
An Effort to Maintain Peacefulness through Books

Intellectual Property Rights Center (HKI) of Ahmad Dahlan University (UAD), in collaboration with the Regional Library and Archive Board (BPAD) DIY, held a book discussion on Merawat Perdamaian: Metode Sistem Peringatan Dini Konflik. This book is the fourth work of Dr. Hadi Suyono, S.Psi., M.Si., a lecturer of Psychology study program, UAD.

The event held on Thursday (18/1/2018) in the hall of Islamic Center at Campus 4, UAD on Jln. Ringroad Selatan, Tamanan, Banguntapan, Bantul, presented three reviewers, including Intelligence Deputy Director of DIY, AKBP Suswanto, SIK., M.Si.; the Head of National Unity and Politics DIY, Agung Supriyanto; and a lecturer of FIB UGM, Prof. Dr. Syamsul Hadi, S.U., M.A.

The head of BPAD, represented by Drs. Bambang Budi Sulistyo, M.M., in his opening speech at the opening of the event emphasized the importance of increasing reading interest and making it a habit or culture. However, the books that are read must also have a good quality, such as the one written by Hadi Suyono.

"From reading, a masterpiece may be created. This book review is the first one conducted by BPAD in 2018. Hopefully this book is not only in reviewed on campus, but also in village libraries which are prone to conflicts," he explained.

Meanwhile, the Head of UAD Research and Development Institute, Dr. Widodo, M.Si., who represented the rector, expressed his expectation for UAD lecturers to more actively write quality books. The books written can be based on both thesis and dissertation.

"We deeply appreciate the publication of this book. Hopefully, the book Merawat Perdamaian is useful and can be an early warning system for the problems that exist in Indonesia."

Meanwhile, the three reviewers conveyed similar ideas on the importance of preventive action for a conflict not to become worse. Conflict management is urgently needed in Indonesia where people with various differences live together. (ard)