
UAD’s Two New Master Programs Open Student Admission

Post Graduate Program of University of Ahmad Dahlan (UAD) opens two new Master Programs i.e. Mathematics Education Master Program and Vocational Teacher Master Program.

‘The two programs like other Master Programs have opened student admission,’ said Prof. Dr. Achmad Mursyidi, M.Sc., Apt the director of Post Graduate Program as he was introducing the programs at Campus II Unit B last Tuesday (21/06/2016)

‘These two programs are to meet the demand,’ Mursyidi said. According to him the programs are badly needed for they are few such master programs in Yogyakarta.

Jumintono, the head of Vocational Master Program, said the same thing. This program focusses on field study to abridge academic environment to industrial need.

‘There are a lot of vocational school graduate, who become jobless. UAD wants to overcome this problem,’ Jumintono said.

Meanwhile UAD now has 7 Master Programs. They are S2 Pharmacy Master Program, S2 Information Technology Master Program, S2 Educational Management Master Program, S2 English Education Master Program, S2 Physics Education Master Program, S2 Psychological Profession Master Program and S2 Scientific Psychology Master Program.