Photovoice Research Collaboration
Faculty of Psychology of Ahmad Dahlan University (UAD) Yogyakarta held a research collaboration on photovoice with the University of South Africa. This program is the implementation of the MoU involving both parties that has been going on for two years.
To introduce photovoice, a workshop was held with Prof. Mohamed Seedat and Prof. Shahnaaz Suffla who are experts on Community Psychology, University of South Africa as the speakers on Monday (2/4/2018).
The event that took place in the main courtroom of campus 1 UAD, on Jln. Kapas 9, Semaki, Yogyakarta was attended by lecturers and practitioners from various universities and institutions. Dr. Ahmad Muhammad Diponegoro, M.Ag., as the head of the research explained that this cooperation was aimed to strengthen the relationship between the two universities as well as to develop scientific knowledge.
On a separate occasion, Vice Rector IV, Prof. Sarbiran, M.Ed., Ph.D., explained that the cooperation between both parties can be extended into other fields.
"In order to develop the university, cooperation with various parties is needed to improve the quality of the university. We hope that the cooperation can be extended, not only on research, but also on the fields of community service and education," he explained.
As a result of the workshop, which was held on Friday (6/4/2018), the photovoice results from the participants, who were mostly women, were exhibited. (ard)