Students of PGSD UMJ Took Credit Transfer Program in PGSD UAD

Primary Teacher Education (PGSD) study program (Prodi) of Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (FKIP) Ahmad Dahlan University (UAD) just got a grant of Credit Transfer program through the Indonesian Open and Integrated Online Learning (PDITT) from the Directorate General for Education and Student Affairs (Belmawa), Ministry of Research and Technology (Kemristek) 2016. "In addition, PGSD UAD also received grants to develop e-learning courses. "Said Dr. Suparman, M. Si, D.EA (Vice Dean of FKIP UAD) in the briefing and releasing ceremony of 30 students of  PGSD FKIP UAD in Campus 4.Thursday (10/11/2016).

for the realization of the transfer credit program, PGSD FKIP UAD sent as many as 30 students to the University of Muhammadiyah Jakarta (UMJ) accompanied by the Vice Dean FKIP on Monday (11/14/2016). on the same day, PGSD UMJ sent 30 students to PGSD FKIP UAD accompanied by the head of PGSD UMJ, Sri Imawati, M. Pd. The group of students from PGSD UMJ was accepted by the Dean of FKIP, head of Study Program, the secretary of study program, lecturers, and representatives from HMPS PGSD FKIP on campus 5 UAD.

UMJ Students will attend a student exchange program for two months. They will take 2 subjects of research method and learning plan of the intended Prodi. They will also take the 9 subjects in which seven subjects use online system (e-learning) from their Prodi of origin.

Vice Rector 1 UAD, Dr. Muchlas, M.T expected this transfer credit program students can gain new experiences through lectures at other universities. In addition, students can learn from different culture in different University (PT), thus it will enrich students’ nationality. Muchlas also said that this program can foster empathy among students coming from different PT.


One of the students participating in the program credit transfer from UMJ said that the student exchange program can enrich students with new knowledge that has not been given in UMJ. " I am very glad that on the sidelines following the credit transfer program at UAD, I can share about the student program with the Student Association of Study Program (HMPS) PGSD FKIP UAD, "said the Chairman of the Student Association PGSD UMJ. (Doc)