An Organization for Advancement

‘Being advanced means being able to anticipate future global issues and respond them correctly.’ said Dr. Rahmawati Husein, Ph.D. as she was presenting an article on challenges for modern women at national and global levels.

Rahmawati Husein is one of two national presenters at National Leader Meeting at 13rd Nasyiyatul Zisyiyah (NA) congress in Yogyakarta. She is a former NA general secretary and currently she is a deputy of disaster relief board central board of Muhammadiyah 2015-2020.

She said that a member of NA should be well informed and aware of task as well as knowledge to respond national and global challenges. The member should also make use of innovation and technology in proselytizing besides having strong characters, religious values and humanity.

‘The most important thing, NA organization is a means for advancement.’ She said. The event, which took place at Hall of Islamic Center University of Ahmad Dahlan (UAD) on South Ringroad, Banguntapan, Bantul, on Thursday (25/08/2016), also presented Prof. Dr. H.M. Amien Rais, M.A. as the second speaker with Aryati Dina Puspitasari, M.Pd. as the moderator. (AKN)