International Participants Take Part in ICW Telkomnika UAD 2018
Telkomnika Conference and Workshop of Universitas Ahmad Dahlan (UAD) 2018 was attended by 220 participants from 19 countries. The event, which was held at the Royal Ambarrukmo Hotel (18-20/9/2018), presented four main speakers, namely Dr. Ing Ilham Akbar Habibie, Prof. Dr. Daniel Thalmann, Prof. Dr. Nadia Magnenat Thalmann, and Prof. Dr. Er meng Joo.
Dr. Tole Sutikno, Ph.D., the Head of The Institute for Research and Scientific Publications (LPPI) UAD explained that only quality papers were selected to be discussed at The 1st ICW Telkomnika 2018.
"This event is not just a conference, but also a workshop. There are a number of experts who are invited to become mentors. In addition to that, there is also an exhibition of students’ works in the field of technology," he added.
The 19 countries that took part in the event included Algeria, Australia, Egypt, India, Indonesia, Iraq, Italy, Japan, Malaysia, Mexico, Morocco, Oman, Pakistan, Taiwan, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Britain, The United States of America and Vietnam.
Another objective of the activity is to establish cooperation among participants, starting from professionals, scholars, researchers, and business people, so that they can hold conferences and workshops in the future. This conference is also to bring researchers closer to experts from various countries.
On the other hand, Prof. Sarbiran Ph.D., Vice Rector IV of UAD, who opened the conference, said that this conference was expected to produce insight and good cooperation for the development of UAD. "We hope this conference will be able to contribute to all fields, not only for the development of UAD."
In line with Sarbiran, Ilham Akbar Habibie revealed four important things that the country and the world paid attention to in order to achieve maximum potential for the future. Among them were investing in human capital, investing in Science Technology, fostering and supporting innovation and entrepreneurship, and minimizing poverty.
"Innovation plays an important role in changing the world. So there are three pillars of innovation that must be understood. The first one is technology, second is talent, and third is tolerance," he said. (ard)