Inauguration of 7 Commissariats Boards of IMM UAD

At Green Hall, Campus III Ahmad Dahlan University (UAD) on Jl. Dr. Soepomo, Umbulharjo, Yogyakarta, there were many female members (Immawati) and male members (Immawan) of Muhammadiyah College Student Association (IMM), both outgoing or candidates of the commissariats boards (PK).

The inauguration of PK IMM period 2016-2017 was conducted on Sunday (24/7/2016). There were 7 commissariats boards inaugurated by Nuzulul Purwandana, the chairman of IMM Branch Board of Djasman al-Kindi Yogyakarta period 2016-2017.

The commissariats boards (PK) of IMM were PK IMM of Economy, PK IMM of BPP (Counseling Guidance (BK), Elementary School Teacher Education (PGSD), Early Age Teacher Education (PGPAUD)), PK IMM of MIPA, PK IMM of JP MIPA, PK IMM of Public Health, PK IMM of Pharmacy, PK IMM of PB2 (Civic Education (PKn), English Education, and Indonesian Language and Literature Education), and PK IMM of FTI (Industrial Technology Faculty).

This inauguration had carried out from 08.00-15.00 at local time. It was also attended by each campus supervisors of IMM, lecturers, and Dr. Abdul Fadlil, M.T, the vice rector III of UAD. They gave their appreciation to the 7 new commissariats boards of IMM inauguration that was first performed simultaneously in UAD.

After the inauguration, there were Syawalan and panel discussion at 12.30 at local time. (AKN)