
UAD Serves Excellent Service for New Student Candidates

Every year, Ahmad Dahlan University (UAD) always provides good service to prospective students of UAD. The service is shown by providing the information required by prospective students who will register. They will be given easy information access.

"This year, UAD will maintain our services. If possible, we will keep improving our excellent service with smile, salaam, greetings, politeness, good manners, patience, and passion," said Dr. Kasiyarno, M.Hum. in front of student employment (SE) for New Student Admission (PMB) when opening PMB 2018 in the hall of Campus 1 on Tuesday, (2/1/2018).

In addition to providing good service during the admission of new students, the rector also appealed to UAD employees to provide good service when students have entered and become students at UAD.

There are 30 SEs that will serve PMB UAD 2018. "They have been trained to welcome new students. The SEs have been selected from several hundred students who registered. Those who are selected are equipped with training, such as speaking skills, knowledge about UAD, they are even trained and required to read the Qur'an.”

In addition to Campus 1, PMB registration is also going to open in Campus 4. As for now, UAD has 6 campuses, including: Campus 1 on Jl. Kapas 9, Semaki, Umbulharjo, Yogyakarta 55166; Campus 2 on Jl. Pramuka 42, Sidik, Umbulharjo, Yogyakarta 55161; Campus 3 on Jl. Prof. Dr. Soepomo, S.H., Janturan, Warungboto, Umbulharjo, Yogyakarta 55164; Campus 4 on Jl. Ringroad South, Yogyakarta; Campus 5 on Jln. Ki Ageng Pemanahan 19, Yogyakarta, and Campus 6 in Wates, Kulon Progo Regency, Special Region of Yogyakarta.

UAD has been institution accredited with A, and as much as 38% accreditations of the existing study programs are A, 62% other are accredited with B.