From Giant Mottled Eel to Unagi Is Like from Upstream to Downstream Industry


The above title is an analogy for the career of Dr. Agung Budiharjo, S.Si., M.Si. – a biology lecturer at University of Sebelas Maret (UNS). He said that as he was asked to present his success in combining science and business in a public lecture by Department of Biology, Science and Mathematics Faculty (FKIP), University of Ahmad Dahlan (UAD) Yogyakarta.

The event took place at Islamic Center Hall on Friday (11/3/2016). About 300 participants were enthusiastic asking questions in the discussion with the theme, ‘The Implementation of Bioscience in Fish Cultivation Entrepreneurship.

Many things have been run in his business including giant mottled eels, Betta fish, sea weed, teabag, etc. The businessman and owner of a Japanese restaurant in Solo said that it took ten years develop his business and researches before his success.

Agung said, ‘To be successful a man should do something different. For him working can mean producing things and making money. The former suggests that working is an obligatory. A man should be able to change weaknesses into strength. This can be done by research and development. This will result in effective development, right and systematic strategies.

Meanwhile, his fish cultivation industry has reached international market. His products are sent to France and Japan. The sale of unagi from giant mottled eels has reached billions within a year.

Agung added that business opportunities are still open among others businesses related to high valued things and necessary goods. Becoming a pioneer is more important than a follower.

‘Make buyers find us and not the reverse. This can be done through smart marketing,’ he added.

Agung further explained some smart marketing in the event. Firstly, be selective in taking in an event. Secondly, open opportunities at global market. Thirdly, offer products extraordinarily. And fourthly, create positive image or brand.

The reason of a giant mottled eel is chosen as a commodity is that it is marketable and highly valued. Besides the thing is abundant in Indonesia. It needs simple technology. It suits to be developed as business. Nevertheless business is related to luck.

Once his business made cooperation with an Islamic boarding school Qoryah Qoribah in Salatiga Central Java. He was also invited to Japan to be the only invited participant in a business conference. These things can motive the students to be creative and eager to carry out researches in relation to business.

‘Research becomes the keyword to overcome weaknesses in entrepreneurship. We have to be consistent and focus in doing anything,’ he said. (AKN)