
Muhammadiyah Hasn’t Yet Paid Attention To Politic and Economy

For three days (17-19/06/2016) Council of Cadre Education, Board of Muhammadiyah Chiefs Chapter Yogyakarta Special Province (MPK PWM-DIY) held 1437 Hijriyah Proselytizing with the theme ‘Muhammadiyah’s Future: Strengthening Social, Political and Economic Roles.’

‘The MPK PWM-DIY proselytizing is the realization of present Muhammadiyah’s roles, which should be rooted on public policy central sector and improving economic independence,' sa’d Gita Danupranata, S.E., M.M. in his press release.

Furthermore, the Chief of Muhammadiyah chapter Yogyakarta also said that so far Muhammadiyah has contributed resources to build health sector for example hospitals and education from elementary level up to higher educational level since its early development far before the independence.

Besides that, Muhammadiyah has also contributed its competence cadres to become public leaders. Unfortunately, there are only few cadres becoming politicians and tycoons. This sacred month Ramadhan becomes a good moment to reflect Muhammadiyah’s point of view especially for Muhammadiyah’s Chiefs Chapter Yogyakarta on how to build the nation through politic and economic sectors. From the proselytizing, it is hoped that Muhammadiyah’s cadres will reset their point of view towards good politicians and economic tycoons.

Drs. Suyoto, M.Si., a regent of Bojonegoro, and Ir. Fuad Yahya a regent of Kebument spoke on the strategies and tactics to strengthen Muhammadiyah’s political role. Meanwhile Dr. Haedar Nashir, M.Si. general chief of Muhammadiyah presented the topic revitalization and regeneration of public leadership.

Meanwhile, Abdullah Yazid, M.A. the founder of Bituttamwil Muhammadiyah and the former Yogyakarta mayor Herry Zudianto, S.E., M.M. spoke about realization of Muhammadiyah’s economic independence movement. Furthermore, Prof. Bambang Setiaji, who is also rector of University of Muhammadiyah Surakarta (UMS) and Prof. Bambang Cipto rector of University of Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (UMY) spoke about contemporary political and economic strategies from academic perspective.

The proselytizing, which was held at Campus I Univesity of Ahmad Dahlan (UAD), was attended by all members of Board of Muhammadiyah Chiefs Chapter Yogyakarta Special Province (PDM DIY). The event, which took place for three days was accompanied by breaking the fast.