Revealing History through Literature


‘Literature is one of historical records. Historical events in Indonesia are well recorded in the form of literary works. The poems written by Rendra, Chairil Anwar, and novels written by Sutarji Coulztum Bahri are few examples of literary works containing historical records in Indonesia.’

It  was the first statement mentioned by Prof. Dr. Suminto A. Sayuti in his presentation at Literature Appreciation Forum (FAS) held by Indonesian Education Department (PBSI) at Faculty of Education and Teacher’s Training (FKIP) University of Ahmad Dahlan (UAD) Yogyakarta

The event was conducted by the department in cooperation with The Council of Art, Culture and Sports of Central Board of Muhammadiyah. It was held last Friday (12-10-2016) at Auditorium Campus II UAD on Pramuka street, Yogyakarta.

The Forum with Ilham Rabbani as the moderator took the theme ‘Being Acquainted with Literature.’ A series of agenda including the sale of poem anthology entitled A Stop at Year End written by Suminto A Sayuti were held. A number of PBSI lecturers attended the event. Some other literary writers such as Fitri Merawati, S.Pd, Drs. Jabrohim, M.M., and Wachid Eko Purwanto, S.Pd.

Astri Widia Nurni, one of participants, said that poets and novelists are capable of understanding events around them. This student of PBSI also added that the historical events are reflected in literature. The more one understands literature the more he becomes wise.

‘In fact, literary forums are beneficial for UAD students. It encourages the students to read and to write literary works in relation with historical events. This is because learning literature means learning life for language is a part of life.’ Said her. (As/AKN)