
Visited by Anies, Freshmen are More Motivated

Who does not know Anies Baswedan? He is a famous figure who served as the Minister of Education.

Although Anies has often appeared on the screen, there are still many who do not have the opportunity to have a face-to-face meeting with him, including the students of Universitas Ahmad Dahlan (UAD). This time, UAD freshmen of the academic year of 2018 had an extraordinary opportunity, because Anies Baswedan was invited to meet them.

The arrival of Anies Baswedan is one of the encouragements for the new students. They seemed to pay attention to the speech delivered by the Governor of DKI.

Kurnia, one of the students who got a seat behind the stage, admitted that she was still happy and more excited by the presence of Anies Baswedan.

"If I meet him directly, I want to take a photo with him," said the student with the eyeglasses while blushing.

Unlike Cantika, this student from the Faculty of Education and Islamic Studies got a seat in front of the stage. Therefore, she could clearly see Anies Baswedan who was talking on stage. Cantika claimed to have never met Anies Baswedan before.

"I feel happy as well as shocked to be able to see Mr. Anies Baswedan clearly," she said when interviewed in Among Raga tribune on Monday (08/27/2018) Cantika also claimed to be more motivated and encouraged when she saw Mr. Anies on stage. (hrv)