
Learn from History to Rise

The Postgraduate Program of Ahmad Dahlan University (UAD) Yogyakarta organized a book review entitled “Arab, Ancient Time, and Islam: From Trade Capitalism to Religious Capitalism”. This book written by Suwarsono Muhammad was reviewed by two experts, Prof. Dr. Musa Asy'arie from UMS and Dr. Yoyo, M.A., from the Master Program of Islamic Education (PAI) of UAD. The event took place on Saturday (3/2/2018) in the west hall of Campus 4 UAD on Jln. Ringroad Selatan, Tamanan, Bantul. The moderator of the event was Dr. Abdul Choliq Hidayat, M.Si., a lecturer of Management Master Degree of UAD.

In general, the reviewed book contains the ups and downs of civilization from economic and political points of view. According to Suwarsono, the ups and downs of a civilization could be something to learn from for a nation to rise and to advance.

"It is important to learn from history. We can look at China and see that in the past 5 decades, they can already rise again.  Islam and Indonesia should also be able to do so, which is learning from history. "

On the other hand, Prof. Dr. Achmad Mursyidi, M.Sc., Apt., UAD Postgraduate Director, in his speech emphasized the importance of religion-based science. Synchronization of both will bring changes for individuals and communities to advance the nation.

On the same occasion, Dr. Kasiyarno, M.Hum., UAD Rector, expressed his regret on the lack of book review events at UAD.

"Book review event is still scarce, but this is very important. By having and reading books, we will be able to increase our knowledge and can generate critical ability to the surroundings in this disruption era," he explained.

Speaking of capitalism, Kasiyarno considered this concept to be strong enough to affect religious habits, especially in terms of culture. He stated his opinion on the many scholars who do not want to donate knowledge to others and do not care about the state of social inequality. Such people only think about their worship to God regardless of the society where they live in. (ard)