
UAD Lecturer gave Entrepreneurship and Waste Processing Training

Sunday, (31/7/2016), grant team of IPTEK for Society (IbM) Ahmad Dahlan University (UAD) carried out community service activities at Gondang Legi and Kepuh villages. The head of this IbM program, Fatwa Tentama, S.Psi., M.Si. and his member ,Surahma Asti Mulasari, S.Si.,  M.Kes., gave several trainings such as entrepreneurship motivation, training on “Economic Benefit of Bioarang briquettes”, training of organic waste processing, training of non-organic waste processing into bioarang briquettes, organic liquid fertilizer and growing media, and training of bioarang briquettes, organic liquid fertilizer and growing media utilizations.

Before those trainings, there was handover of trash processing tools and machines such as trash thrasher, printing equipment of bioarang briquettes, briquette stove, composing composter drum, shovel, wooden stirrer, buckets, masks and others.

The opening ceremony of the program was attended not only by the proposing team, but also head of community service agencies (LPM) Ahmad Dahlan University (UAD), Isana Arum Primasari, S.T., M.T.. This ceremony was also attended by sub-district head of Ngemplak Sleman, head of Wedomartani village, Branch Board of Muhammadiyah, Regional Boards of Muhammadiyah, Hamlet Heads, local community leaders, as well as village residents of Gondang Legi and Kepuh.

Fatwa Tentama, the head of team said that these entrepreneurship trainings were aimed to give knowledge of entrepreneurship for the society to be realizing independent entrepreneurs.

Surahma Asti Mulasari said “the purpose of the program is to solve environmental pollution problems with community empowerment approach by waste processing in order to reduce waste and process it into commercial product for household and industrial needs.”

This program was followed by 30 cadres of the society who were very enthusiastic from the beginning to the end of the program. Next, there will be monitoring program to assist the participant in implementing the trainings.

In the future, the result of the program would be published in the International journal, proceeding of national seminar, guide book of “Technology of Processing Household Waste into Alternative Fuel, Bioarang Briquettes, Organic Fertilizer and Growing Media”, and Copyright works with intellectual property rights (HKI).