
Jabrohim (Is Not) Retiring

With a similar title with one of JabroIim's poems, Jabal Rahmah book was launched at the "Jabrohim (Is Not) Retiring" event on Wednesday (25/12/2017). The book launching, as well as the release of retired Drs. Jabrohim, M.M. as a lecturer of Indonesian Language and Literature Education (PBSI) of Ahmad Dahlan University (UAD) which was initiated by UAD Literature Alumni Community (KSA-UAD) led by Latief S. Nugraha, M.A., Fitri Merawati, M.A., and other alumni of PBSI UAD. Cooperating with Literature Appreciation Forum (FAS) of Institute of Arts Cultures and Sports PP Muhammadiyah (LSBO PP Muhammadiyah), Indonesian Poetics Society, and Cantrik Pustaka Publisher, this event was attended by 100 people, consisting of family, colleagues, writers, artists and alumni of UAD.

Jabrohim, in his opening speech, expressed that he was touched by the event. "This event is purely an initiative of alumni and students, I, as well as my family members who are invited as guests today are really thankful of everything," he said.

The launch of Jabal Rahmah book was marked by the handover of the book by Latief S. Nugara as the editor and Ilham Rabbani and Faijah Ida Fatmawati, S.Pd. as the executive team to Jabrohim. In addition, the event was also complemented with poetry musicalization performances by Jaringan Anak Bangsa (JAB) theater, poetry reading by Dita Yulia Paramitha, S.Pd. and Pamungkas Cahyo, as well as stand-up comedy by Salman WBS.

Latief S. Nugraha, in his speech, explained that the event was held solely for alumni and students to pay their respect to Jabrohim. "Initially, the name of the event was going to be 'Jabrohim (Is Not Allowed to) Retire', but then I must ask his family’s permission first to allow him not to retire," he joked. "Although he is retired as a civil servant, but he will not retire as an art enthusiast. Hence, the title of the event, 'Jabrohim (Is No) Retiring),"Latief explained.

In addition to the book release and the release of Jabrohim from UAD to PP Muhammadiyah, Prof. Dr. Suminto A. Sayuti and Dr. Tirto Suwondo, M.Hum. were also invited as literature workshop speakers. In the literature workshop, the two recalled past memories with Jabrohim while they were studying and struggling together. (dev)