Workshop at Working Conference of Proselytizing Body (Majlis Tabligh) Period 2015-2020


As the span of service of Proselytizing Body (Majlis Tabligh) of Regional Board of Chiefs of Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta’s Chapter (PWM DIY) has ended lately, an election for its new members was held together with working conference to guarantee the next five year service i.e. period 2015-2020.

            The event was conducted to prepare its new members to be able to arrange good work programs. In the agenda, the Proselytizing Body of PWM. DIY. made a cooperation with University of Ahmad Dahlan (UAD) due to the fact that UAD is Muhammadiyah’s charity (AUM).

More than 100 participants took part in the event, which was held at Hall of  UAD’s Islamic Center, on South Ringroad, Banguntapan, Bantul on Saturday (19/03/2016) starting from 09.00 to 12.30 local time.

The the committee of the workshop with the theme ‘The Implementationof Mosque-Based Community Proselytizer’ invited presenters such as AM. Jazir ASP. (Humanist), Dr. H. Tafsir, M.Ag. (Chief of PWM Central Java Chapter), Rusydi Umar, Ph.D. (Deputy Chief of MPI PWM DIY), and Dr. Istiana Hermawati (BBPPKS DIY).

The four presenters discussed different topics. AM Jazir ASP discussed ‘Mosque Potentials for Community,’ while Dr. H. Tafsir, M.Ag. talked about ‘Proselytizer for Street Community.’

Furthermore Rusydi Umar, Ph.D. explained in detail the Information Technology support for Community Proselytizer. And the last but not leat Dr. Istiana Hermawati analyzed ‘Social Condition in Indonesia especially in Yogyakarta’. (AKN)

Selanjutnya, Rusydi Umar, Ph.D. menerangkan tentang “Dukungan IT dalam Pelaksanaan Dakwah Komunitas”, dan yang terakhir Dr. Istiana Hermawati menjabarkan “Kondisi Sosial di Indonesia terutama DIY”. (AKN)