
Minister of Health of RI Suggested that UAD Conduct Weekly Exercise


"We appreciate and thank Ahmad Dahlan University (UAD) for supporting the government program by registering all employees to BPJS. UAD also has several health affiliated faculties. However, what about the health of the lecturers and the students? "


This intriguing question was submitted by the Minister of Health of the Republic of Indonesia, Prof. Dr. dr. Nila Farid Moeloek, Sp.M. (K)., in the UAD rector's annual speech event which was held on Saturday (30/12/2017) at the Campus 1 auditorium on Jln. Kapas 9, Semaki, Yogyakarta.


According to her, health is a shared responsibility. She asserted there must be a concept of healthy paradigm in society for health to become a culture. In her scientific oration, Nila also invited all society elements to be aware of the importance of healthy lifestyle.


"I'm sure, UAD lecturers and employees rarely exercise because they have a lot of work. Just imagine, when you are sick, it’s hard for you to do anything. Try to do exercise, such as gymnastics, once a week for at least 4 minutes. Do the maumere dance or anything as long as you let your body moves. If necessary, Mr. Rector may stop the class and work for a moment," she joked.


She also advised, as one of the agents of change, students must participate in educating the community with knowledge about the existing health system. (ard)