
UAD Appointed as a Model for Muhammadiyah Universities (PTM)

Educational visit is one of the programs often conducted by universities to share experiences in terms of campus management. In addition to strengthening good relations between universities, the main purpose of the visit is to study programs and systems that can improve the quality of the university itself. On Saturday (27/1/2018), Ahmad Dahlan University (UAD) received an educational visit from Muhammadiyah School of Economics (STIEM) Bandung.

Abin, S.E., M.M., a lecturer of STIEM, explained that the visit made to UAD was to study its management, especially in Management study program, Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB).

"Coming all the way from Bandung, we want to learn many things from UAD which is currently accredited A by BAN-PT. One thing that we want to explore is about the KKNI-based curriculum."

In addition, he and his colleagues wanted to have a discussion with other lecturers on advancing to get doctoral degree, as well as discussion with the students. Abin considered UAD as one of Muhammadiyah Universities (PTM) which can be a model for other universities to develop and improve their quality

The event was held at auditorium of Campus 1 UAD on Jln. Kapas 9, Semaki, Yogyakarta, and was also attended by representatives of FEB UAD lecturers and students. In his speech, Dr. Salamatun Assyadiah, M.Si., Dean of FEB, explained that educational visit was useful to share knowledge and maintain relations. On the other hand, she said that it would open up new references on university development. (ard)