
Breaking a Record, FKIP of UAD Releases 769 Graduates

The Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (FKIP) of Universitas Ahmad Dahlan (UAD) graduated 769 students at the graduation period of November 2018. It is the biggest number of graduates ever released since the faculty was established. On the release that took place at Grand Daffam Rohan Hotel on Thursday (22-11-2018), the graduates were given briefing to become excellent teachers in the era of industrial revolution of 4.0.

On this occasion, Dr. Trikinasih Handayani, M.Sc. as the Dean of FKIP said that graduates of the education study program from UAD needed to be professional teachers. "Being a teacher, they must have integrity and professionalism. We hope that FKIP graduates will also continue to study S2 (master program) and become lecturers."

In line with Trikinasih, UAD Rector, Dr. Kasiyarno, M. Hum. also shared his expectation for FKIP graduates to have a high motivation and become professional educators. "Those who will become teachers must continue their studies with PPG. Teachers must now have a certificate, especially, in the current era of industrial revolution of 4.0."

Kasiyarno who was accompanied by Vice Rector I, Dr. Muchlas, M.T., and Vice Rector IV, Prof. Dr. Sarbiran, M.Ed., Ph.D., added that in the current era of industrial revolution, everything can be learned by anyone because internet is easy to access. Life has been all connected with internet, including in the world of education. Prospective teachers must master technology, not be controlled by technology.

"Everything is digital in this era. The ability to master information technology is one of the soft skills that must be possessed," he said.

Meanwhile, Dr. Muhammad Rohmadi, M. Hum., the speaker at the FKIP graduation ceremony said that as a teacher in the industrial revolution era of 4.0, one needed to have many skills besides teaching. "A teacher will face millennial students with all the technological sophistication, that is, learning must also be more varied and in accordance with the current trend. This is a challenge that must be tackled by every prospective teacher." (Ard)