- Title & Strata
- S.T. (Sarjana Teknik). – Sarjana (S1)
- Accreditation
- National Accreditation :
❯ Akreditasi B (BAN-PT)
Sk No: 1706/SK/BAN-PT/Akred/S/VII/2018 - Campus
- Main Campus
Jalan Ahmad Yani (Ringroad Selatan) Tamanan Banguntapan Bantul Yogyakarta 55166 - SK & Accreditation Certificate
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PMB Information
Ahmad Dahlan University
Telp. (0274) 563515
Hotline PMB
S1 – 0853-8500-1960
S2 – 0878-3827-1960
The economic development and globalization affect the development of industry, in its development, improvement, implementation, and evaluation. The Industrial Engineering study program is present to contribute to industrial development by producing graduates who are competent in the fields related to industrial development, improvement, implementation, and evaluation. The Industrial Engineering study program was established on December 19, 1994. Graduates of the study program will hold a Bachelor of Engineering (S.T.) degree.
To become an Industrial Engineering Study Program based on Islam values that is known among ASEAN countries and can produce graduates with an entrepreneurial spirit
- To organize educational programs that produce Islamic-based Industrial Engineering graduates with entrepreneurial spirit
- To conduct research and activities that encourage scientific publications by involving foreign researchers
- To implement research results through community service programs to contribute to the development of regional MSMEs
- To develop resources in a sustainable manner
- To carry out cooperation programs in the ASEAN region
- To produce graduates of Industrial Engineering study program who can design and develop industrial systems by integrating production factors, such as people, machines, materials, equipment and energy, are Islamic and have entrepreneurial spirit known at ASEAN level
- To produce research and publications involving foreign researchers
- To produce regional-level UMKMs
- To increase the availability of resources to support the teaching and learning process
- To achieve ongoing cooperation at ASEAN level
Graduate Prospects
Job prospects for industrial engineering graduates are working in the fields of production/ manufacturing, industrial quality assurance, marketing, logistics, human resource management, etc.
Main Competences
1. Cognitive (Knowledge)
Having knowledge and abilities in the field of integral systems so as to be able to provide optimum contributions in the development of science and business as an effort to improve people’s welfare
2. Psychomotor (Skills)
- Able to identify, formulate, and solve design problems and integral system repairs and able to implement the results of problem solving
- Able to adapt to new analytical techniques and tools needed in carrying out the practice of industrial-technical professions
- Able to communicate and work together effectively
3. Affective (Attitude)
- Having a personality as a professional in the field of industrial engineering and understanding and being aware of professional responsibilities, ethics, Islamic values, and global outlook.
- Having integrity as a quality scientist who have entrepreneurial spirit and are independent and innovative
Supporting Competences
- Having the ability to communicate orally and in writing using national and or international languages properly and correctly
- Having skills in gathering and analysing information in problem solving
- Having the ability to solve problems in the industry
Specific Competences
Graduates have abilities in integral systems and are able to solve problems
Lecturers are grouped into four competence groups according to their respective fields of interest. The competences are the fields of Optimization and Simulation, Management and Decision Making, Production Systems, APK and Ergonomics.
Supporting Facilities
The Industrial Engineering Laboratories are located at two places:
a. Production system workshop at unit D building of campus 3 UAD
b. APK and ergonomics laboratory, computer laboratory, Optimization, statistics, simulation, product design at integrated laboratories building.
One of the best laboratories is Product Design. Because of the solid works software support as the media, a lot of product designs have produced by the students both as final projects and product design competitions. The trainings of product design have also done and were participated by participants from UAD and other institutions. The study program has one lecturer and three assistants who are internationally certified and have rights to be solid works trainers.
More information about Ahmad Dahlan University Industrial Engineering Study Program through the website below.
Ahmad Dahlan University has twelve faculties. Each faculty consists of several study programs that specifically study their respective fields of science.