
SBMPTM Officially Opens

Joint Selection of Muhammadiyah University Students (SBMPTM) is a joint selection of new students at Muhammadiyah universities (PTM) which is initiated by Muhammadiyah Higher Education Research and Development Council (Diktilitbang).

The implementation of SBMPTM is based on the spirit of togetherness to advance PTMs. The goal is for PTMs to get good student input as well as qualified graduates, so it can contribute to the welfare of the community and improve the good image of Muhammadiyah organization.

SBMPTM is held simultaneously in 12 PTMs throughout Indonesia by using Computer Based Test (CBT). There are two types of tests, i. e. test of academic ability (Tekad) and subject materials (biology, chemistry, physics, Indonesian language, as well as English). In this period, the study program that can be selected by prospective students is Medical Education. Other study programs will be available in the next period.

The PTMs involved in this program are Universitas Ahmad Dahlan (UAD) Yogyakarta, University of Muhammadiyah (UM) Jakarta, UM Makassar, UM Malang, UM Palembang, UM Prof. Dr. Hamka, UM Purwokerto, UM Semarang, UM North Sumatra, UM Surabaya, UM Surakarta, and UM Yogyakarta.

The SBMPTN online registration system facilitates prospective students to choose the PTM they want to get into. Prospective students simply register through sbmptm.id online portal and make payment through the nearest Bank Syariah Mandiri.

The implementation of the program is expected to be more flexible and efficient since it is a cross-region program. At the cost of 750,000 rupiah, each participant has the opportunity to choose Medical Education study program at three different PTMs and take the exam at the nearest location.

The inauguration of SBMPTM was held at PP Muhammadiyah Office at Jl. Menteng Raya No. 62 on Sunday (5/27/2018) by the Minister of Research, Technology and Higher Education, Prof. H. Mohamad Nasir, Ph.D., Ak., and the Chairman of PP Muhammadiyah, Dr. H. Haedar Nashir, M.Si.

This event was also attended by the Minister of Education and Culture of Republic of Indonesia, Prof. Dr. Muhajir Effendy, M.A.P., the Chairman of Diktilitbang of PP Muhammadiyah, Prof. H. Lincolin Arsyad, M.Sc., Ph.D., the Head of SBMPTM Central Committee, Dr. Ir. Gunawan Budiyanto, M.P., and the Director of Bank Syariah Mandiri, as well as PTM Leaders from all over Indonesia.

SBMPTM registration will officially open from May 28, 2018 to July 14, 2018. Candidates must meet the requirements, which are high school graduates majoring in science in 2016, 2017, or 2018, and must be 21 years old at most for Paket C graduates.

In addition, the participants must be healthy and not color blind. Furthermore, the implementation of the test is planned to be on July 22, 2018. The announcement of participants who pass the selection will be made on July 27, 2018. The participants who pass will need to take part in the next selection stage at the PTM they choose. (doc / ard)


The Schedule of SBMPTM 2018





Monday, May 28, 2018 to Saturday, July 14, 2018

SBMPTM Registration


Sunday, July 22, 2018

SBMPTM Test Implementation


Friday, July 27, 2018

Announcement of SBMPTM Result through Official Announcement (SK of Committee)


Friday, July 27, 2018

Participant who passes may download the notice stating that they passed


July 30, 2018 to August 4, 2018

Implementation of Stage 2 Selection