Or From Texts to Letters: An Anthology of Indonesian Language Teaching.
Book Title: Dari Teks Hingga Karakter: Bunga Rampai Pembelajaran Bahasa Indonesia or From Texts to Letters: An Anthology of Indonesian Language Teaching.
Wrtiter: Sudaryanto, M.Pd.
Publisher: Samudra Biru, Yogyakarta
Edition: First Edition, November 2015
Number of Page: viii + 110 hlm.
ISBN: 978-602-9276-75-6
The edition of the book entitled Dari Teks Hingga Karakter: Bunga Rampai Pembelajaran Bahasa Indonesia or From Texts to Letters: An Anthology of Indonesian Language Teaching is desired by the presence of 2013 curriculum or also called K-13. The curriculum suggest that Indonesian language be presented in text genre and character building oriented. In other words, this book is insired by K-13, which focuses on texts.
The book consists of 10 chapters, each of them can be presented partially not successively from the beginning to the end. Chapter one entitles ‘Matahari yang Terlupakan: Pendidikan Karakter dalam Pembelajaran Bahasa dan Sastra di Sekolah’ or The Forgotten Sun: Character Building in Indonesian Language and literature Teaching at School (page 1-9) presents how character building was neglected like the Sun, which is forgotten despite its important existence for all.
In other chapter, the writer discusses ‘Sungguh-sungguh Terjadi’ (SST) or things really happen as a persuasive column for the teaching of character through Indonesian language at high schools SMA/MA (page 21). SST columns taken from the local paper Kedaulatan Rakyat are potentially persuasive to rouse others especially students. In other words, the columns are applicable for daily life.
At the end, the book is worth reading for teachers or lecturers as well as for students and public. Using clear successive and scientific language, the articles in the book promise new perspectives and knowledge for readers. So this book is once again worth reading. Happy Reading!