- Title & Strata
- S.E. (Sarjana Ekonomi). – Sarjana (S1)
- Accreditation
- National Accreditation :
❯ Akreditasi B (BAN-PT)
SK BAN PT Nomor 7845/SK/BAN-PT/Akred/S/XII/2020 - Campus
- Campus 1
Jl. Kapas 9, Semaki, Umbulharjo, Yogyakarta 55166 - SK & Certificate of Accreditation
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Admission Information
Universitas Ahmad Dahlan
Telp. (0274) 563515
Admission Hotline
S1 – 0853-8500-1960
S2 – 0878-3827-1960
In the era of globalization, there is an increasing need in the existence of managerial personnel who are professional, broad-minded, and always ready for changes. The Management study program equips students with a variety of knowledge that creates independence, broad insight, the ability to make quick and correct decisions, business ethics, and the provision of a strong Islamic religion (IMTAQ) instilment. The Management study program was officially established in 1997. The Management study program has four specializations, namely marketing management, human resource management, financial management, and operational management. The graduates will obtain a Bachelor of Economics (S.E.) degree.
To become a Study Program that is recognized within the Southeast Asia and is integrated by Islamic values by 2025
The meaning of the vision of the study program which is being in Southeast Asia and is integrated with Islamic values:
- The academic achievements of students and lecturers that are recognized nationally and internationally
- Joint research and lecturer exchange and student achievements in the form of publications, textbooks, copyright and Scopus journals
- The participation of students and lecturers in international forums
- Implementation of Islamic and Kemuhammadiyahan values both for lecturers, education staff and students
- To organize education and teaching supported by information technology
- To carry out research for academicians that is supported by science and technology
- To carry out community service to support progress for the community
- To increase understanding and practice of Islamic values as a foundation for the development of science and academic life
- To establish cooperation with industry, universities, and government both nationally and internationally that is relevant to the development of study program
- To produce Bachelor of Economics graduates who master the fields of management and business and are able to apply them professionally
- To produce quality research and community service
- To shape Islamic character to the entire academic community
- To establish cooperation with other institutions, both government, private and other institutions that are relevant to the development of study program
Graduates Prospect
Managers, financial analysts, consultants, entrepreneurs, lecturers, civil servants and others
Main Competences
1. Cognitive (Knowledge)
Having knowledge and managerial skills in the field of financial management, marketing management, human resource management and operational management so as to be able to make optimum contributions in the development of management and business sciences as an effort to improve public welfare.
2. Psychomotor (Skills)
Able to understand, analyze and make decisions in the fields of management and business so that one has a competitive and adaptive advantage to the development of science and technology; able to apply analytical techniques in management to critically analyze various management and business issues; and able to communicate and transform expertise in management through various forums both among academicians and to the wider community
3. Affective (Attitude)
Having professionalism in the fields of management and business in an Islamic manner, and having integrity as a quality scientist with entrepreneurial spirit who is independent and innovative
Supporting Competences
Having the ability to communicate orally and in writing using national and or international languages properly and correctly; having skills in collecting and analyzing both primary and secondary information; having skills in processing and analyzing data and making managerial decisions based on information technology; and having the ability to resolve problems in an organization so as to produce an efficient and effective organizational performance
Specific Competences
Graduates have the ability to manage risk, taxation and computer applications in management and business.
The study program provides 12 lecturers with a master’s degree from domestic universities, 4 of whom are currently pursuing doctoral degree. The lecturers have a number of areas of expertise, such as financial, marketing, human resource, and operational management.
Supporting facilities
Lectures are supported by a number of facilities such as lecture rooms with LCD and audio visual, library, mosque, cooperative, canteen, parking space, sports field, polyclinic, pharmacy, student boarding school, and Wi Fi areas. In addition, there is a laboratory and a stock exchange corner. The laboratory as a place for students to practice data processing, is equipped with 40 units of computers, air conditioners, and LCDs. In the stock exchange corner, students can conduct transactions in the capital market, as well as obtain financial data for research.
More information about the Management Study Program through the website below.
Universitas Ahmad Dahlan has twelve faculties. Each faculty consists of several study programs that specifically study their respective fields of science.