- Title & Strata
- S.E. (Sarjana Ekonomi). – Sarjana (S1)
- Accreditation
- National Accreditation :
❯ Akreditasi B (BAN-PT)
Sk No: 003/SK/BAN-PT/Akred/S/I/2016 - Campus
- Campus 1
Jl. Kapas 9, Semaki, Umbulharjo, Yogyakarta 55166 - SK & Accreditation Certificate
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Admission Information
Universitas Ahmad Dahlan
Telp. (0274) 563515
Admission Hotline
S1 – 0853-8500-1960
S2 – 0878-3827-1960
The demand for accountants is getting higher along with the increasing business sector. Quality graduates are increasingly needed to win the competition in the future. The Accounting Study Program is one of the study programs that strives to meet the needs and developments of the era. This is reflected by the development of a competency-based accounting curriculum that emphasizes financial accounting, public sector accounting, Islamic accounting, and entrepreneurship. The Accounting study program was officially established in 1999. Graduates of the study program will hold a Bachelor of Economics (SE) degree.
To become an excellent accounting study program in the field of accounting with a global outlook, and is based on Islamic values in 2025.
- To produce graduates who have competences in accounting: accounting entrepreneurship, public sector, and Islamic accounting
- To carry out research and development as a form of accounting knowledge application for industry and the government
- To organize community service in order to foster and empower the people
- To establish cooperation to improve the competitiveness of accounting study program with a global outlook
- To improve the understanding of Islam as a foundation for the development of science and academic life
General Objectives
- To produce graduates who have competences in accounting: professional accounting entrepreneurship, public sector, and Islamic accounting
- To carry out research and development as a form of accounting knowledge application for industry and the government
- To organize community service in order to foster and empower the people
- To establish cooperation to improve the competitiveness of accounting study program with a global outlook
- To improve the understanding of Islam as a foundation for the development of science and academic life
Specific Objectives
- To produce graduates with a GPA of above 3.00
- To produce graduates with a minimum TOEFL score of 400
- To encourage lecturers to conduct research and community service at least once a year
- To maintain the average study period of four years
- To have an average waiting period for graduates to get a job less than 6 months
- To have lecturer performance index of above 3.00
- To get at least two lecturers per year to continue their studies
- To have lecturers with a minimum TOEFL score of 500
- To encourage lecturers to publish their research results in national and international publication at least once a year
- To have at least one national and international cooperation per year
Graduate Prospect
Job prospects for accounting graduates are wide open both in private companies, BUMN / BUMD, public accounting firms (as independent auditors, financial and management consultants, tax consultants, information systems designers), internal accountants (BUMN / BUMD, multinational companies), government accountants (government auditors), lecturers, entrepreneurs, government agencies and others.
Main Competences
- Cognitive (Knowledge)
The ability to understand and apply knowledge on financial accounting, management control systems, accounting checks, public sector accounting, taxation, Islamic accounting, and entrepreneurship to analyze and solve problems in the business and non-business fields and communicate them properly and correctly
- Psychomotor (Skills)
The ability to read, compile, analyze, and interpret financial statements for both business and non-business institutions for decision making; the ability to make reports on the cost of production and analyze costs; the ability to design control structures and carry out management control processes; the ability to calculate and report tax for both individuals and institutions; and the ability to plan and carry out entrepreneurial activities
- Affective (Attitude)
Having the character and personality as academic and social being who is ethical and upholds Islamic values and is able to face future challenges in a dynamic global environment
Supporting Competences
Having the ability to communicate orally and in writing using national and or international languages properly and correctly, having skills in obtaining and utilizing both primary and secondary information, having skills in processing and presenting data, including in using multimedia based on information technology, and having the ability to do the accounting process using information technology assistance
Specific Competences
Graduates have an understanding of the basics of database and html programming
The study program has 23 lecturers with master’s degree from domestic and foreign universities. One of them holds a doctorate, and six of them are currently pursuing doctoral studies. Lecturers of the study program have a number of fields of expertise, including taxation, financial accounting, public sector accounting, management accounting, Islamic accounting, information systems, auditing, behavioral accounting, and entrepreneurship.
Supporting facilities
Lectures are supported by a number of facilities such as LCD lecture halls and audio-visual facility, library, mosque, cooperative, canteen, parking area, sports field, polyclinic, pharmacy, student boarding school, and Wi Fi areas. In addition, laboratories and mini banks are also available. The laboratory as a place for students to practice data processing, is equipped with 44 units of computers, air conditioners, and LCD.
More information about the Accounting Study Program through the website below.
Universitas Ahmad Dahlan has twelve faculties. Each faculty consists of several study programs that specifically study their respective fields of science.