Psikologi UAD sangat tepat. Mereka menerapkan ilmu psikologi teknik psikososial dan memberikan terapi agar tidak mengalami trauma. Psikologi yang digunakan adalah trauma healing untuk pemulihan dengan permainan, bentuk spiritual, serta bermacam lomba. Setelah adanya trauma healing, kini masyarakat, khususnya anak-anak, berangsur membaik psikologinya.

Hartini, warga Pohgading mengaku, adanya mahasiswa UAD yang ada di lokasi sangat membantu untuk memulihkan anak yang murung. Mereka mengajak anak-anak bermain, mengajari mengaji, mengajar di sekolah, serta mengadakan lomba-lomba sehingga anak-anak jadi ceria.

“Mereka juga mengadakan lomba masak dan beberapa lomba lainnya untuk orang tua. Kami jadi banyak tahu cara mengolah hasil bumi yang ada di tempat kami,” terang Hartini.

Sementara itu, Rahma, salah satu mahasiswa yang diterjunkan oleh UAD mengaku, ada beberapa tempat yang membutuhkan pendidikan. Misalnya masyarakat Sembalun, Lombok Timur. Sekolah di sana baru ada enam tahun belakangan. Di kampung itu, hanya pelajaran agama yang mereka pelajari. Orang tua pun buta huruf. Kebanyakan mereka menjadi petani.

“Kami berencana akan menyentuh ke ranah orang tua. Paling tidak, masyarakat mempunyai kesadaran tentang pentingnya pendidikan bagi anak,” kata Rahma.

Kembangkan BRIdge, Mahasiswa UAD Raih Penghargaan

Mahasiswa Program Studi Teknik Informatika Fakultas Teknologi Industri (FTI) Universitas Ahmad Dahlan (UAD), Abdurrahman Shalahudin Zaka, meraih juara pertama dalam Bring It On Innovation Award 2018. Ajang ini diselenggarakan oleh Bank Rakyat Indonesia (BRI) dalam rangkaian Bring It On yang berlangsung di Eastparc Hotel Yogyakarta, Kamis (18/10/2018).

Abdurrahman membuat inovasi bernama BRIdge. BRIdge merupakan jembatan untuk menghubungkan konsep dari pihak bank dengan nasabah mengenai produk-produk yang ada di BRI. Inovasi ini merupakan fitur kecerdasan buatan (artificial intelligence) yang ditambahkan pada aplikasi BRI Mobile. Bisa dikatakan semacam fitur simulasi perhitungan keuangan bagi nasabah yang ingin menggunakan produk BRI yang lain, misalnya tabungan haji.

Dari fitur ini nasabah bisa mendapat gambaran perhitungan besaran uang yang harus disetorkan serta berapa lama jangka waktu untuk berhaji bisa terwujud. Simulasi ini bisa dimainkan nasabah selagi menunggu antrean dan dapat menghilangkan rasa jenuh dan mengisi waktu luang serta menambah pengetahuan mengenai produk BRI,” terang Abdurrahman.

Bing It On merupakan event rutin tahunan yang diselenggarakan BRI dalam rangka memberikan edukasi di bidang inovasi keuangan. Selain itu, acara ini menjadi wadah bagi kalangan praktisi dan pakar-pakar di bidang industri layanan keuangan untuk mengembangkan inovasi keuangan. (ard)

Mahasiswa UAD Raih Juara di Peksiminas XIV 2018

Alfiandana Susilo Aji, mahasiswa Program Studi Sastra Indonesia, Fakultas Sastra Budaya dan Komunikasi (FSBK) Universitas Ahmad Dahlan (UAD) memperoleh juara pertama tangkai lomba penulisan puisi di Pekan Seni Mahasiswa Nasional (Peksiminas) XIV, Selasa-Sabtu (16-20/10/2018). Sebelumnya, mahasiswa semester tujuh ini keluar sebagai juara satu Peksimida untuk mewakili Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta (DIY).


Puisi yang saya tulis berjudul Orang-Orang yang Berjalan ke Selatan. Saya melakukan beberapa kali observasi untuk menulis puisi ini, mulai dari Tugu, Stasiun Tugu, sepanjang Malioboro, hingga Keraton Yogyakarta,” jelasnya di kampus I UAD Yogyakarta, Senin (22/10/2018).


Alfiandana sudah mulai menyukai dan menekuni puisi sejak tiga tahun yang lalu. Ia tergabung ke dalam beberapa komunitas dan kelompok belajar untuk mengasah kemampuannya dalam menulis puisi.


Saya banyak belajar dengan teman-teman yang serius dengan sastra, khususnya puisi. Kemudian banyak membaca dan menulis. Yang terpenting, mau menerima kritikan dan saran agar karya lebih baik,” tandasnya.


Pada jumpa pers tersebut, ia didampingi Dr. Dedi Pramono, M.Hum. Kepala Biro Kemahasiswaan dan Alumni (Bimawa), Danang Sukantar, M.Pd. Kepala Bidang Pengembangan Kemahasiswaan dan Alumni, serta Fitri Merawati, M.A. dosen Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia (PBSI) UAD sekaligus pendamping Peksimida dan Peksiminas bidang sastra tahun 2018. Peksiminas tangkai lomba penulisan puisi diikuti 32 mahasiswa peserta dari 32 provinsi se-Indonesia.


Dalam kesempatan ini Dedi menjelaskan, Peksiminas melombakan berbagai bidang seni dan sastra. UAD menjadi tuan rumah pelaksana lomba sastra. Di antaranya tangkai lomba Baca Puisi Putra, Baca Puisi Putri, Penulisan Puisi, Penulisan Cerpen, dan Penulisan Lakon.


Penjurian penulisan puisi pada Peksiminas XIV 2018 dilakukan juri nasional yaitu Acep Zamzam Noor, Agus R. Sarjono, dan Suminto A Sayuti.


Kami merasa bangga atas prestasi yang diperoleh Alfiandana. Hal ini sekaligus membuktikan bahwa sejarah sastra, khususnya bidang penulisan di UAD masih hidup hingga saat ini. UAD akan memberikan apresiasi kepada Alfiandana,” kata Dedi. (ard)

The Actions of UAD Alumni Volunteers in Lombok

Besides active students of Universitas Ahmad Dahlan (UAD), alumni of UAD also volunteer for the earthquake in NTB. In addition to their own initiation, these alumni work together with established organizations. One of them is Dzun Haryadi Ittiqo.

Dzun, along with Pharmacy alumni of UAD in NTB, volunteer as a part of the medical team for medicine section. They work with local doctors.

"We traveled to the evacuation site to provide logistics. Logistics that we provide are in the forms of nine basic necessities, so that the people are willing to get treatment. We do this because the people are afraid of treatment. Many people are shy and afraid of being injected. They are also afraid to be demanded to pay, even though it is free," explained Dzun, the Chairperson of West Nusa Tenggara Pharmacy Kamada when interviewed on Sunday (7/9/2018).

The D3 Pharmacy lecturer from Universitas Muhammadiyah Mataram (UMMat) admitted that there were many kinds of diseases found there, including skin diseases, respiratory infections (Ispa), cold and cough, but the most common one was hypertension syndrome. This was because of the shock they got from the earthquake, so that their tension rose.

Dzun explained that there were around 200 Pharmacy alumni in NTB who joined Kamada. "Our routine activities are alumni meetings, seminars, social actions such as for natural disasters, or things that have something to do with pharmaceutical field," he said.

Aksi Relawan Alumni UAD di Lombok


Selain mahasiswa Universitas Ahmad Dahlan (UAD) aktif, relawan gempa NTB juga berasal dari alumni. Selain inisiasi sendiri, alumni ini bergerak bersama organisasi yang didirikan. Salah satunya adalah Dzun Haryadi Ittiqo.

Dzun bersama alumni Farmasi UAD NTB menjadi relawan sebagai tim medis bagian obat-obatan. Mereka bekerja sama dengan dokter setempat.

“Kami keliling ke tempat pengungsian memberikan logistik. Logistik berupa sembako ini diberikan agar warga mau berobat. Hal ini kami lakukan karena warga takut berobat. Banyak warga malu-malu dan takut disuntik. Mereka juga takut bayar, padahal gratis,” terang Dzun, Ketua Kamada Farmasi Nusa Tenggara Barat saat ditemui Minggu (7/10/2018).

Dosen D3 Farmasi Universitas Muhammadiyah Mataram (UMMat) ini mengaku, banyak penyakit kulit, infeksi saluran pernapasan (Ispa), batuk pilek, tapi yang paling banyak adalah sindrom hipertensi. Ini karena kaget gempa sehingga tensinya menjadi naik.

Dzun menjelaskan, alumni Farmasi di NTB ada sekitar 200 yang tergabung dalam Kamada. “Kegiatan rutin kami yakni pertemuan alumni, seminar, aksi-aksi sosial seperti bencana alam, atau hal yang ada hubungannya dengan dunia farmasi,” tukasnya.

Earthquake Victims are still Traumatized, UAD Sends Volunteer Students and Basic Needs for their Recovery

There were a total of ten students from Faculty of Psychology of Universitas Ahmad Dahlan (UAD) who were sent to West Nusa Tenggara (NTB) to help earthquake victims with their recovery.


"This month, there were ten students who were sent to become volunteers. Next month, there will be another ten students for the next three months," explained the Rector of UAD, Dr. Kasiyarno., M.Hum., who was interviewed while visiting into the site of the  earthquake in NTB while handing out symbolic assistance to residents in Pohgading, East Lombok on Saturday (6/9/2018).


"The UAD students were sent to specifically help the earthquake victims to recover from their trauma. They were placed in several posts, including Command Post III Mlepah Sari, Dangiang Village, Mlepah Sari Hamlet in Kayangan Sub-district, North Lombok; Kampung Karya Village Post in Sajang Village in Sembalun Sub-district, East Lombok; Middle East Hamlet Command Post, Dangiang Village in Kayangan Sub-district; Jl. Lekok Raya-Bayan Command Post, Lekok Tenggara Village, Gondang Village,in Gangga Sub-district, North Lombok Regency; Lading-Lading Command Post, Tanjung, North Lombok Regency; Pohgading Command Post, Pringgabaya; and Lendang Luar Hamlet Command Post, Sembalun, East Lombok. "


In addition to sending students, UAD also provided 500 basic food packages, 500 packages of hygiene kits, and 500 packages of school kits.


The staff of the Institute for Research and Community Services (LPPM) added that UAD also provided temporary shelter (Huntara). It is planned that Huntara will be built right on the collapsed house of the residents. This is done for it to become a growing house.


"Meanwhile, we are surveying locations to find the right place," he explained later.


In addition to the Rector of UAD, on this occasion Vice Rector (Warek) I, Dr. Muchlas, M.T., Dr. Abdul Fadlil, M.T. Warek III, and the Head of the University Office, Dr. Hadi Suyono, S.Psi., M.Sc. also went to the location with LPPM staff and PR staff.



Universitas Ahmad Dahlan (UAD) signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organization (SEAMEO) Center for Early Childhood Care Education and Parenting (CECCEP). SEAMEO is an international organization intended to promote cooperation in the fields of education, science and culture in the Southeast Asian regions.

This cooperation agreement will be implemented in the Early Childhood Education Study Program (PGPAUD) of UAD, covering the fields of education, research and community service. Rector of UAD, Dr. Kasiyarno, M.Hum., described that this collaboration could improve the quality of PGPAUD graduates to be educators and professional parents.

In his speech, he expressed the importance of the cooperation between SEAMEO and UAD because UAD is a university that has a passion in education from an early age to university.

"Parenting education is currently a very urgent need. Many modern parents spend more time working. Therefore, the time with the children is limited, and they finally give the responsibility of taking care of the child to educational institutions and pramusiwi or a babysitter," he explained at the Islamic Center hall of UAD Campus 4 on Tuesday (10/16/2018).

For this reason, Kasiyarno shared his expectation that, in the future, cooperation with SEAMEO could generate innovations in the fields of education, related to children and parents. According to him, educating children did not only make them smart in terms of science, but they also had to have good moral and mental.

Meanwhile, Dr. Dwi Priyono, M.Ed., the Interim Center Director of SEAMEO CECCEP emphasized the role of central parents for the child development. "SEAMEO CECCEP has a commitment and concern for children. Children cannot be separated from parents, educational and social environments. Thus, we do research, studies, training, make learning media and various other things to support children development so they can become a quality generation. "

One of the impacts of this collaboration is that the lecturers of UAD PGPAUD can send their research or studies to SEAMEO CECCEP to be learning media. The media will be distributed to the community and can be training materials. Meanwhile, the lecturers involved can become international trainers to introduce the results of their research to countries in the ASEAN regions. (ard)

UAD Hosts Peksiminas in the Literature Competition


Universitas Ahmad Dahlan (UAD) is trusted to host the XIV National Student Art Week (Peksiminas) of 2018, which is held in Special Region of Yogyakarta (DIY). The branches of the competition include male and female poetry reading, poetry writing, short story writing, and play writing.

The total participants for male poetry reading were 30 and for female poetry reading were 31. Meanwhile, the participants for poetry writing were 32participants, 28 participants for short story writing, and 22 participants for play writing. The participants were students from various universities from various regions representing each province in Indonesia.

At the opening ceremony, Dr. Sumaryadi, M.Pd., the representative of the Indonesian Student Art Development Agency (BPSMI) DIY said that Peksiminas in DIY was held in several universities. "So there is collaboration and cooperation between various universities in DIY," he explained in the west hall of UAD campus 4 on Jln. Ringroad Selatan, Tamanan, Bantul, Yogyakarta on Wednesday (10/17/2018).

On the other hand, the Rector of UAD, Dr. Kasiyarno, M.Hum., expressed his gratitude and pride because UAD had been given the trust to host Peksiminas for the literature competition.

"Peksiminas is a place for students to prove their skills, potential, and interests. In terms of literary arts, we can see that the student interest is increasing. This can be seen from the increase in number of enthusiasts from outside literature-oriented study programs and faculties," he said.

According to him, the increase in student interest was considered positive since literature was very useful in developing students' emotions, mentality and thinking. The process of writing literary arts will bring good educational values. "For example, it will create champion-mental students who have mutual respect and appreciation for others."

In this XIV Peksiminas of 2018, UAD sent a representative on the poetry writing competition, Alfiandana Susilo Aji, from the Faculty of Literature, Culture and Communication (FSBK). (ard)

BEM of UAD Holds Kismis

Universitas Ahmad Dahlan (UAD) Student Executive Board (BEM), under the Ministry of Religious Affairs, routinely holds Thursday Afternoon Studies (Kismis). This study was first held on Thursday (11/10/2018), starting at 4:00 p.m. until just before Maghrib.

The first Kismis presented Ustaz Budi Jaya Putera as the speaker and was attended by 72 participants, including UAD students, lecturers, and employees. On this occasion, they discussed about how to become Islamic teenagers.

The activity, which is initiated by BEM, is in line UAD principle that upholds moral, intellectual and integrity values. Moral values ​​are important in educational institutions, such as UAD. The formation of moral values ​​among students can be done in various ways, one of which is through Kismis.

Budi explained that life without boundaries for teenagers causes moral damage to the extent that the moral damage is not realized and is considered normal. "Moral damage can be widespread if there are not any prevention efforts. There are a lot of teenagers who think that their youth is just to have fun and forget that what they are doing must have consequences."

According to him, the Islamic life of a teenager means having to be a superior teenage, that is a teenager who is creative, intelligent, confident, and has potential. Budi has a suggestion to be a superior teenager in the style of Islam.

Among them is that one must possess a clean faith, true worship, solid character, strong physical, broad insight, lust-fighting mentality, good time management, be organized in all matters, be economically independent, and beneficial to others.

This light but weighty material is beneficial for teenagers in the millennial era as it is now. In addition to the study, from this opportunity they also collected as much as 757,100 rupiah of infaq. (doc / ard)