
A Scholarship for Thailand Student Exchange Granted to A Student of Faculty of Public Health

In 2016 the Directorate General for Student Affairs at the Ministry of Research and Higher Education conducts credit transfer programs in cooperation with ASEAN countries, ASEAN plus three, and Asian Europe Meeting (ASEM) members. This is the strategic plan of the ministry. A credit transfer is a recognition of working and achievement unit at a higher education by another higher education.

In the program a qualification component is considered the same as another component and then combined with other components to achieve an academic degree for an individual. The aims of the program are improving students’ mobility abroad and enhancing cooperation among higher education institutions.

Yudha Puratmaja is a student at Faculty of Public Health (FKM) University of Ahmad Dahlan (UAD) Yogyakarta, who got the grant after a tight selection. For the coming semester he will be studying at Faculty of Public Health Khon Kaen University (KKU) Thailand. The scholarship is provided by the Indonesian Ministry of Research and Higher Education due to Februari 2017. The selection was carried out by the university and the ministry through administrative and interview mechanisms.

Yudha’s success of obtaining the grant marks a successive achievement of UAD in getting the grant. It was the first for FKM. It proves that the quality of FKM students improves an international level.

‘During his study abroad, he will attend lectures at KKU and the results will be transferred in FKM’s system.’ said Rosyidah, S.E., M.Kes., the dean of FKM, last Friday (21/10/2016)

She emphasized that Yudha will retain the SKS system at FKM UAD. ‘This program will give opportunities in learning abroad.’ she added.

Dekan FKM tersebut menegaskan, bahwa mahasiswa yang bersangkutan tidak akan kehilangan Sistem Kredit Semister (SKS) dalam perkuliahan di FKM UAD. “Justru program  ini menjadi pengalaman yang sangat berharga, karena bisa menimba ilmu di perguruan tinggi lain terutama di luar negeri, ” tukasnya.