As Cancer Patients High, Researches on It Improve

The high cancer incidents and prevalence encourage researchers to carry out more researches on anticancer and then present them in seminars. Darmais hospital, which mostly serves patients with cancer problems, provides more information on cancer and its treatment. For that reason Pharmacy department of University of Ahmad Dahlan invited Dr. Rikza Andalucia, MARS., M.Pharm., Apt. to present cancer and anticancer medicine at a General Stadium for 2016/2017 academic year.

The Gereal Stadium was held last Saturday (27/08/2016) at Auditorium D Campus III UAD on Prof. Dr. Soepomo, S.H. street, Janturan, Warungboto, Umbulharjo, Yogyakarta.

The event was atended by the post graduate students amounting 104 students included the 42 new students. The dean of the department, Dr. Dyah Aryani Perwitasari, M.Si. Ph.D., Apt. in her opening speech emphasized the need for individual treatment for cancer patient. Through the seminar cancer treatments were introduced to the students.

According to the director of post graduate program Prof. Dr. Achmad Mursyidi, M.Sc., Apt. cooperation among institutions is needed to implement the knowledge.

The next agenda is designing the curriculum as the result of Dr. Rikza’s input from Dharmais Hospital, where the post graduate students carry out their field study during their second semester. The Event was managed by the head of post graduade Pharmacy Department Dr. Laela Hayu Nurani, M.Si., Apt. the description of S1, S2, and Professional programs was described especially on the level of cancer treatment.

‘Additional program is given to the post graduate students on observing and monitoring cancer medicine,’ said Dyah.