Prosetylizer Comrade or Sahabat Dakwah of University of Ahmad Dahlan (UAD) Held A Film Apprecitation and Entepreneurship Training


The importance of following different kinds of training is considered necessary for all people especially university students. Through these activities they can get new experiences useful for their future the changing era.

Due to this fact, University of Ahmad Dahlan (UAD) conducts such activities through its student activity programs to provide the students with different experiences ranging from seminar, discussion trainings etc.

This time, through Sahabat Dakwah, UAD prepares the students with entrepreneurship training and film appreciation. The event took place on Monday (10/04/2016) at Sargede Hotel Pramuka Street, Umbulharjo, Yogyakarta, from 08.00-12.00 local time. As many as 150 students enthusiastically took part in the event.

As for the presenters were the producers of a short film entitled ‘Bicara Cinta’ or talking about love Niti Nurdaelan and Fuadh Naum.

Attending the event was a representative of Islamic Study Development Board (LPSI) Budi Jaya Putra. Acting as a moderator was a fourth semester student of Elementary Teacher Training Department (PGSD).

The presenters dealt with how to be entrepreneurs and how to create films containing Islamic proselytizer for the community.

The students enthusiastically followed the program by asking questions on the topics moreover about youth. (AKN)