Persada UAD Held Great Proselytizing To Commemorate Nuzulul Qur’an

Ramadhan 17th was the day when Al-Qur’an was first introduced to Prophet Muhammad if Hira cave. Muslims all over the world commemorate the day of Holy Qur’an every year.

The same thing was done at Religious Study of K.H. Ahmad Dahlan (Persada). As a center of Islamic study at University of Ahmad Dahlan (UAD), Persada continuously holds Islamic Proselytizing. Included in the activities are Islamic student competitions, Al-Qur’an Literacy Program (TPA) and Nuzulul Qur’an proselytizing, which was held last Tuesday (21/06/2016)

The event, which was accompanied by breaking fasting and giving alms to orphans lasted from 16.30-18.00 local time. This was continued by student competition entitled Gebyar Anak Sholeh (GAS) or obedient student show on Sunday (19/06/2016)

Thousands of participants attended Islamic Center Complex on South Ring Road, Tamanan, Banguntapan, Bantul to follow the Great Proselytizing. Speaking at the event were K.H. Anang Rikza Masyhadi, M.A and Am Sabarmen (Amin Poerba). Accompanying the speakers was the director of Persada Drs. Anhar Ansyari, M.Si.

‘Besides commemorating Nuzulul Qur’an, this proselytizing is the main event of a series of social service programs held by Persada. The output of the activities was exhibited in the GAS,’ said Anhar. Anhar also distributed traphy and sertificates for the nominated students at GAS (AKN)