Persada UAD Carried Out “Gebyar Anak Sholih”


For the second time, Students of Boarding School of KH. Ahmad Dahlan (Persada), Ahmad Dahlan University (UAD) carried out “Gebyar Anak Sholih”, a religious competition for children on Sunday (19/6/2016)

The competition with several contest branches had started from 08.30 – 11.00 at local time. They were coloring, young propagators, calling to prayer (adzan), religious Quiz Contest (CCA), the movement and Incantation of prayers, daily prayer recitation, rote of short ayah, and fashion show.

This year competition was not quite different with previous one. The only difference was the name of the event. Previous name was “Festival anak Sholih” (FAS), while this year was “Gebyar Anak Sholih” (GAS).

The competition was carried out at campus IV UAD, South Ring-road Street, Banguntapan, Bantul, Yogyakarta Special Province. The contestants were from Students of TPA (Taman Pendidikan Al-Quran) around Persada, TPA where Persada students dedicate their religious knowledge.

Every year, during Ramadhan, UAD students and Persada students (santri) were obligated to have community service program with the debriefing from campus before. The community service program was an annual university program.

   Ferawati, S.S., S.Psi., M. Hum., the head of Persada community service said “Gebyar Anak Sholih competition is one of event series of Persada community service. The Persada students were taught to serve the community by teaching at TPA for their provision and experience to join Community Service Program (KKN) at university level and to live in real society.” (AKN)