Mannequin Handover of Pharmacy Faculty UAD
Faculty of Pharmacy, Ahmad Dahlan University (UAD) made a new breakthroughs to improve the quality of the students by providing a digital mannequin for Rp850.000.000,00. The handover took place in the laboratory of Pharmacy Ahmad Dahlan University UAD.
The program was attended by Vice Rector II UAD, Drs. M. Nasir Safar, M.Sc., PT Java Medika Utama as a supplier, and some lecturers of the faculty of Pharmacy.
"With this equipment, students are expected to improve their skills in giving service to patients so that the Faculty of Pharmacy UAD can produce more qualified students," said Muhammad Muhlis, S.Si., Apt., Sp.Frs., a lecturer of Pharmacy UAD and the coordinator of mannequin procurement being interviewed in the PC laboratory of UAD on Tuesday (01/31/2017).
Faculty of Pharmacy UAD became the first university that use digital mannequin. This equipment is a modern props containing complete application for the simulation of drug delivery to the patients.
"Hopefully, S1 students and students of Profession program of Pharmacy UAD can perform simulation to implement the knowledge they got. So, after they graduated from UAD, they can become a skillful and qualified pharmacist," said Dean of Pharmacy, Dr. Dyah A Perwitasari, Apt., Ph.D.