
Regular PPM Activities of FKM UAD in Bantul

Faculty of Public Health (FKM) of Universitas Ahmad Dahlan (UAD) organized a regular community service program (PPM) in Bantul District from February 17th to April 6th, 2018. The team implementing the program consisted of atas Ahmad Faizal Rangkuti, M.Kes., Musfirah, M.Kes., and Helfi Agustin, M.KM. It also involved Pimpinan Cabang Aisyiyah (PCA) of Banguntapan Utara.

This program is aimed at helping the realization of the vision of the Regional Government of Bantul Regency. The vision includes the realization of a healthy, intelligent, and prosperous society of Bantul which is in accordance with humanity values, nationalism, and religiosity in the unity of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia (NKRI). The implemented action done to realize the vision is improving the quality of human resources in terms of health, intelligence, skill, and noble personality.

The improvement if human resources capacity is directed to the cadres of Pimpinan Ranting Aisyiah (PRA) Baturetno 1, PRA Baturetno 2, dan PRA Banguntapan 4. The materials are focused on solving environmental health problems as measured by the improvement of knowledge, attitude and motivation to participate in the training. The goal is to encourage Aisyiyah cadres, as well as the people around, to realize clean and healthy village.

Many people have not realized the importance of maintaining environmental health. Therefore, there is still a lot of household waste, such as bottles, plastic waste, and fallen leaves which have not been recycled properly. The waste is sometimes left to accumulate and burn. Improper waste management can lead to the emergence of environmental-based diseases such as diarrhea, flyborne disease, leptospirosis, and dengue fever.

The Implementing Team of PPM FKM UAD provided education and training related to three main topics: first, the development of a healthy village towards healthy Bantul regency through 3R movement; second, the management of household organic waste towards healthy Bantul regency; and third, the recycling of inorganic plastic waste into creative craft products in realizing healthy household environment.

The real actions of Aisyiyah cadres could be seen through their participation in the training, including waste sorting and the utilization of painted bottles as containers for hydroponics with wicks method. They then proceeded to make compost from household organic waste and created wallets from plastic waste.

The respective PRA leaders asked UAD FKM team to provide regular and ongoing assistance in the recycling process of organic and inorganic wastes. Thus, they hope that there will be output that can stimulate the economic potential of Aisyiyah citizens and the general public. With this achievement, their economic independence will be accomplished, so that optimum environmental health and economic productivity can be achieved.

Warjilah, S.Pd., the Chairman of PCA Banguntapan Utara, expressed her gratitude to the team who gave their best efforts in providing education and training.
"We hope the mentoring activities will not stop with completion of Regular PPM activities, but followed by a sustainable partnership program to realize healthy Bantul regency." (Doc)